I have no preordained vetting philosophy over possible immigrants, only a broad perspective of what they have to offer or could offer. There is very little along those lines that can be predictive based solely on chain migration. I would also favor abolishing the practice of automatically accepting a person as a citizen if the only criterion is they were born here.
You think the criterion of having a parent be a citizen is enough? Both parents?
Both parents be working, upstanding citizens who are not living on welfare? Neither homosexual?
Working, upstanding citizens who are not of the wrong color and not on welfare?
White Christians! I've got it.
I know, I know... you already
very sensibly declared that you have no standards in mind to qualify, only reservations about the current qualifications.
But the above reservations are those of many others of your party, if not yours, and it is reason enough to not trust this purely to a democratic process.