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Author Topic: Biden Administration  (Read 751743 times)


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12300 on: July 20, 2021, 11:59:02 AM »

Brian Kilmeade is an ass.

It's comments like this that make you one.

Brian Kilmeade is much smarter than the morons he victimizes by feeding them deadly bullshit via his dishonest broadcasts.

You’re not one of those moron victims, are you kid?
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12302 on: July 20, 2021, 12:11:55 PM »

Kid I'm not a scientist, nor have the deep knowledge of deadly viruses you seem to have, but is it possible that the unvacced and unmasked are more vulnerable to getting infected with covid-delta, covid-epsilon, covid-next Greek letter mutant strain, as new mutations of covid  develop, mutations which could prove a deadly danger to those who got vacced and practice social distancing?

Is it that difficult an ask, to ask that citizens act together to fight this disease, by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the mutation conditions more difficult, by making the mutant pool smaller and making the virus work harder to find the idiots who want to be covid-mutant factories? 

« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 12:13:27 PM by bankshot1 »


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12303 on: July 20, 2021, 12:17:11 PM »

Michael Campagna, an attorney representing the homeowner, argued that standards for obscenity have changed over the years, stating that it was obscene for women to show their knees in the 1920s. He said using the f-word towards someone no longer has a sexual connotation in society and is simply a colloquialism.

In this case, I agree with the free speech argument.   "Fuck Biden" or "Fuck Trump" is not a usage that has any sexual meaning and is not obscene.  Now if you add " the ass" or other anatomical details, then it would become obscene, and the 1st Am protections wouldn't help you where obscenity ordinances apply. 

Even there, it's not hard to get around such laws using Spoonerisms, asterisks, and so on. 

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12304 on: July 20, 2021, 12:23:36 PM »

Kid I'm not a scientist, nor have the deep knowledge of deadly viruses you seem to have, but is it possible that the unvacced and unmasked are more vulnerable to getting infected with covid-delta, covid-epsilon, covid-next Greek letter mutant strain, as new mutations of covid  develop, mutations which could prove a deadly danger to those who got vacced and practice social distancing?

Is it that difficult an ask, to ask that citizens act together to fight this disease, by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the mutation conditions more difficult, by making the mutant pool smaller and making the virus work harder to find the idiots who want to be covid-mutant factories? 

Kid worries it could lead to citizens acting together to fight fascism by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the corruption conditions more difficult, by making the fascist pool smaller and making republicans work harder to find the idiots who want to be felonious insurrectionist traitors and destroy the nation.

This is essentially Kid’s greatest fear.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12305 on: July 20, 2021, 12:27:41 PM »

The 1/6 committee should start by subpoenaing rep Jordan’s and rep Banks’ telegram, WhatsApp, texts and emails, along with their parler and 8chan presence and that of all their staff. It’s important to get all of it out in public and on the record.
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Holly Martins

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12306 on: July 20, 2021, 12:30:33 PM »

Kid I'm not a scientist, nor have the deep knowledge of deadly viruses you seem to have, but is it possible that the unvacced and unmasked are more vulnerable to getting infected with covid-delta, covid-epsilon, covid-next Greek letter mutant strain, as new mutations of covid  develop, mutations which could prove a deadly danger to those who got vacced and practice social distancing?

Is it that difficult an ask, to ask that citizens act together to fight this disease, by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the mutation conditions more difficult, by making the mutant pool smaller and making the virus work harder to find the idiots who want to be covid-mutant factories?

As Alexandra Petri warned, you don't want to get young people hooked on life-saving modern medicine.  That's coddling!



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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12307 on: July 20, 2021, 12:43:32 PM »

Kid I'm not a scientist, nor have the deep knowledge of deadly viruses you seem to have, but is it possible that the unvacced and unmasked are more vulnerable to getting infected with covid-delta, covid-epsilon, covid-next Greek letter mutant strain, as new mutations of covid  develop, mutations which could prove a deadly danger to those who got vacced and practice social distancing?

Is it that difficult an ask, to ask that citizens act together to fight this disease, by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the mutation conditions more difficult, by making the mutant pool smaller and making the virus work harder to find the idiots who want to be covid-mutant factories?

As Alexandra Petri warned, you don't want to get young people hooked on life-saving modern medicine.  That's coddling!

Josh posted an editorial cartoon a few days ago about a child asking her mom about her smallpox scar and why she didn't have one.

And the mom answered "because the shot worked".

The message was simple and effective.

Sadly it seems the only cure for stupidity is Darwinian, but it takes a really long time to prove effective as it works its way through the population.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 12:45:28 PM by bankshot1 »


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12309 on: July 20, 2021, 12:57:42 PM »

Kid I'm not a scientist, nor have the deep knowledge of deadly viruses you seem to have, but is it possible that the unvacced and unmasked are more vulnerable to getting infected with covid-delta, covid-epsilon, covid-next Greek letter mutant strain, as new mutations of covid  develop, mutations which could prove a deadly danger to those who got vacced and practice social distancing?

Is it that difficult an ask, to ask that citizens act together to fight this disease, by putting fears and superstitions and politics aside, and making the mutation conditions more difficult, by making the mutant pool smaller and making the virus work harder to find the idiots who want to be covid-mutant factories?

As Alexandra Petri warned, you don't want to get young people hooked on life-saving modern medicine.  That's coddling!
Dr. Marty Makary is a pro­fessor at the Johns Hop­kins School of Med­i­cine, Bloomberg School of Pub­lic Health and Carey Busi­ness School who had this take on vaccinating teens for Covid today in the WSJ.

A tremen­dous num­ber of gov­ern­ment and pri­vate poli­cies af­fect­ing kids are based on one num­ber: 335. That is how many chil­dren un­der 18 have died with a Covid di­ag­nosis code in their record, ac­cord­ing to the Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion. Yet the CDC, which has 21,000 em­ployees, hasn’t re­searched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it in­volved a preex­ist­ing med­ical con­dition.

With­out these data, the CDC Ad­vi­sory Commit­tee on Im­mu­niza­tion Prac­tices de­cided in May that the ben­e­fits of two-dose vac­ci­na­tion out-weigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15. I’ve writ­ten hun­dreds of peer-reviewed med­ical stud­ies, and I can think of no jour­nal ed­i­tor who would ac­cept the claim that 335 deaths re­sulted from a virus with­out data to in­di­cate if the virus was in­ci­den­tal or causal, and with­out an analy­sis of rel­e­vant risk fac­tors such as obesity.

Given the tremen­dous re­sources of the CDC and FDA, which to­gether em­ploy 39,000, these agen­cies ought to be able to re­port the sta­tistics needed to make in­formed pol­icy de­ci­sions. If the data are in­com­plete or flawed, so too will be the de­ci­sions de­rived from them. The vac­cine’s ben­e­fits may out­weigh its risks for healthy kids, but the gov­ern­ment shouldn’t try to push that con­clu­sion based on faulty data.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12310 on: July 20, 2021, 01:04:55 PM »

”No. You're obstinate. My take is just different, and you have trouble accepting points of view that don't confirm to yours or confirm your own biases.

The end.”

It’s not different it’s judt fucking wrong.

Thanks for proving my point.

FUN stuff, Larry.

Show me how this relates to the bullshit you posted directly to me:

“practicing the rhetorical punch, parry, and kick of dog whistle racial jujitsu. Here are the basic moves: (1) punch racism into the conversation through references to culture, behavior, and class; (2) parry claims of race-baiting by insisting that absent a direct reference to biology or the use of a racial epithet, there can be no racism; (3) kick up the racial attack by calling any critics the real racists for mentioning race and thereby “playing the race card.”

― Ian Haney López, Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class

You already were shown.
 Let's review.

"Missouri Rep. Cori Bush spent nearly $70,000 on private security over the past three months as she advocated for defunding the police, campaign filings show.

Bush's campaign sent $54,120.92 in payments between April 15 and June 28 for "security services" to RS&T Security Consulting, a New York-based firm with a mysterious online presence, Federal Election Commission records released Thursday show. The Democrat's campaign also paid $15,000 to Nathaniel Davis for "security services" over the same time period.

The $69,120 in security payments accounted for more than a third of Bush's $197,000 in campaign expenditures during the second quarter, the FEC records show. It's also nearly double what her campaign spent on private security during the first quarter of 2021.

No she isn't,  Racist. At least, not based on that article, Racist. She hired private security. Has she ever.advocated eliminating that?

Also... Man Who Pretends to not be a Racist posts yet another article of Black People Allegedly Behaving Badly. Forrest sure seem really, really REALLY fond of doing that.

****So, there's nothing in the post about race.
...except of course the whole context.
Yet, you inject it. This proves your comments have one purpose. To label anyone who doesn't kowtow to the okey-dokie wokie world as a racist.

No, just you. Because the shoe fits.

No, it's the reactionary left.

Any criticism of the left or one of it's heroes, no matter how valid or clearly shown, as in my original post, draws the "racist" comment as a method if shutting down any real discussion.

It's what you do. It's what Larry does. It's what many here do

And Larry's passionate defense of doing so, he attempts to justify. It makes as much sense as asking when someone stopped beating their wife.

It's juvenile,, inaccurate, and weak-minded.

But then, that's
No, it is YOU. You get called on your blatant racism and to make yourself more comfortable you decide there is some sort of organized plot to quiet you, based solely on disagreement. But it is not. It is based on your racism, Forrest. Pure and simple.

And even if you were right it is nothing like a do you still beat your wife scenario. You just posted that to attack someone who recently lost their beloved wife to try to hurt them. Something you find amusing because in addition to being a racist YOU ARE A DESPICABLE PILE OF HORSE EXCREMENT.

Sorry, Kuntzler but careful review indicates exactly your reaction, compounded by Larry's. I posted, you lobbed racist, he tried to confirm

You lose another one.
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12311 on: July 20, 2021, 01:05:59 PM »

”No. You're obstinate. My take is just different, and you have trouble accepting points of view that don't confirm to yours or confirm your own biases.

The end.”

It’s not different it’s judt fucking wrong.

Thanks for proving my point.

FUN stuff, Larry.

Show me how this relates to the bullshit you posted directly to me:

“practicing the rhetorical punch, parry, and kick of dog whistle racial jujitsu. Here are the basic moves: (1) punch racism into the conversation through references to culture, behavior, and class; (2) parry claims of race-baiting by insisting that absent a direct reference to biology or the use of a racial epithet, there can be no racism; (3) kick up the racial attack by calling any critics the real racists for mentioning race and thereby “playing the race card.”

― Ian Haney López, Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class

You already were shown.
 Let's review.

"Missouri Rep. Cori Bush spent nearly $70,000 on private security over the past three months as she advocated for defunding the police, campaign filings show.

Bush's campaign sent $54,120.92 in payments between April 15 and June 28 for "security services" to RS&T Security Consulting, a New York-based firm with a mysterious online presence, Federal Election Commission records released Thursday show. The Democrat's campaign also paid $15,000 to Nathaniel Davis for "security services" over the same time period.

The $69,120 in security payments accounted for more than a third of Bush's $197,000 in campaign expenditures during the second quarter, the FEC records show. It's also nearly double what her campaign spent on private security during the first quarter of 2021.

No she isn't,  Racist. At least, not based on that article, Racist. She hired private security. Has she ever.advocated eliminating that?

Also... Man Who Pretends to not be a Racist posts yet another article of Black People Allegedly Behaving Badly. Forrest sure seem really, really REALLY fond of doing that.

****So, there's nothing in the post about race.
...except of course the whole context.
Yet, you inject it. This proves your comments have one purpose. To label anyone who doesn't kowtow to the okey-dokie wokie world as a racist.

No, just you. Because the shoe fits.

No, it's the reactionary left.

Any criticism of the left or one of it's heroes, no matter how valid or clearly shown, as in my original post, draws the "racist" comment as a method if shutting down any real discussion.

It's what you do. It's what Larry does. It's what many here do

And Larry's passionate defense of doing so, he attempts to justify. It makes as much sense as asking when someone stopped beating their wife.

It's juvenile,, inaccurate, and weak-minded.

But then, that's

When did you stop raping you’re mother?


See, josh?

It ain't me.

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Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12312 on: July 20, 2021, 01:18:19 PM »

Fauci v Paul.

Speaking of liars, if Fauci was making a unwanted point here, Steve from AZ would call him a racist, and then Larry would steal another quote to try to justify Steve's off-base assertion.

It's what they do.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12313 on: July 20, 2021, 01:34:19 PM »

Hammy thinks he makes points here. SMH

This is why they don’t let morons ref the games they are playing in and are clearly bound to lose.

Hammy’s vapid and obnoxious hissy fits are fresh dog turds left on the sidewalks of this forum.
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Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #12314 on: July 20, 2021, 01:36:52 PM »

Speaking of liars: I refused to blindly follow Dr. Fauci...and allow him to strip Floridians of their God-given freedoms.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in fundraising appeal

Sadly, all this crowing assumes a fact not in evidence: that Florida's battle with COVID has been a "success."

In truth, it's been nothing of the kind. The state, which has 6.5% of the U.S. population, accounts for 20% of America's new COVID infections. Its recent daily average of 29 new infections per 100,000 population is four times the national average.

As we've mentioned before, we wouldn't normally be picking on DeSantis just because his state has run into snags in fighting the pandemic.

Almost every state is seeing a rise in cases, thanks partially to the high transmissibility of the Delta variant of the virus, and partially to pockets of unvaccinated residents — pockets that in some cases cover entire states.

What has set DeSantis apart has been his insistence on portraying his state's record as a reproach to liberal orthodoxy.
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