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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 465 466 [467] 468 469 ... 490
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 07, 2019, 05:26:32 PM »
Hey! bambu, is this you?


He obviously thinks he's better off spending his time/life with 'Dorothy' than trying for a real these times...when heterosexual males [especially White Christian ones, have basically been 'cancelled' in society today, unless they're super-rich].

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 06, 2019, 04:48:04 PM »
8.48m Sat morn in bambutown.
Having breakfast.
Switched on tv.
Saw Greta walking and talking, 'climate emergency' protesters in streets in Europe somewhere ranting that not enough is being done, now, to stop 'climate change'.

It would be interesting to ask them just what exactly they want done, now.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 07:33:30 PM »

Just getting in the swing of things, helping the Black folk in their campaign;

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 03:03:52 PM »

Bambi was among the first victims of the English language bullshit empire.

Red is vying to retroactively become patient 0.

Reality is...

China will likely have taken over the world by 2100.
Many people seem to have seen it, and are living for 'today' not 'tomorrow'.

China is allegedly building coal-fired power stations as fast as it can go.
So are India, Japan and many others.


Wouldn't be the first time. :)

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 02:24:01 PM »

Bambi was among the first victims of the English language bullshit empire.

Red is vying to retroactively become patient 0.

Reality is...

China will likely have taken over the world by 2100.
Many people seem to have seen it, and are living for 'today' not 'tomorrow'.

China is allegedly building coal-fired power stations as fast as it can go.
So are India, Japan and many others.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 02:18:09 PM »

• The Earth is heated by the flux of energy it receives from the Sun, and cools down by emitting infrared radiation to space.


Simple really, no degree from Harvard needed for this one either.

Sunlight heats ground.   Heat, longwave radiation, then radiates back to space.  A pure nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere would let all that IR radiation pass through.  Some molecules, however, like nitrogen oxide, methane, and CO2, absorb longwave photons and increase their rate of vibration.   This increase in kinetic energy is called "heat"  -- those molecules are thus retaining energy that would otherwise escape into space.  As these molecules are singularly good at trapping heat, they cause a rise in near-surface temperatures when their concentrations go up.   Basic physics and chemistry.  High school students do basic experiments, like Tyndall's 1859 experiment that easily demonstrate this effect.   

The last 150 years of science have advanced our knowledge of how this works, as well as proved other principles on which you daily assert your unquestioning faith when you step aboard a jet, take a pill, drive a car, flip on your tv, log onto the Net, etc.   Why then does this basic 19th century science pose such a problem?

Because people are lying to you, by misrepresenting science and its findings.

Then in that case, it's too late.
Carbon emissions are only going to keep on increasing from now until at least matter what.
Overpopulation, which no one wants to know about.

Roll over. Play dead.

You're wrong about climate change and wrong about emissions. And we can only hope that emissions are a consideration in 2100. But if we follow your lead either way, we're more screwed than if we ignore you.

Like I's too late.
Unless someone comes up with some magic.

According to the newly released figures, to stay on track to meet the 2 degrees Celsius Paris target, the fossil fuel supply can release only about 350 billion more tons of carbon dioxide between now and 2030, and a total of 550 billion tons by 2040. For the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, the numbers are about 300 billion tons by 2030 and 450 billion tons by 2040.

Based on the analyses of current pledged climate policies, humans are currently on track to exceed the 2 degree path by 17% by 2030 and 36% by 2040. Those are policies that would instead send the world towards the 3 degrees Celsius warming scenario by 2100.

However, based on countries’ fossil fuel production plans, carbon pollution will be about 10% higher yet. Those plans translate to about 450 billion tons of carbon dioxide released between now and 2030, and nearly 850 billion tons by 2040. For the latter date, it’s an overshoot of the 2 degrees Paris carbon budgets by 50%, and 85% too much carbon to stay on the 1.5 degrees Celsius path.

In short, if countries follow through with their current fossil fuel production plans, the world will be on track to warm more than 3 degrees C (5.4 degrees F) by 2100, and meeting the Paris targets would become virtually impossible.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 02:09:51 PM »
So every country in the world understands and believes in climate change.  Almost every credible scientist is convinced as well.
But one political party in the US, supported by religious folk who don't go in for science and Big Oil and other major polluters, doesn't buy it.

So which is more likely: that the entire world, nearly 200 countries and 7 billion people, plus all the world's scientists are mistaken or have been duped.  Or that right-wing folks in the US believe climate change is a hoax because it conflicts with their religious views or their source of income (or because the party they support denies climate change mostly for those two reasons)?

This is a serious legit question.

Furthermore, taking action now to reduce greenhouse gasses will still reduce pollution and have vast health benefits even if manmade climate change somehow is wrong or irreversible. 
The supposed economic downside to reducing greenhouse gasses and witching off of fossil fuels are likely more than offset by the new green jobs created, the health benefits of breathing clean air, along with the reduction in petroleum spills and accidents (bet ya a pipeline somewhere leaked today!)

Yes, reducing greenhouse gasses and reducing pollution are worth doing.
Problem is the cost.
The cost of giving the UN billions/trillions of taxpayers' dollars for 'climate change', for starters.
...large part of the reason Trump took US out of 'Paris'.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 01:57:50 PM »

• The Earth is heated by the flux of energy it receives from the Sun, and cools down by emitting infrared radiation to space.


Simple really, no degree from Harvard needed for this one either.

Sunlight heats ground.   Heat, longwave radiation, then radiates back to space.  A pure nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere would let all that IR radiation pass through.  Some molecules, however, like nitrogen oxide, methane, and CO2, absorb longwave photons and increase their rate of vibration.   This increase in kinetic energy is called "heat"  -- those molecules are thus retaining energy that would otherwise escape into space.  As these molecules are singularly good at trapping heat, they cause a rise in near-surface temperatures when their concentrations go up.   Basic physics and chemistry.  High school students do basic experiments, like Tyndall's 1859 experiment that easily demonstrate this effect.   

The last 150 years of science have advanced our knowledge of how this works, as well as proved other principles on which you daily assert your unquestioning faith when you step aboard a jet, take a pill, drive a car, flip on your tv, log onto the Net, etc.   Why then does this basic 19th century science pose such a problem?

Because people are lying to you, by misrepresenting science and its findings.

Then in that case, it's too late.
Carbon emissions are only going to keep on increasing from now until at least matter what.
Overpopulation, which no one wants to know about.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 05, 2019, 04:32:15 AM »

Kid and Bambu still don't accept man-made climate change. Ward still thinks it can be responded to by half-measures.

The globe heats, and cools, all by itself.
The glaciers started melting 15,000 years ago.
Once upon a time you could walk from India to Australia, then the seas rose and flooded the land bridge.

CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere.
97% of CO2 in the atmosphere occurs naturally.

I'm keeping my old [looks new] Corolla.

The glaciers suddenly accelerated, melting as much as they did in thousands of years, in the space of a century.   This is due to the rise from 280 ppm CO2 to 410 ppm in that short period, a change unprecedented in the planets history which has caused a rise in average global temperature that normally, in an interglacial period, would take thousands of years.   The evidence is so glaring that you need welding goggles to look at it, you incredible fucking imbecile.   

The increase in CO2 would actually be much higher, except that oceans absorb some of what we human make, and grow more acid.   Which kills parts of them.   You incredible fucking imbecile.

• The Earth is heated by the flux of energy it receives from the Sun, and cools down by emitting infrared radiation to space.


Simple really, no degree from Harvard needed for this one either.

You’d have much more realistic view of the world if you pulled your head out of your ass.

I have a very realistic view of the world.

The Real World;

Just saw bad haircut boy in NK riding a large and fine looking white horse...said he has a Christmas present for Trump.
Think it's more likely to be missile than mistletoe.

I see people living on garbage dumps in Asia.

I see White males being stitched up with drugs in Asia, and ending up on death row.



I see how working poor/homeless people like Maria live in America. more nice house to live in, so off to the carpark to live in your car you go.
America great again, the economy is booming...40 million are living below the poverty line.
Field hospitals in destitute America.


Drove downtown Birmingham Alabama the other day.


I see what can happen to elderly people in retirement communities in broad daylight!

A man tried to kill a great-grandmother by strangling her before stealing her two gold rings, police allege.
Peter Thao Vinh Phu Bui appeared in court on Thursday morning charged with the attempted murder of 84-year-old Patricia Maton in her North Turramurra retirement village unit.
The incident on November 16 shocked Sydney and Ms Maton was left with a fractured nose, bleeding to her brain and multiple cuts and bruises.
She is still recovering from the ordeal.

No gun strapped on ready to hope, bashed to a pulp.


Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 04, 2019, 11:03:23 PM »

Kid and Bambu still don't accept man-made climate change. Ward still thinks it can be responded to by half-measures.

The globe heats, and cools, all by itself.
The glaciers started melting 15,000 years ago.
Once upon a time you could walk from India to Australia, then the seas rose and flooded the land bridge.

CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere.
97% of CO2 in the atmosphere occurs naturally.

I'm keeping my old [looks new] Corolla.

The glaciers suddenly accelerated, melting as much as they did in thousands of years, in the space of a century.   This is due to the rise from 280 ppm CO2 to 410 ppm in that short period, a change unprecedented in the planets history which has caused a rise in average global temperature that normally, in an interglacial period, would take thousands of years.   The evidence is so glaring that you need welding goggles to look at it, you incredible fucking imbecile.   

The increase in CO2 would actually be much higher, except that oceans absorb some of what we human make, and grow more acid.   Which kills parts of them.   You incredible fucking imbecile.

• The Earth is heated by the flux of energy it receives from the Sun, and cools down by emitting infrared radiation to space.


Simple really, no degree from Harvard needed for this one either.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 04, 2019, 10:16:57 PM »
Zimmerman [Trayvon Martin death]…

there is a saying;

"Avoid litigation like the plague".  [you might lose, and have to pay the other guy's costs, as well as pay your own lawyer's costs...for starters].

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 04, 2019, 04:18:06 PM »

Kid and Bambu still don't accept man-made climate change. Ward still thinks it can be responded to by half-measures.

The globe heats, and cools, all by itself.
The glaciers started melting 15,000 years ago.
Once upon a time you could walk from India to Australia, then the seas rose and flooded the land bridge.

CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere.
97% of CO2 in the atmosphere occurs naturally.

I'm keeping my old [looks new] Corolla.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 03, 2019, 03:09:01 AM »
Boomer whiteys are especially problematic.

Millennials travel overseas every '5 minutes', have 50 pairs of shoes, live on takeaway food, get divorced, have the latest version of everything. Spend, spend, spend.
Boomers never went anywhere, saved hard to buy homes, drove old cars, stayed married forever, had old tvs if had tv at all, had old furniture...etc etc etc.
Millennials cheer for massive immigration, then complain they can't get well-paying jobs.

Dude. This is what YOU did.

I’m a boomer and I’m heading to Cancun week after next.

My 34 year old daughter bought a house last year...

You’re just a miserable mahfucka. No wonder Ms. Bambu travels the world without you. Probably came to the USA to get some wood.

Firewood to put in a heater!  lol

And when you were 28?
Did you travel the world then?
Were you spending up big then?  or were you working hard, saving every penny to get a car, get a home, moving in and sitting on boxes, going without lunch for 2 days before payday to save, commuting and not living in an apartment "overlooking Central Park"?

Millennials need to get in line for the assets/wealth, work hard, save for boomers had to do.
Many millennials seem to be in a hurry for their parents to die so they get their hands on the 'money'
Many seem to be in a hurry to have their parents sell their homes and move into retirement communities, so there's lots of spare money.
Others seem to be using the boomers' grandchildren as pawns to have them bend to their will.

'Gran Torino' but one example.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 01, 2019, 01:10:47 AM »

 Immigrants give them a acute feeling of insurmountable inferiority. Hard work, optimism, and a love of the adoptive country that all outstrip and outshine these crackers engenders self-hatred that these miserable shrunken people inevitably project on the immigrants who overshadow them and are the future of both England and the United States.

Whitey knows he can’t compete on any field.[/I]

Oh dear.
Poor Whitey.
I didn't realise it was like that...that Whitey had affirmative-actioned his children and himself out of all the good jobs, ...doctors, dentists, other professions, govt jobs etc.
Dumb Whitey, fell for the 'RIX' 3 card trick...'Racist', 'Intolerant', 'Xenophobic'.
Silly Whitey, too nice for his own good.

That is one way to excuse yourself for what you can no longer achieve. It’s utter bullshit, but in your degraded state bullshit like that might make you feel better.

Oh well, it's too late for Whitey now.

Only the for the ones too limited to leave their imagined whiteness behind, sad fools who think fascism is coming to save them; republicans in the USA and anyone who tunes into your #1 radio host.

I'm Trump's age...I'm trying to achieve an affordable funeral, affordable coffin, affordable burial plot, and affordable life insurance so the little lady will be ok.
My no1 radio host is the one with all the wisdom and answers. Australia's major problem today is that the Conservative Prime Minister won't listen to him.
"Arrogant" and a few other names no1 radio host calls him, as the nation dies in the drought dust and he basically does 'nothing' except offer more loans.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 01, 2019, 01:00:03 AM »
Boomer whiteys are especially problematic.

Millennials travel overseas every '5 minutes', have 50 pairs of shoes, live on takeaway food, get divorced, have the latest version of everything. Spend, spend, spend.
Boomers never went anywhere, saved hard to buy homes, drove old cars, stayed married forever, had old tvs if had tv at all, had old furniture...etc etc etc.
Millennials cheer for massive immigration, then complain they can't get well-paying jobs.

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