Reading about the immigration problem in Bamboland. Homelessness, lack of inexpensive housing. Everyone, everywhereLuee doesn't read very well.
Or think.
seeking the golden dole.
Yes, the folly of the Left, ...massive immigration swamping everything.
Failed asylum seekers not being deported.
Immigrants with money, will buy up all the housing for sale, and rent all available houses and apartments as rents rise,....and where will the locals, the then "working poor" go?
...onto the streets.
At least 'waltzing matilda'...(matilda being a swag/back pack, waltzing being as it moves around as you walk along) camping, is reasonably comfortable weather-wise except for a few weeks in winter in the southern half of the nation.
The golden dole...
...single, age 22 or over, no children = $693.10 per fortnight.
Single, 22 or over, with children = $745.20 per fortnight.
Partnered...each $631.20 per fortnight.
20 unemployed single people in a = $13,862 per FN
Rent for house, about $1,800 per FN.
Keep digging up that coal to pay for it all.