Knox has a lot to work on, but also a good deal to build on.
He's real young. Good body. Needs more strength and to fill out more. His defensive awareness was not good. But he has other things ahead of that (though that should be a focus too).
Franc is Rory Sparrow.
Looking like a backup combo guard.
But he's young. And only got half a season in.
I'd put him in Summer League and tell him to be super-aggressive, look to score to make an assists every time down.
Try to alter his mentality some.
I think his defense is reasonably solid, but overrated. Foul prone. Sometimes not good angles or stance. Might navigate a pick well or poorly. Good effort. Long arms.
Never understood why players, especially Points don't seek out Clyde's help. Some might be intimidated a bit, others might think Clyde's got his job and role. Maybe some of the young guys and especially the foreigners don't really know who he was to some extent.
Always thought the team could help by giving Clyde some sort of semi-official role. Pay Clyde $250K a year as a Defensive Consultant or Special Guard Guru. I'm sure Clyde wouldn't mind the extra money and he's around the team most of the year and has down time in the hotel. So he could give some advice and do some small side-work with some of the players on a weekly basis or whatever. He knows his ish, knows how to communicate lessons pithily and effectively, and is basically scouting the team all season anyway.
So not just on the players, the Knicks could make it something semi-official. I don't think a little Clyde on the Side would step on the toes of the coaching staff.
Mud, Franc, Jr. Smith could all use some overall guidance, especially on D. Zo & Dot should be young sponges as well.