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Messages - FlyingVProd

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Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: October 27, 2018, 02:41:10 AM »
The Dodgers need to get the runners in when they get runners on base, especially with no outs, they need to bunt, and do sacrifice flies, etc, to get the runners in. Buehler did a great job pitching tonight, but the Dodgers need to get runs, they cannot afford to leave runners on base, they need to get those runners in. Every swing does not need to be a home run, sometimes a bunt is all you need.

And the same with Ryu, and Kershaw, they pitch great, but the Dodgers need the batters to get runs in. They cannot be champions of the world if they keep leaving runners on base, they need to get those runners in.


Tony V.

Maeda is amazing, these Dodger pitchers are awesome. They need for the Dodger batters to get more runs.


Tony V.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: October 27, 2018, 01:47:40 AM »
The Dodgers need to get the runners in when they get runners on base, especially with no outs, they need to bunt, and do sacrifice flies, etc, to get the runners in. Buehler did a great job pitching tonight, but the Dodgers need to get runs, they cannot afford to leave runners on base, they need to get those runners in. Every swing does not need to be a home run, sometimes a bunt is all you need.

And the same with Ryu, and Kershaw, they pitch great, but the Dodgers need the batters to get runs in. They cannot be champions of the world if they keep leaving runners on base, they need to get those runners in.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 26, 2018, 09:50:22 PM »
Bono Wants Africa and the EU to Join Forces Against Trump and the US and 'Take Over the World'


I used to love Bono and U2, but now he has turned into a freak. I even defended them when they put a song on everyone's cell phones that they did not want. And I was born in the land of the Joshua Trees, in the Antelope Valley, and I loved their "Joshua Tree" album, and in my hometown the streets do not have names, the streets have letters and numbers, for instance I lived on M-8 and 50th Street West. Also, the Antelope Valley built and flew many of the top secret aircraft such as the U2. And Bono may have been at my Brother's wedding when my Brother married Roy Rogers and Dale Evans' Granddaughter (Roy and Dale were there, and a few rich and famous people were there. And my Brother and his new bride flew off in a helicopter for their honeymoon on Catalina Island, it was cool). Bono can go kick rocks, he has lost his mind.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 26, 2018, 06:55:43 PM »
In defense of Megyn Kelly...

There was nothing racist about Richard Pryor dressing Gene Wilder up as a black man in "Silver Streak." It was very funny. No one ever accused Gene Wilder of being racist. Richard Pryor even said that they would be okay as long as they did not run into any Muslims. So in some cases, white people dressing up as black people can be funny.

Damon Wayans could dress Jim Carrey up as a black man right now, and people would laugh, and they would never be called racist.

People need to lighten up. People need to stop being so militant. They want to ruin someone's entire life over anything that remotely resembles racism, and it is all baloney. People need to chill.

She should not have lost her job over this.


Tony V.

Music / Re: Music
« on: October 26, 2018, 06:28:03 PM »
The Doors

"Spanish Caravan"

Carry me Caravan take me away 
Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain 
Andalusia with fields full of grain 
I have to see you again and again 
Take me, Spanish Caravan 
Yes, I know you can 

Trade winds find Galleons lost in the sea 
I know where treasure is waiting for me 
Silver and gold in the mountains of Spain 
I have to see you again and again 
Take me, Spanish Caravan 
Yes, I know you can



Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 26, 2018, 04:29:09 PM »
In the European Union they allow their good Christian neighbors to move around freely in each others' nations. 

If ten thousand good Christians from Ireland showed up in Italy, they would welcome them warmly, and they would put them to work in the vineyards. etc. 

We need to do the same thing here in the Western Hemisphere with our good Christian neighbors. When the caravan from Honduras gets here, we should have a feast for them (I am sure they will be hungry and tired when they get here), and have showers and beds for them, etc, and then after they have rested for a couple of days, we should give them information on jobs in the USA, such as doing construction in areas hit hard by hurricanes, and rebuilding houses lost to fires, and jobs working in the vineyards, and jobs picking tomatoes, and other jobs working in the fields all over America picking fruits and vegetables, etc, the American Farm Workers Union and other unions can supply them with lists of open jobs, etc, etc, etc, and we can have people to give them work visas and stuff, and there can be people to give the students visas, etc, and there can be lawyers to help them to become legal citizens of the USA, etc, etc, etc. We can set up a tent village for them, and when they get here we can have a staff and a plan all ready to go. 

These people are not from enemy nations, these are our good Christian neighbors here in the Western Hemisphere. 

And we need to have a GOOD NEIGHBOR policy with our good Christian neighbors, Canada, and Mexico, we need to allow them to live and work and to go to school in the USA, and we need to make it is easy for them to become citizens of the USA.

Of note too, is that we are supposed to help the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses, and that is what God tells us to do, including in Matthew 25; 31-46. God also tells us in the Bible that we should help all people, but ESPECIALLY other Christians. 


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 25, 2018, 04:34:05 PM »
California also has great sports teams and boxers!

Go Dodgers!


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 25, 2018, 04:24:19 PM »
Some good things about California...

We have good water. 

We have good, fresh locally-grown food. 

We have good weather.

We have good beaches.

We have people from all over the world here, which means that we have restaurants from all over the world, etc.

Everyone in California exercises, so everyone is physically fit and beautiful. 

Everyone wants to be great at what they do because they all want to live well and living well in California is expensive, so you have to push yourself to be the best that you can be.

We have great schools. And we have great film schools. And we have great acting schools.

Even in the bad economy we still have jobs from tourism, and in Orange County over one hundred and sixty thousand jobs are created by tourism. And the tourists love Hollywood.

The entertainment industry is coming back to Hollywood because of the highly skilled and trained workforce, and because of tax breaks.

Guys like Richard Branson have projects going on in Mojave.

California has high tech jobs, and aerospace and defense jobs.

Those are just a few good things about California.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:30:04 PM »
California has lost more than half a million jobs to China — more than any other state, report says

OCT 23, 2018 | 3:00 AM


Bad trade deals have really hurt California. Even Canada was stealing jobs from California, they stole the automobile manufacturing plant from Van Nuys, and Canada has been stealing film and television jobs, etc. Everyone has been stealing jobs from California. California experienced more than just a recession, it was like the great depression in many areas. I myself was homeless for two years, I had to live in my pickup truck, and I was never able to do what I went to school to do, I went to school to be an actor and a filmmaker.

Anyhow, there is a lot of hard work to do in order to make things better. And not only do we need to fix trade deals with China, we need to fix trade deals with everyone. And we need to be able to sell California cheese in Canada again without high import tariffs, etc. What we have is worth improving. We can compete with the whole world on a level playing field, but what we have right now is not level. And Californians love to live good lives, and California is a proud state. Right now we are all living in group homes, or on government aid, or barely getting by. If it was not for Social Security and welfare and stuff, and Section 8 Housing, etc, then it would really be bad.

And NO WALL! Mexico is Calfiornia's number one trade partner. Without Mexico we would be in even worse shape. Mexico is on our team. We need to expand trade with Mexico, and we need to have a GOOD NEIGHBOR policy so that they can live and work and go to school and stuff in the USA.


Tony V.

Youa re a survivor, Tony.

Props to you.

But I ask - how bad do you THINK it will get in Cali if RULE OF LAW continues to be ignored?

Really? Trade pacts are killing yoiur state?  Really?  This is what you are going with?

As the economy improves as we create more fair trade pacts, then we need to give the new factories tax breaks for hiring formerly homeless people, and for hiring people who are on government aid, etc. And also, if you come to California and film here using all local workers then you need to receive a tax break. And if you go to Van Nuys to open a new automobile manufacturing plant, then you need free redevelopment money and tax breaks for hiring local workers, etc, etc,etc. We need to inspire people to create jobs. This is better than the stimulus money because it goes to workers, and towards helping people to sustain themselves. We need to get people off of aid and back into the workforce. 

We also need to build our high speed trains in California as well as high speed trains between Anaheim and Las Vegas. (A high speed train between New York City and Washington D.C. would also be wise.)

We need to level the playing field, and we need to get Americans back to work, and we need to get Californians back to work.


Tony V. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 24, 2018, 02:32:49 PM »
California has lost more than half a million jobs to China — more than any other state, report says

OCT 23, 2018 | 3:00 AM


Bad trade deals have really hurt California. Even Canada was stealing jobs from California, they stole the automobile manufacturing plant from Van Nuys, and Canada has been stealing film and television jobs, etc. Everyone has been stealing jobs from California. California experienced more than just a recession, it was like the great depression in many areas. I myself was homeless for two years, I had to live in my pickup truck, and I was never able to do what I went to school to do, I went to school to be an actor and a filmmaker.

Anyhow, there is a lot of hard work to do in order to make things better. And not only do we need to fix trade deals with China, we need to fix trade deals with everyone. And we need to be able to sell California cheese in Canada again without high import tariffs, etc. What we have is worth improving. We can compete with the whole world on a level playing field, but what we have right now is not level. And Californians love to live good lives, and California is a proud state. Right now we are all living in group homes, or on government aid, or barely getting by. If it was not for Social Security and welfare and stuff, and Section 8 Housing, etc, then it would really be bad.

And NO WALL! Mexico is Calfiornia's number one trade partner. Without Mexico we would be in even worse shape. Mexico is on our team. We need to expand trade with Mexico, and we need to have a GOOD NEIGHBOR policy so that they can live and work and go to school and stuff in the USA.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2018, 02:24:10 AM »
Bambu, the Latinos are not to be feared, they are our allies, they are all good Christians, and we have around eight hundred million Latinos here in the Western Hemisphere. Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere and converted everyone to Christianity, we are all part of Christian civilization. The Mexicans are all good Christians. 

We need to breed and mix here in the USA, and we need to work together as a team. 

And we have already had Latinos in our White House, including Carlos Gutierrez who was the Secretary of Commerce under George W. Bush, Carlos was born in Cuba, and worked in Mexico before coming to the USA. Alberto Gonzales was the Attorney General in the George W. Bush White House as well, he was born in Texas, and he was the first Latino American to work as Attorney General. 

Australia is foolish not to invite the Latino refugees to Australia. The Latinos are great. (And Venezuela has some of the most beautiful people in the world, like Colombia.)

Salma Hayek was an illegal immigrant in the USA briefly when she first came to the USA from Mexico...

The Latinos are great, and they are our good Christian allies.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2018, 01:43:44 AM »
Ah, but Bambu, on the issue of image, there are the humble billionaires like Richard Branson, who is very cool. And there are successful people like Sam Elliott who is very humble, yet very cool, and Jeff Bridges, and others. And most of the Rock and Roll stars are humble, yet cool. Many good, humble people are successful.

Trump is big headed and arrogant, and many people are successful without being that way.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2018, 01:23:31 AM »
Go Dodgers!

My only complaint, is that most of the Dodger games during the season were on pay television, so many of the fans who only get free television missed the games. If I owned the Dodgers the games would all be televised on free television so that all of the fans could watch the games. (When Gene Autry owned the Angels here in Anaheim, he also owned channel 5, KTLA, and so he televised the Angel games free for the fans on channel 5.) But, of course the World Series will be on free television for all of the fans to see.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 20, 2018, 09:54:15 PM »
I voted today by mail-in ballot.

There were some important things on the ballot, things such as helping the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, and treating the farm animals better, and raising the minimum wage for workers, and other things.

And I voted for people who are going to keep the Angels in Anaheim, etc. I also voted to approve some new hotels and to create more jobs.

It is important to vote, and I did my part.

And I voted for Democrats, because I am against building the wall, and I want California to be a sanctuary state, and I want us to build our high speed trains, etc. I also care about our environment.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 20, 2018, 02:16:17 PM »
I worked with some Native American Indians on a couple of movies, and I tried to get the San Manuel Indian Tribe of San Bernardino to invest in opening a movie studio here in Anaheim. I also have a friend who is in the Yurok Tribe, and my Brother's Mother in law is full blooded Indian (Dodie Rogers, she was adopted by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans). I love the Native American Indians.

Of note too, when I saw Black Sabbath back in 2013, the San Manuel Tribe produced the concert. And the Seminole Tribe in Florida owns the Hard Rock Cafes, hotels, casinos, etc, worldwide. The Indians love Rock and Roll.


Tony V.

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