Uno, Red, and Kid were not born with their particular brands of stupidity. They may have been raised with it, but still it gets laid out for them time and time again, and in a much lesser way than Senator Warren, nevertheless they persist.
It is flat out wrong to be bigoted toward people for circumstances beyond their control. Race, gender, disability, background, occupation or lack thereof.
It is fair game, and the core of good sense, to be bigoted toward people for demonstrably informed intentional patterns of dumbass behavior. It’s in some cases also fair and good sense to be bigoted towards someone for a singular act, though there the standards for being informed, intentional, and a dumbass are higher.
If you’d led an otherwise exemplary life, I’d be bigoted against you for in any way contributing to Kyle Rittenmouse’s being out on bail for example.
Be best, Uno. I know it’s hard cause you’ve been somehow associated with Philadelphia. Disagreeability resonates through every brick in that city and winds up in the fabric of each resident’s bones.