the police version of the incident is accurate, then while I am unconvinced that it had to go the way it went (How did they let him roll up his window?), I think they will be in the clear.
But it strikes me as very odd that they show the body cam of an officer who was not there for the shooting rushing up and
he is the one they choose to reach in to pluck out the gun. No other footage is released because they want the statements of everybody "directly involved," first.
I sure hope the other videos are (a) released, (b) complete, and (c) corroborating what they claim. Unfortunately, we have seen time and again now that when the "directly involved" officers' videos are shown they conflict with the careful narrative of the police who shot or otherwise killed somebody.
We also have the example of the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force that carried realistic looking toy guns to plant on folks they'd killed to make it look as if they had reason to shoot. Gun planting has been seen in numerous other cities since then, in one fashion or another.
That makes the public's seeing and hearing the body cam footage of the shooting officers vital.