Once you teach people how to make honest money, and once they develop good work ethics, etc, then chances are that they will stay honest.
I met a guy in community college in a Creative Writing class who owned the Crazy Otto's restaurants in Lancaster, California, and he told me that once you learn how to make honest money then you can make money anywhere, he told me that you could take it all away from him and drop him naked into any city in the USA and he said he would make the money back and become rich again. He went on to open a Crazy Otto's restaurant in Manhattan, in New York City.
The key to creating honest workers instead of bad criminals is to reward the good behavior, when people are honest and when they work hard then they need to be able to have good lives, that is why we need Labor Unions, and Labor Laws, etc. Honest work needs to be rewarded so that people do not need to be criminals to survive.
We need to educate and train people for honest jobs, and Father Boyle and Homeboy Industries can help.
We need to train and teach people to do desirable tasks and then reward them for being honest. When you are honest, and when you work hard, then you need to be able to have a good life.
And avocados are selling for $2 each, the Mexicans are making good money from the avocados, farming is a good honest opportunity for them, and they can have libraries, and tennis courts, and swimming pools, etc, for the people. There is no reason to be a criminal if you can grow avocados. And they can build hospitals, etc, as they prosper.
Tony V.