---Rev. Samuel Rodriguez: Trump's right: churches, other houses of worship are essential to America---
Take risks to buy groceries or put money in the pew box for your favorite mangod.
In this he comes off as well meaning, but unfortunately seems to promote a murderously wrong idea that low trafficked areas should resume life as before when logic, math, science, experience, compassion, and wisdom dictate that anyone who’s going to open needs strict indoor masking, social distancing, and disinfecting practices in place.
He also uses the valid idea that testing every single person in America isn’t necessary to imply we might as well reopen now when the truth is in fact that we should be hunkering down and keeping our powder dry until we can test enough of the population in enough places so we know with a margin of error within our hospitalization capacity, and that includes staff, the actual extent of the epidemic, which we are nowhere near doing yet.
That’s assuming we can ramp up some tests that are far more accurate than the ones being used by the White House. Those are inaccurate enough to be completely useless for making decisions about public health.
Maybe you have to say things like that when what’s most important to you is maintaining your relationship with the sugar pill presidency that Putin and Prejudice gave us.