Broad, humane and mutually beneficial immigration is essential to having a healthy society in the future. Old fucks are expensive to maintain and they do not provide or produce much to support their lingering existence. The necessary wealth has to come from somewhere.
Republican scam-culture has made it so many young people do not want to start families in this mess. So you cannot realistically look for help from home in this climate.
Israel is in a world of shit largely of its own contrivance. A friendly gesture would be to encourage Israel to stop digging rather than tossing in more heavy equipment whenever the diggers ask.
Freedom to exist protected from oppression by your society is a major issue.
There are better places to put your energy to get your energy than into new oil wells.
I am glad you like Vice President Harris. Just vote for whoever she tells you to and things will be alright.
Seems to many that 'young people' want 'old people' (40 is classed as old today, confirmed on Family Feud (Steve Harvey) show) die as soon as possible so they can get their money instead of working hard themselves.
"An elderly man 60, was attacked and robbed outside the social club", written in my newspaper.
Israel has a right to exist, set up as a "Jewish homeland/sanctuary" after WW2.
"The Jews last stand". The atrocities inflicted on them in the Holocaust are on Youtube for the world to see.
Israel needs to arm itself to the max with nukes and all the latest missiles, war planes, war ships.
Needs to become energy self-sufficient...keep on drilling.
During school hours, in my world, who are most of the people in the malls shopping for groceries etc, filling the offices of doctors, kitchenware shops, and dept stores?
Answer: "Old people".
School holidays now...for 2 weeks..."old people" sure come in handy for minding the kiddies while the "young people" are working. LOL