The racist party strikes again.
Here's the apology from the Lawrence County Alabama Republican Committee:
"I would like to offer a deep and sincere apology for a picture that temporarily appeared on this page last night. A Google search picture of a GOP elephant was used and later found to have hidden images that do not represent the views or beliefs of the Lawrence County Republican Party," the post said.
The elephant and its "hidden" images are below:
How terribly hidden. And I do mean terribly.
The image, which was found on Instagram, was created by Woody Harrington, who has since added this text:
woodyharrington's profile picture
Are you a Republican politician looking for a promising image to symbolize your new campaign? THIS IS NOT IT😬
2 years ago I created this image for a piece in @motherjonesmag about the hate, bigotry and racism hidden within Trump's GOP. Its now come to my attention that the Hate Elephant has been given new life (without permission or credit of course) in not one, but two republican campaigns. Unfortunately, when they google searched "GOP elephant", they never bothered looking close enough at the original source material, or the elephant's legs to notice the hidden KKK hoods. (Swipe right for the aftermath) 🤦♂️ Let this be a lesson in copyright karma, and always remember to ask for a proof.... #copyrightkarma #motherjones #woodyharrington #gopelephant