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Messages - LarryB!

Pages: 1 ... 100 101 [102]
Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 17, 2022, 08:55:30 PM »
Rick Caruso can still serve the City of Los Angeles, Mayor Karen Bass can make him her assistant on the issue of housing for the homeless, while Mayor Bass works on all of the other issues pertaining to running the City then she can sign on Rick Caruso to deal solely with the issue of building housing for the homeless. Rick Caruso can be the Chief of Housing for the Homeless for Mayor Bass. She can sign Rick Caruso on and she can make him her assistant.


Tony V.

He did not spend ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to be an assistant.

He could have spent that money on the homeless

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 17, 2022, 04:32:32 PM »
Almost feel bad for Kevin McCarthy for he is gonna get the shit kicked out of him from the right

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 17, 2022, 02:29:09 PM »
News Item

GOP wins control of US House.

Biden is lame duck.
Trump is a non issue going forward.


Biden policies come on line in 2023

Try stopping or taking away these popular policies

Like forgiving student debt? 


I am sure the GOP will be rewarded mightily for fighting that.

Will,work out as well as trying to kill Obamacare

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 17, 2022, 10:46:57 AM »
GOP getting one of the slimmest majorities in history, in a midterm, and then possibly losing another Senate seat, and also flipping three governor seats is not the great mandate they were hoping for.  I do not think lame duck means what Ward think it means.
Yes it does.
Even if Biden adopts a Bill Clinton attitude his leftist agenda is dead.

No. It doesn

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 16, 2022, 10:23:42 PM »
That is a great thing about Battle Mountain, Nevada, is that there are no natural disasters there, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, and the land is only $1,000 per acre. The only thing, Battle Mountain is cold in the winter and it snows in the winter. And gambling is legal in Nevada, so they can have fun and gamble, etc, Nevada is a fun state.


Tony V.

I only like looking at snow...'winter wonderlands' in movies, in Youtube videos.
Beautiful to look at. Also wonderful in America are the beautiful autumn leaves as the trees turn a rainbow of colours.
There sure are some pretty towns.

Living in snow is not for me. You shovel all the snow off your driveway, go to bed, wake in the morning and there's 3ft of snow back on the driveway.

The USA is nice if you have good schools and trade.

We need to make our people wise, and then give them trade.

Like the Business School at Pepperdine.

And the coal miners in Kentucky need great schools.


Tony V.

Rick Caruso outspent Karen Bass 11-1

Biden Administration / Re: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
« on: November 16, 2022, 10:20:29 PM »
Ukrainian air defense missile went off course.  Waiting for facts is good.

NATO pins the blame, correctly, on Russia, and will pledge more support to Ukraine.
Zelensky flat out lied about the misleading ( and still does) since it came from Ukraine.
But of course  Biden the gullible is sending another 37 billion of our bowered money to rhe Ukrainian money pit.

Meanwhile we learn that FTX is the financial arm of the democrat party whose candidates lapped up  the money from  American investors  to prop up the biggest fraud since Enron?  Oh and guess what?  FTX apparently sent millions of defrauded dollars to, wait for it, Ukraine.!  How much was funneled back to the 2022 democrat candidates?
Audit anyone?

Conspiracy theory du jour

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 16, 2022, 10:18:18 PM »
News Item

GOP wins control of US House.

Biden is lame duck.
Trump is a non issue going forward.


Biden policies come on line in 2023

Try stopping or taking away these popular policies

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 09, 2022, 09:37:03 PM »
Got two words for any Democrats looking for a model of how to beat back maga weirdness:

Abigail Spanberger

Moderation, pragmatism, active engagement with your constituents.

And it probably helped that her bizarro opponent seemed to believe that rape victims can't get pregnant. 

Also nice to see the bouncer toss the Oz lizard.  And generally seeing Trump's kingmaker touch erode.

The average seat reclamation by the opposing party, in House, is 29 in a midterm.  Now looks like the GOP will barely get single digits.  Not a miracle (which might have caused Yankguy to swoon) but points to the revulsion of Independents and moderates for the MAGA extremists.

Florida?  Yep, voter suppression and fear mongering works!  That's why they do it, folks.

OC, correct me if I am wrong, but wasnt the FLA Gov race a contest between
two Republicans?
Calling FLA red for the next millennium seems a little hasty, No?

Charlie Crist is a Democrat.  Changed parties a few years ago.

When the choice for voters is GOP or GOP Lite they always choose the real thing.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 06, 2022, 05:08:57 PM »
]quote author=facilitatorn link=topic=179.msg220370#msg220370 date=1667761245]


Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 05, 2022, 01:01:36 PM »
Strange advice from someone whose country was populated by
Riff-raff for over a hundred years.

Not so.
That was then, this is now.

Riff raff = disreputable or undesirable people.
What is to be gained by accepting them as immigrants?
You might think there's some benefit in doing so...I don't.
Illegal immigrants can be anyone...terrorists, violent gangbangers, killers, rapists, thugs capable of bashing politicians and their families, drug carteliers etc etc etc.
What about some reputable families or single people from reputable familes who can prove they would be an asset to the country and not a burden?

Every post from bambu reminds me of Destroyer by the Kinks.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: October 29, 2022, 02:12:35 PM »
Sorry left out forum does have tech issues. Connection between crime rates and open borders. How ironic that Mr. Pelosi was assailed by an illegal entrant. Not much in the press.


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