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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 490 491 [492] 493 494 ... 525
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 19, 2019, 04:01:28 PM »
Since you're talking about new material and 11:00

Can I just shout out for Trevor Noah? He is killing it on the Daily Show. And to Seth Meyers. I remember saying that NBC ought to put Seth Meyers' "A Closer Look" on just before Fallon (the idea was not widely received) But Meyers' bit is excellent. And of course Colbert. Who is slowly making Mime, acceptable!

Observational bias, I know.

Reminds me, I haven't seen John Oliver in a long time. IS he still doing well?
His long pieces are on youtube by Monday morning. Remains excellent stuff.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:56:51 PM »
Just goes to show you how strong and deep the Big Whatever is, when even a bottom dweller is dangerous enough to take out a top team.

Channeling my inner Paul Finebaum....

I would say it was a classic trap game, but would not think the Illini capable of trapping grease.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 09:55:57 PM »
Just for shits and giggles...

Gabbard won’t be happy to hear Hillary Clinton’s latest interview. Nor will President Trump or another of Clinton’s 2016 opponents, whom Clinton has now lodged similar accusations about.

In a conversation on former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe’s podcast, Clinton suggested the Russians are leveraging a number of top U.S. politicians. She suggested Russia had kompromat on Trump. She accused 2016 Green Party nominee Jill Stein of being a “Russian asset.” And she suggested Russia might back Gabbard as a third-party candidate.
Poor, poor Hillary. She can’t acknowledge the unrequited love from the American voters.
It can’t possibly be her fault.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:24:54 PM »
The beauty of Bambu as a poster is that he can switch from gun-nut Bambu to racist Bambu in a millisecond.

Pity dead Aussie man hadn't been armed when he went to the fist fight inside his own home. he obviously wasn't accustomed to the fact that in America the bad people carry guns.
Quiet neighbourhood, full of unarmed "sitting ducks", it seems...'we leave our doors unlocked, it's such a nice neighbourhood', said one American lady.
Probably he was involved in drugs like Schapelle Corby and most Aussies who go over seas. We should arrest every Aussie trying to enter this country for a full body cavity search.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:20:35 PM »

Police have released security footage of a car speeding away from the home where Australian Brenton Estorffe was shot dead in Texas.

Sheriff Troy Nehls said police were asking for help to identify a light coloured four-door sedan with a sunroof. He said there was a $US25,000 ($A36,500) reward for any information that could lead to the capture of the intruders who broke into the Estorffes’ home in the early hours of Wednesday morning while they slept.

Mr Nehls said the first suspect is a male, approximately 5’11”, dark skinned and wearing a dark coloured hoodie.


Larry wonders why Black males are getting stopped by the cops late at night while driving.
I think Larry knows.full well why African American males are getting stopped: because of racist asshats like you make racist generalizations like you do.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 02:23:11 PM »
The actions Mulvaney described are not normal. 

Usual US business - under many administrations - yes
No it is not usual US business. Do you ever look behind the Trump administration comments to see if they are even remotely true?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 02:21:17 PM »

ex-Special Ops commander says the US is under attack by the president.

No doubt Kid will think that needs more analysis.

Former Adm. William McRaven (Ret.) argued in an op-ed Thursday that President Trump is "destroying" the United States, warning that the future of the country is "in peril" if Trump is not removed from office.

Operation Bone Spurs was a complete success.

Just ask any of the dictators involved in drawing up the plan.

Mattis had a few great lines at the Al Smith last night - including one about "spurs".

Mattis' performance here is shameful.  Former generals and defense officials are out right now trying to warn the US (the world) of the real dangers Trump posses to our security and Mattis is out doing stand-up.
Unfamiliar with the Al Smith, I take it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 18, 2019, 03:48:21 AM »
Thing is...when Mr Trump tells 'em he'll make them cease to exist or totally destroy their economies if they do things he doesn't like...they soon do things he does like.
Gotta love Mr Trump.
And you think that happened here?

I do.
He said he'd totally destroy Turkey's economy if it didn't do what he wanted.
So you think Trump wanted the abject surrender of the Kurds and our complete capitulation to the territorial demands of Turkey?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 17, 2019, 06:56:29 PM »
Turkey's Erdogan 'threw Trump's Syria letter in bin'
He probably thought it came from Baron.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 17, 2019, 04:08:43 PM »

The story that N.A. just referenced, in which Mick Mulvaney said that Ukraine aid was tied to Trump's desire for investigation.

When asked about the decision to withhold aid from Ukraine, Mulvaney told reporters that President Trump told him at the time, "This is a corrupt place. Everyone knows this is a corrupt place…Plus, I'm not sure that the other European countries are helping them out either.”

Mulvaney also added, “Did he also mention me in the past that the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that."

When questioned on Mulvaney saying that the White House held up security money from Ukraine until the president got assurances, Mulvaney told reporters to “get over it” saying there are going to be political impacts on foreign policy.

"The corruption of the country, whether or not other countries participating in support of Ukraine, and whether or not cooperating in an ongoing investigation with the department of justice. That is completely legitimate, yes"
A reporter then questioned Mulvaney on his explanation saying it sounds like a quid-pro-quo to which Mulvaney said: “We do that all the time with foreign policy.”
Mueller Report: At least 10 separate chargeable instances of obstruction of justice.

MAGA hat: But no finding that he conspired with a foreign government to interfere with the election! Yeah Trump!

Whistleblower: Trump directly conspired with a foreign government to interfere with the 2020 election.

MAGA hat: Heresay! Second hand information! Yeah Trump!

Trump: Here is a partial transcript showing.I did.exactly what whistleblower says I did.

MAGA hat: But there is no expressed quid pro quo! Yeah Trump!

Mick Mulvaney: There was a quid pro quo. Get over it.

MAGA hat: You know what? We're good. Yeah Trump!

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 17, 2019, 03:59:09 PM »
Trump's course to host G7
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8. Not that the actual Constitution matters to your fawningness.

What, Doonbeg wasn't a better choice than muggy south Florida in June??  If you're going to enrich yourself in office, at least try to make a semi rational choice as to where you get your emolument grease!
Doral is "substantially empty" during that time. Modern procurement rules were invented to prevent this type of self interested profiting from government business.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 17, 2019, 02:31:55 PM »
A Maryland win would make for a fun Thanksgiving dinner.

Cannot believe I left out:

Oklahoma 47, West Virginia 17

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 17, 2019, 02:30:00 PM »
Trump's course to host G7
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8. Not that the actual Constitution matters to your fawningness.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 17, 2019, 02:00:43 PM »
That's nice of you, Whiskey.  And Terps might have a shot.  Not sure why this wasn't scheduled as their homecoming game rather than the Michigan game on 11/2.
Who wants to see Indiana? Got to do something to draw alums.

Who will you be rooting for in that game?

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 17, 2019, 01:46:30 PM »
THE 42, Northwestern 3

NU has a stout defense, but it is not as good as Former Eventual National Champion Michigan State’s. They have a bad offense, one that is even worse than Former Eventual National Champion Michigan State’s.  The is rolling, and outside of Wisky and maybe the Pennsylvania State University, it is hard to see a team on their schedule that will get in their way.  This may be the best The team I have seen since Troy Smith’s senior season (note: did not end well), but then the last two years The lost to Iowa and Purdue, so there is the chance of a fatal lapse.

Florida 31, South Carolina 10

All right, time to believe in Florida.  The Cacks shot their wad last weekend.  Hilinski is back, which is nice – there is no one in CFB outside of East Lansing I want better for – but while the Cacks ran against a Clemsoning Georgia, I expect Florida to have taken notice.

ClemSIN 52, Louisville 31

I do not think Louisville is any damn good, but they sure seem to be entertaining, in an are you sure they are not coached by Mike Leach sort of way.  They can put up some points on the SIN, but I doubt they can stop ClemSIN from scoring at will.

Wisconsin 49, Illinois 10

At this point, I am trying to cover all of the power 5 unbeatens, which is the only reason to waste brain cells calculating how big a margin of victory this is going to be.  One thing CFB 2019 has proven beyond any reasonable doubt: Wisky is better than any college team in the State of Michigan by a pretty large margin.

the Louisiana State 47, the Old Missississippi State 17

Burrows passed his test.  This is a high powered, quick strike offense backed by a good but not great defense.  Cannot wait to see them against Alabama.  God’s Conference has maybe five or six of the top 15 teams in the country… and a bunch of meh and dreck.  LSU is one of the Top 4 teams right now.  State is meh.

Minnesota 35, Rutgers 3

While there is better depth in the Big Whatever than in God’s Conference, Rutgers is at a MAC level of badness.  Minnesota is going to be 7 – 0, and they are not good.

Oregon 32, Washington 17

Oregon’s the PAWCP’s last best chance to make the playoffs, but they need to run the table.  I still have my doubts about Herbert’s ability to actually function well in an offense, as opposed to function brilliantly in workouts, but he looked good against the Buffs last week.  Maybe he is going to start matching result and talent.

University of California* 28, Arizona 14

Zona still have a RichRod style quarterback, and I do not think it serves them well.  I wonder how long before they move on to Gunnell permanently.

* Southern

Utah 28, the Arizona State 24

The Fightin’ Herms have been better than reports I had made them out to be, but I think the Utes are a better balanced, better rounded team.

the Pennsylvania State 27, Methchicken 9

Methchicken allowed a pretty spirited Illini come back last week, but I still like their defense.  PSU’s defense seems a little better, and their offense can function at a higher level than Methchicken’s.  I don’t think either team will be more than a speed bump to what may be the best The team I have seen since etc, but PSU does have the chance to be.

the Boise State 35, BYU 23

the Boise State is the best of the Gang of 5 teams, I think. BYU beat SC on its third string QB, but have not looked good the other two games they played against quality competition.

Alabama 50, Tennessee 3

When is the last time a former assistant beat Nick Saban? I do not know (Just looked it up: Never.), but I know when the next time won’t be.

the Oklahoma State 35, Baylor 21

I think I have covered the major unbeatens… I am glad Baylor is rising from the ashes of the Briles era.  They still have a ways to go though.

Maryland 27, Indiana 26

I always try to cover the alma maters/favorite teams of our forum regulars.  Sometimes doing so is a real fucking chore.

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