The people of Hong Kong worked to help companies to take advantage of slave labor in China, now it is time to pay the piper. The people of Hong Kong should have been marching to protect the people of China, instead of making money off of promoting slave labor and poor human rights in China. I wish the best for all people, including for the people of Hong Kong and of China, but the people of Hong Kong brought it on themselves.
By fighting for good human rights for all people, then you protect your own human rights. If you profit off of the slavery of another, then it is hard when you look for help when you want to protect your own human rights. And for instance, the people of Hong Kong could have been marching when the guy stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square. There were many things that the people of Hong Kong could have done to fight for freedom in China.
I respect Taiwan. Taiwan has managed to stay free. Hong Kong could learn a lot from Taiwan.
Tony V.