You'd figure that a lifetime of being a pathetic loser that the troll would handle one more humiliating loss that exposed his idiocy a little better.
I mean whats one more loss atop of the thousands he's already swallowed?
Poor schmuck I guess each one stings as much as the last.
Try dealing in reality, once in a while. I haven't lost a thing. While you keep chasing the illusion that your life will somehow be far less miserable and meaningless if a baseball team you support buys a "championship".
Sad, pathetic, wannabe.
Poor pathetic troll
I harbor under no illusions about rooting for the teams I root for, and have for a long time. They are a form of entertainment and when they enjoy success it makes me feel good.
As it does every fan who enjoys following and supporting teams.
That you try to suck out the joy that normal people can get from sports and its various pleasures marks you as a tainted outsider, estranged from socital norms.
As noted several times, you fail at your perversions, and you just suck.
Nothing you post can remotely dent the positive feelings I or any other sports fan has when their team meet with success.
And troll lastly, you are wrong, you have lost a lot.
You have lost your decency, all sense of proprotion over a sporting event, and lost reality as you've descended into deep self-delusions over your pathology. .
The loss has left you a sick twisted sociopath deeply envious of the happiness of others.