If we want to have an educated society then we need to reward education. If you are hiring for a company and if you see on the application that the prospective employee took the time and did the work of going to college, then those people need to be rewarded. The people who go to college need to have a fast track to the high paying management jobs.
As people work, and gain experience, and as they go to college and study, then they make themselves more valuable as employees.
I met a deaf guy at the train station who said he loves to work, and he said that if he ended up homeless again that he was going to start killing people. People who are honest, and who love to work, need to be able to make honest money, and they should not be out there homeless.
The people who are honest, and who work hard, need to be rewarded by the gate-keepers who do the hiring, and by the leaders who do the promoting.
I am going to rise to the top and be a gate-keeper, and I will reward the people who study. I will hire the graduates from Harvard, and I will hire the people who took the time to train at the AADA, etc. I will get workers from the film schools, etc, I will reward the people who took the time to train and learn.
We will see, I still have a lot to learn, and I will need a lot of good luck. And I need to walk with wise people, I need to be blessed to have wise people in my life. And I would be very lucky if I can find a smart wife who is into the same stuff I am into.
Tony V.