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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 305 306 [307] 308 309 ... 331
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 27, 2019, 08:31:10 AM »
We have the money to help the homeless, for the last decade Californians have allocated a lot of funding to help the homeless, along with federal funding, etc. The money needs to go into action. A lot of good things are happening, and many more good things will happen.

And we seriously need to fix our trade deals. If they want us to buy their stuff, then they need to buy our stuff, our people need good honest jobs. It is very important that we balance trade.

We need to get the homeless people clean, sober, housed, fed, and then get them employed.

And there is no need to let the mentally ill people walk around suffering out there on the streets, we need to get them medicated and housed with good food etc.

There is a lot that we can do, and the money is there.

I know a lady who went to Washington DC and got money to help the mentally ill people in Orange County, the money is there. And the voters have been supporting programs to help the homeless for the last decade. The money is there.

Now we need redevelopment money to redevelop areas hard hit by job losses, etc, and we need to give out low interest business loans, etc. We need to breath life back into the USA.

Also, we can do public works projects such as building high speed trains, and also building new water systems where needed, etc, and we can create some jobs that way.

There is a lot that we can do. And remember, we are a wealthy nation, we need to come from a place of abundance and prosperity.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 27, 2019, 07:18:40 AM »
There are not enough toilets on 'skid row' in LA.
Residents have to urinate and defecate into buckets then empty the contents into the street.
The city should be doing better.

Skid Row is worse than anything you can imagine. My Great Grandfather was an alcoholic and he died on Skid Row in Los Angeles. He was once the Chief of Police in Denver, Colorado.

People on Skid Row sit there in their own piss and shit, and covered in their own vomit, and when the police go on patrol in the morning the cops find dead bodies lying on the sidewalks, the people die during the night.

I think that Skid Row should be outlawed, send the people some place where they can get help, send them to Pasaadena, to Union Station in Pasadena, or  wherever, and stop them from sitting there in their own piss and shit and drinking themselves to death.

Like in Anaheim, we do not have a Skid Row, instead we have shelters and N/A, etc, and Chrysalis, etc.

And this Tom Petty video with Anthony Hopkins sets the tone for what Skid Row is like. They fight their demons, and they either forgive, or they become consumed by hate and go insane.


Tony V.

Great grandfather...skid row in LA has been going that long...even more of an outrage.

Yes, skid row should be outlawed.
Can't just be having people living like that in a first world country.

Send them to a nice place in the place...medical professionals, incl mental health professionals...warm beds, good food, no alcohol or drugs.
Nice grounds in which to wander, sit, lie, read etc.

No money?
No excuse.
Federal govt should spend $595 billion pa on defence instead of $600 billion pa.

Yes, my Great Grandfather died on Skid Row back in 1970.

And a good place in the mountains for people to get rehab, and work on their issues would be Lake Hughes, California.,_California

They have a rehab center there for men.

And another place where there is a rehab center for people is in Acton, California.,_California

They have a center in Acton for both men and women.

Of note too, the homeless people can clean up the forests, they can do fire prevention work, and they can plant trees, etc, the homeless people can be paid to work in the forests.

There is a lot that can be done to help the homeless and the mentally ill and the addicts.

And we need new trade deals with China, etc, we must create good honest jobs for our people.

And groups such as Homeboy Industries are getting people jobs in the solar industry, etc.

You are right too on the issue of helping the homeless, we can do with a few less fighter planes, and we need more facilities and programs to help the homeless. Defense is important, but so is helping our people who are out there homeless and suffering from addiction and from mental illness, etc.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 26, 2019, 11:01:15 PM »
There are not enough toilets on 'skid row' in LA.
Residents have to urinate and defecate into buckets then empty the contents into the street.
The city should be doing better.

Skid Row is worse than anything you can imagine. My Great Grandfather was an alcoholic and he died on Skid Row in Los Angeles. He was once the Chief of Police in Denver, Colorado.

People on Skid Row sit there in their own piss and shit, and covered in their own vomit, and when the police go on patrol in the morning the cops find dead bodies lying on the sidewalks, the people die during the night.

I think that Skid Row should be outlawed, send the people some place where they can get help, send them to Pasaadena, to Union Station in Pasadena, or  wherever, and stop them from sitting there in their own piss and shit and drinking themselves to death.

Like in Anaheim, we do not have a Skid Row, instead we have shelters and N/A, etc, and Chrysalis, etc.

And this Tom Petty video with Anthony Hopkins sets the tone for what Skid Row is like. They fight their demons, and they either forgive, or they become consumed by hate and go insane.


Tony V.

Celebreality / Re: Celebreality
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:01:02 AM »
Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco was named after her Great Grandmother, Rainier's Mom, Princess Charlotte Grimaldi, Duchess of Valentinois, she even looks a lot like her.

She studied to be a social worker, and she turned the Grimaldi estate outside of Paris into a rehabilitation center for ex-convicts. Her lover was a former jewel thief.,_Duchess_of_Valentinois


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 23, 2019, 12:54:10 AM »
Homeboy Industries is a good way to help people whom have had problems with crime, etc, they help people to do honest work for honest pay.

And for the foster children there is CASA. Life is hard, and it is even harder if you do not have parents.

And there can be wellness centers everywhere, where a homeless mentally ill Veteran can walk in and receive help immediately.

There is a charity group which gets jobs for the homeless people, the charity is Chrysalis.

There are many things that we can do.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 22, 2019, 11:05:46 PM »
Seattle is Dying

Absolutely terrible.
Not all of it looks like a rubbish dump, but much of it does.
People are too embarrassed to invite their families and friends to come see them.

The solutions are simple...but those running the city cannot or will not see.

The President should step in.

As the jobs have all left to communist slavery in China, some people have sunk to the level of dealing drugs to survive, and they flood our cities with drugs. And there is a whole thug culture of drug dealers and drug users, and the rappers sing songs about flooding the streets with drugs, and about using drugs, and about pimping out our women to pay for drugs, etc.

And our enemies are selling drugs to our people to buy weapons to use against us. The Muslims are selling heroin to our people, and Afghanistan is the world's largest supplier of heroin. And the terrorists in Colombia, the FARC and the ELN sold cocaine in the USA with the help of the Bloods and the Crips, etc. The people flooding our streets with meth are not good people. And I view drugs as being  a tool of satan, I have seen some horrible things.

So we have two things, we have unemployed desperate people, and we have our enemies who are flooding our streets with drugs.

Of note too, is that we have people who are good honest people whom have become unemployed and homeless, and many people develop mental illness, so you have good people who are out on the streets homeless and mentally ill.

I can tell you what Anaheim is doing to help people, right now, today.

Anaheim is opening shelters to get the homeless people off of the streets to help them, and then Anaheim is enforcing rules to keep the homeless people from setting up tents in public places, etc. In the homeless shelters there are people to help the homeless people. If they are addicted to drugs then there are people from N/A and A/A and from other groups to help them. If you simply need a job, there are people who help you to get a job. People help you transfer from the homeless shelters into housing. If you are disabled, then people help you to get disability checks and housing assistance. If you are a homeless Veteran, you are helped. And mental health wellness centers are being opened, where housing and drug use and other issues are being addressed. So, you have places to help the people, and the people are being helped.

Meanwhile we need to bring the jobs back to the USA, we need new trade deals with China, and with others, and we need fair trade, if you want us to buy your stuff, then you need to buy our stuff. Our people need jobs too, just like your people.

And we need to stop the flow of illegal drugs into our nation. We need to get the people of Afghanistan to grow cotton instead of heroin, and we need to stop the heroin from Afghanistan from entering our nation. And we have made a lot of progress on the issue of cocaine, we work together with Colombia and others to stop the flow of cocaine into our country. And we need to address the opioid epidemic and the spread of meth.

As we deal with the current generation of adults, we must also deal with the children who are the future, we need to teach the children to say "NO!" to drugs, and we need to attach all negative connotations to illegal drugs, we need to get the children to think of drugs as being bad, and dirty, be strong and say no. We also need to have early childhood development programs, and after school programs, and we need to teach the children music and theatre and the arts, and sports, etc. We must save the children, before they have problems.

For the people who end up in prison, we need programs to rehabilitate people, we cannot release people without having tried to help them. We need education and job training in the prisons. Women in prison can learn to groom dogs, and they can practice by grooming the dogs in the animal shelters for free, a good dog groomer can earn $50,000.00 per year. We need to do as much as we can to save the people who end up in prison so that we do not release them with the same problems that they went in with. If you can give someone a way to make an honest living, then you can turn their life around.

There is a lot of hard work to do.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 22, 2019, 04:47:50 PM »
We do not need any walls. We need to build relationships with our neighbors such that we can accomplish our mutual goals, such as preventing terrorism, and halting the flow of illegal drugs, etc. We need to work together as a team with Mexico, and with Canada, and we do not need any walls.

And we have accomplished a lot in Colombia, because of teamwork. Pastrana, Uribe, and Santos, were all great, and they all worked together with the USA, and the current President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, attended Harvard University here in the USA.

We need to utilize teamwork, instead of building walls.

And we can better spend the money by putting in new water systems for people such as the people of Michigan, instead of building walls we can build nice, modern, safe, clean water systems for the people of Michigan and for others here in the USA who need safe water.

Also, if we want to lower crime, we can spend money on early childhood development programs, and on after school programs, and programs which teach music and theatre and the arts to the children. And of note is that we have made huge strides in Colombia by investing in schools, etc, strides could be made in Mexico by investing in schools there as well.



Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 19, 2019, 06:03:35 PM »
Part of the answer as abortions are outlawed, is to allow LGBT people to adopt children, many people cannot have children on their own and for many people adoption is an answer for them when it comes to having children.

Also, as Christians we are supposed to help the children, and the adults, we are supposed to help everyone.


Psalm 82:3-4 New International Version (NIV)

3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.


And in Orange County we have a group called CASA which helps the foster children. I want to do some fundraisers for CASA soon.

I have access to an amphitheater, with 2,000 seats, and an area to sell food and drinks to our guests, and it is at a nice park with a cool little duck pond. I can produce concerts at the amphitheater for charity. We all can work for free and all of the money can go to CASA to help children who do not have parents. Life is hard, and it is way harder if you do not have parents.

So, we need to allow the Gays to adopt, etc, and we need to help the orphans and the needy.


Tony V.

History / Re: American History
« on: May 19, 2019, 05:29:59 PM »
A few people who did a lot for the labor movement in the USA were Eugene V. Debs, Jimmy Hoffa, and Cesar Chavez. 


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 17, 2019, 10:02:31 PM »
Keeping the American Dream alive...

In the old days there were guys like Benjamin Franklin and James Madison who had big dreams for America, and others came along and shared the dream of America. Guys like the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts, they all shared the American dream, and they built America. And they were good Christians who gave back to their communities, and as the men made money their wives gave the money away through charitable organizations, etc, and they donated libraries, etc, and they pumped money into America. Guys like Bill Gates are not like the old guys like Henry Ford. Henry Ford created jobs in Detroit, and Gates creates jobs in China, Gates only cares about the money. Otherwise the Apple I-Phones would be built in Nebraska instead of in China.

So what do we do? The tariffs on imports from China is a good start, and then we can invest that money back into the USA, we can build high speed trains, and other public projects, and we can also give redevelopment money to areas hard hit by job losses, and we can give people low interest business loans, etc. And as our young people become educated, we need to make sure that they can find jobs right here in the USA. And for instance, California has great film schools, and great acting schools, we need to have jobs for the students when they graduate, so we need a new movie studio in Anaheim, etc, we need new film and television investment in Southern California, and film equipment rentals, etc. California has lost over 500,000 jobs to China, and we need to get busy replacing those jobs and we need to keep the American dream alive. And guys like Gates have done a lot of good things, but they need to do more to create jobs here in the USA, and to give back to America.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 17, 2019, 09:06:00 PM »
Los Angeles used to have electric streetcars, Los Angeles was quite advanced.

Right now people wish they would have kept the electric streetcars.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 17, 2019, 07:42:25 PM »
People ride the Metrolink trains here in Southern California, and they are the same kind of Metrolink trains that they have in the South of France.

Traffic is horrible in Southern California, so the trains are a welcome addition when it comes to transportation options.

And when we get our high speed trains, then people will ride them. The high speed trains will be successful.

So far as air, the airports are crowded, and with security you have to wait forever, and many people are afraid to fly. We have also had plane crashes lately with Boeing planes. I hate flying, but I love to travel, so I fly when I have to.

But, for like going from Anaheim to Vegas, the high speed trains would be great. For the East Coast they can have a high speed train between New York City and Washington D.C.. And a high speed train would be great between Lancaster and Los Angeles, in California. The one that we built, between Bakersfield and Merced, was kind of a stupid place to start, they should have done the one between Lancaster and Los Angeles first, but at least something is being built that we can ride and check out, and if people like it then we can finish the route and build more.

Trump says one thing, but does another. Trump talked about building high speed trains in the USA, and then he pulled nine hundred million dollars away from the high speed rail project in California. Trump said that the people in California were too slow on building the project, and the costs keep rising, so Trump took some of the money away. It is sad, and it is the opposite of what we need to do, we need to build our high speed trains. And I have been saying all along, we can build our trains faster by working on multiple sites at once, and then you join it all together, and the costs will just be higher in the future, so it is best to get the high speed rail built quickly. If they cannot do it, then put me in charge, I will get it done. Someone has to do it, we have some great people here in the USA. Some of the old aerospace people can work on the high speed rail projects, and it could get done quickly. If we put the same effort into building high speed trains that we put into putting men on the moon, and on building our original rail roads, and on building our national highway system, etc, then we would have our high speed trains built in no time. Trump is going in the wrong direction.

Getting out there and marching will not make the air cleaner, what is going to make the air cleaner is people getting out of their cars and getting on public transportation. We need to improve our public transportation, and that will help the environment. And the people stuck in traffic with their gas powered polluting automobiles has to stop, it is not good for anyone. Get on the train, bring a nice book to read, and a thermos of coffee and a couple of sandwiches. I ride the Metrolink all of the time, and it is great.

We also have a few subways now in Los Angeles, you can go from Union Station to Universal Studios, etc, that is cool, and they are going to build a subway to the ocean.

The Metrolink between Los Angeles and Anaheim is not that bad, it only takes around half an hour, but someday a high speed train will run that route as well.

To go from Los Angeles to San Diego there is Amtrak.

And to go North up the coast there is the Starlight..

And you can ride trains all over the country, for people who are afraid to fly, you can get there on trains.

People in Europe love trains, and I would love to go ride trains around Europe. And one cool route, if you ride a train from mainland Italy to Sicily, they put the whole train on a barge, and they float the train across the water to Sicily. And of course it would be cool to ride the high speed trains in Europe, and in Japan, etc.

Of note too, is that people can build new fancy train stations, people can have fun and the architects and designers can create wonderful train stations.

In Anaheim our new station is ARTIC.

Let us advance new rail systems, and let us clean up the air, and let us reduce traffic.


Tony V.

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: May 17, 2019, 05:48:14 PM »
The Cannes Film Festival is going on right now.

The first Cannes Film Festival was on my Mother's Birthday.

I went to the Cannes Film Festival in 2000, a film titled "Dancer in the Dark" won the Palm d' Or that year.

I stayed at the Hotel Mondial, it was great, I could see the ocean from my balcony, the hotel is owned by Best Western now, I am not sure who owned it then.

I would love to go to the Cannes Film Festival every year.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 16, 2019, 10:19:12 PM »
NEVADA you guys, keep your eyes on NEVADA.

And Las Vegas is set up to serve millions. As is Reno. Elko is a cool college town. Carson City is a cool old cowboy town. Nevada is great.


Tony V.

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