On the issue of wages, I like the Federal list of Prevailing Wages...
https://www.cityoforange.org/DocumentCenter/View/12009/20-2117---RFB---SP-4148-CDBG-ADA-Ramps---Addendum-2?bidId=Different jobs pay different wages, and just putting everyone at a $15 minimum wage does not fix things. While a low minimum wage might be fine for a newspaper boy delivering newspapers, it is not okay for a dry-waller on a construction site, or other adult job that requires skill. So you need to have a list like the prevailing wage list.
And I feel that being a good cook is a skill and cooks should be paid more than minimum wage, and for sure the cook should not be paid the same as the person washing the dishes. Waitresses get tips, so they make a lot of money, but the cooks do not get tips, and it sucks for the waitresses to be making more money than the cooks. The wages need to be raised for cooks.
And of course, we have unions which help people to receive fair pay. The unions set pay scales.
Of note too, I think that school teachers, and others who have to receive an education and training in order to work, should be paid much more than prison guards and border patrol agents, etc. Teachers need to be paid more than prison guards.
Different jobs deserve different pay amounts, and setting the minimum wage at $15 per hour does not mean that a plumber and a dish washer should be paid the same. The wages are going to have to go up across the board for everyone. And an adult with a full time job needs to be able to afford food and shelter, in the least. An educated adult with a full time job needs to be able to buy a house and raise a family.
These days of adult workers living in their cars need to end, if you are honest and if you work hard then you should not be living in your car.
Prevailing wage lists make sense, as does having unions to set wage scales.
Tony V.