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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 464 465 [466] 467 468
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 07:21:14 PM »
It would be nice, Bambi, if these people you respect weren’t child sex traffickers. They are child sex traffickers, however. It seems like you aught to adjust your thinking about them. The sex trafficking springs from the same moral foundation that lets them build concentration camps for immigrants and asylum seekers crossing the border.

Luee wants to ensure that the abusers can further torture their victims with impunity and is upset that congressional Democrats are not giving them carte blanche to do so.

Who said I respect them?
It would be nice if your comprehension skills improved a lot.
Which part of this that I wrote don't you understand?

Nothing wrong with liking beautiful women, they sure are pleasing to the eye.
Best no men in this forum try to tell me they don't like beautiful women, because I won't believe them.
"On the younger side" is fine long as the said "beautiful women on the younger side" are adults.
Adults, according to the law.
"Courts don't deal in morality, only in the law", it is said.

Sex-Trafficking anyone, including minors, is a crime.
Sexual assault is a crime.

A man Trump's age could legally date/marry a much younger woman, a teenage woman over the adult age, 18 in all states of America?
'Consenting adults'?

Mrs bambu was age 19 when we married...she had to have parental permission.
The height of a child she was....4'10".
The face of a younger female...and pigtails. [and the mind of a 30 yr old, ...much wisdom, maturity and presence way beyond her years].
Today I'd probably be labelled a 'pedophile', 'pervert', or 'predator' by some.
So I'm sticking to my adult under the law belief/policy.


Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 07:03:14 PM »
Women win 4th Soccer World Cup!

Clearly the best...and setting the standard.

The brutality continued in the second half when another head clash to start the stanza left America’s Becky Sauerbrunn with blood streaming down her face but the pain was worth it as she and her teammates rejoiced in being crowned World Cup winners.


"Win or lose, leave your blood on the ice" ...or in this case, grass. - North Country

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:29:23 AM »

Epstein arrrested for sex trafficking of minors.

I wonder if this path leads to:
a) Donald Trump
b) Bill Clinton

In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Nothing wrong with liking beautiful women, they sure are pleasing to the eye.
Best no men in this forum try to tell me they don't like beautiful women, because I won't believe them.
"On the younger side" is fine long as the said "beautiful women on the younger side" are adults.
Adults, according to the law.
"Courts don't deal in morality, only in the law", it is said.

Sex-Trafficking anyone, including minors, is a crime.
Sexual assault is a crime.

A man Trump's age could legally date/marry a much younger woman, a teenage woman over the adult age, 18 in all states of America?
'Consenting adults'?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:18:06 AM »
68% of White Evangelicals say America has no responsibility to house refugees fleeing famine and war. That’s 25% over the national average


True...America only has responsibility for its own people.
Not America's fault people in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America etc are always fighting amongst themselves in civil wars.
America, although having no responsibility to house refugees from overpopulated, often corrupt places, has a very generous resettlement program for refugees, and a very generous foreign aid program.
Homeless, poor, hungry people in America eating out of trash bins and living in filthy conditions on the streets might say "too generous a foreign aid budget, charity begins at home."

I understand that you are not a Christian, Bambi.

But the folks who claim to be are a part of a philosophy that disagrees with you.

Further, your bullshit about "charity begins at home" is exposed by "President" Trump's parade. There is no will to take care of the homeless - it's just a red herrring issue for them.

The ones in Australia agree with me.
Giving foreign aid to countries that seem to hate us could be spent much better at home, they say in radio calls.

Kind of my point: they aren't Christian, either.

We begged Indonesia for the lives of Aussie boys Sukumaran and Chan.
Indonesia tossed our mercy begging requests in the bin...and execution-slaughtered them in its killing field.
Many people resent giving Indonesia one cent in aid, let alone $500m+ per year...and a whole lot more when disasters strike them.
Should spend the money on nukes instead.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:08:57 AM »
68% of White Evangelicals say America has no responsibility to house refugees fleeing famine and war. That’s 25% over the national average


True...America only has responsibility for its own people.
Not America's fault people in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America etc are always fighting amongst themselves in civil wars.
America, although having no responsibility to house refugees from overpopulated, often corrupt places, has a very generous resettlement program for refugees, and a very generous foreign aid program.
Homeless, poor, hungry people in America eating out of trash bins and living in filthy conditions on the streets might say "too generous a foreign aid budget, charity begins at home."

I understand that you are not a Christian, Bambi.

But the folks who claim to be are a part of a philosophy that disagrees with you.

Further, your bullshit about "charity begins at home" is exposed by "President" Trump's parade. There is no will to take care of the homeless - it's just a red herrring issue for them.

The ones in Australia agree with me.
Giving foreign aid to countries that seem to hate us could be spent much better at home, they say in radio calls.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:04:02 AM »
Anne Frank had no choice.
Asylum-seekers/illegal immigrants/economic immigrants have a choice.

The children had no choice.

I was asked why I’m so angry?
I wonder when did children in cages dull your own anger and humanity?
When did you succumb to your hatred of someone’s skin?
Don’t worry about my anger.
Worry about your apathy.

Happy 4th.

Kids wind up dead...parents' fault.

They were safe in Mexico, should've stayed there.

The parents bear responsibility.

The US Goverment bears more, because the parents obeyed the law and the US government did not.

And no, they were not safe in Mexico.

Simple solution...abolish that S.T.C.A. ...let them into America, then take them straight up to the Canadian border and Canada can resettle them.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 12:47:53 AM »
A rich person whom I admire is Richard Branson, he is great, and he got his start by producing the Sex Pistols, which is very cool.

We are counting on Richard Branson and his team to help to build a high speed train between Anaheim and Las Vegas, right now they are talking about building the route between Victorville and Vegas, but there is nothing in Victorville to make it a destination, but Anaheim has Disneyland, the Angels baseball team, the Ducks hockey team, and concerts, and the Anaheim Convention Center, etc, etc, etc. Anaheim is a destination. The people from Victorville will be able to go either way, they could go to Vegas or Anaheim, and the people from Riverside will be able to ride the high speed trains, etc.

The high speed train needs to run between Anaheim and Las Vegas.

And we need to finish our California high speed rail project, etc. The high speed rail route between Lancaster and Los Angeles is very important.

Anyhow, Richard Branson is involved with a lot of cool things. And one thing that Richard Branson is into is "The Elders."

Now that I have heard of the group, I can watch to see what they do in the world.

Richard Branson is a cool billionaire, and The Elders is an interesting group.


Tony V.

Recently I took the train from LA to Seattle.
Very interesting journey along the US west coast and ocean.
My newish TV gets the YouTube app can come up on the bigger-than-in-the-olden-days screen.
I travel the's great.
Rocky mountaineer train thru Canada.
River cruises thru Europe.
Austria, Italy, Switzerland, North Korea, USA.
'10 best cities in America'. '10 worst cities in America'. '10 best states in America', '10 worst states in America'

Another journey I took by train was from Paris to Moscow.
When they get to the Russian border, they jack up all the carriages and change all the wheel housings to Russian ones.

Not too sure about very fast trains...the train journeys I took were at about the right speed...normal speed.
From LA to Seattle they sure blast the train's horn a lot. Every little place they come to they're on the horn blasting away.
Think that would annoy me no end. I had to turn the sound off.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 07, 2019, 12:35:42 AM »
I learn so much here.

It's a sad day when we don't learn something new.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 10:20:35 PM »
Thanks all the same Bambi, we’ll accept the immigrants (barring Australian white savages) and eat the rich. Much healthier that way.

Rich people employ poor people.
Ever been employed by a poor man?

Rich people donate to charities which help poor, sick, and homeless people.

Whom ya gonna tax more to pay for welfare to all the immigrants [I assume you mean illegal/asylum-seeking, poor, immigrants].
No good trying to tax poor people more, they simply don't have it.

Rich people consume...keep the poor/middle class in jobs.

Mrs rich person;
"Darling, I'd like a new kitchen, a new car and a new boat".

"No worries, babe...order them stocks rose sharply in value recently."

Many people directly/indirectly employed providing and servicing those 3 things.
. Sales people
. Trades people
. Boat washers/polishers, cabinet makers, etc
. Tyres, mechanics etc.

I am not a rich person.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 09:13:46 PM »
The Jews look out for each other, they do not believe in "Rugged Individualism." If they believed in Rugged Individualism then they would be gone.

The Jews are a team. Just like a Native American Indian Tribe.

And the Jews have the Christians on their team, we helped to stop Hitler, and the USA is allied with Israel strongly.

The Jews look after other Jews, and they are strongly allied with the USA, and Jews helped to build the USA.

And Jews help to run industry in the USA today, and we have many Jews in our government.


Tony V.

"Team Jew"...I like it.
Now the Christians of the world should have "Team Christian", and all band together to fight those who hate and despise them.

Atm, downunder, we have a war, a war over The Holy Bible and some of its passages.

"Izzy" [Israel Folau]...Rugby football 'Wallabies" biggest star, quoted the Bible in a sermon at his church...and posted it online.

Big drama, Rugby Australia sacked him from his $5m contract.
bambu-ilk and no 1 radio host are screaming "Free speech", "Religious Freedom".

Izzy is suing Rugby Australia.
$2m has been raised from public donations [in 2 days]...via The Christian Lobby [who is holding the money in trust to only spend it on lawyers for his case.]
$2m could be the fundraising has been paused for now.

Rugby Australia boss Raelene ­Castle effectively damned the Bible as hate speech in astonishing unreported testimony at Israel Folau’s code of conduct hearing in May.

She declared it is the Bible itself which is offensive when she testified before a panel of three judges who went on to find Folau guilty of a “high level breach” for posting a biblical quote calling on “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters” to repent or face hell.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 08:33:06 PM »
Ah yes, "the Jews".

Seems to me that, after what happened to "the Jews" in WW2, they decided that nothing like that was ever going to happen to them again.
That they decided to get themselves some big guns, big planes, big missiles, and big attitude. "F with us and you'll be sorry you did".

Seems to me that "the Jews" signed up for my first boss' policy:

"Look after yourself first in this world, son...because nobody else will"

and "Whatever it takes."

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 08:24:30 PM »
Whose fault is it that they now find themselves in cages?
The parents' fault.
They were safe in Mexico, should've stayed there.   

Many families are refugees from very unsafe countries like El Salvador and Honduras, and their parents saw no better option than fleeing and seeking asylum here.  They have been told the USA provides humanitarian asylum, and came up, based on that information.   Neither they, nor their children, deserve to be treated worse than criminals and prisoners of war, in cruel and sometimes life-threatening conditions of captivity.   

As for laying blame on the parents, the logic is weak.  Your comment is  like saying it's okay to be cruel to innocent children if they happened to be born to foolish parents.   Imagine if social workers or elementary school teachers adopted your logic.   

Get those synapses firing.

The conditions are being improved?
More detention housing is being built?
If there are life-threatening conditions, tent cities should be built [in rural areas if need be] to eliminate that threat.
But the principle remains the same...US govt can't/shouldn't be releasing people from detention into the community without proper checks.
Americans are being murdered etc, killed on the roads by illegal immigrants.

The families were safe in Mexico?
Many stayed there and applied for asylum from there?
They were told in Mexico not to try to enter America? [if they weren't, they should've been...flyers etc].

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 08:15:49 PM »
68% of White Evangelicals say America has no responsibility to house refugees fleeing famine and war. That’s 25% over the national average


True...America only has responsibility for its own people.
Not America's fault people in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America etc are always fighting amongst themselves in civil wars.
America, although having no responsibility to house refugees from overpopulated, often corrupt places, has a very generous resettlement program for refugees, and a very generous foreign aid program.
Homeless, poor, hungry people in America eating out of trash bins and living in filthy conditions on the streets might say "too generous a foreign aid budget, charity begins at home."

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 06, 2019, 07:44:53 PM »
Anne Frank had no choice.
Asylum-seekers/illegal immigrants/economic immigrants have a choice.

The children had no choice.

I was asked why I’m so angry?
I wonder when did children in cages dull your own anger and humanity?
When did you succumb to your hatred of someone’s skin?
Don’t worry about my anger.
Worry about your apathy.

Happy 4th.

Children have no choice...their parents make the choices for them.
Kids wind up dead...parents' fault.
Safe in Mexico, parents chose to risk the lives of the children.
Exactly the same as the babies, children and their in Indonesia, they perished at sea.
Sea, desert, rivers...same 'deal'.

Now that the trickle has become a flood, as it was always going to be...US has to find somewhere to house them all until their identities, backgrounds, and health etc can be established.
Whose fault is it that they now find themselves in cages?
The parents' fault.
They were safe in Mexico, should've stayed there.

Australia 15 Dec 2010 Iranian Asylum Seekers boat crashes

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 04, 2019, 08:23:45 PM »
Happy 4th July!

America kicked the British out.      United States of America.
Australia embraced the British [and still does today, long after it had to].   Commonwealth [Federation] of Australia.

'Funny' how things work out.

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