Best case scenario trade: Kanter and Mudiay ($23mil in expiring salary) for Bradley Beal or John Wall.
While Beal is a better version of Hardaway we already have a scorer at the 2 and have you actually looked at Wall's deal? 40 million per over the next 4 years.
you are giving up any chance at KD or Kawhi with this deal. Wall just told his coach to fuck off. perfect choice.
Fuck both Wall AND Beal.
Wall? 40 million.
Beal? We have Timmy...and Dotson...and Trier.
No quick fixes. No shiny objects. No DDD Cup Tits.
Been there. Done that.
Being in rebuild mode is painful, but purposeful.
Stay the course.
Again, don't start spreading out the Welcome Mat for KD quite yet.
Winning team...$40-$50 million per for five years.
You can deep dry your turkey.
Or Slo-Cook it in the Crock Pot.
Mark me down for the Crock.
Wall is a great talent. But not winning in DC with Beal as his back court partner?
PS: Remote, very remote, as possibilities go, but Rubio is an FA in the summer of 2019.
PPS: Best case scenario? Come on Kam. 23 million in expiring contracts for some ME-FIRST Loser? I'll wait for the summer of 2019, thanks. NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!