The people of Puerto Rico have a great climate and soil for growing many things, but the people became so accustomed to growing things while working as slave labor, such as sugar cane, that they all quit working in the fields. The work was not enjoyable, and there was not any reward, so they quit growing things.
Now, Puerto Rico imports all of their food.
People in Puerto Rico realized that all of their food is imported, so now they are trying to grow their own food to become more self sufficient.
But, it is just a few people who are working hard. There needs to be a movement to get other people to join them to help them to grow food and to help Puerto Rico to be more self sustaining. idea is to bring back the 1960s, and have all of the people working in the fields together like a big community, all of the neighbors working in the garden together, and then they can all share in the bounty.
They can all work, and all share in the rewards. And they can have fun, and the children can all play together and can grow up together. They can have communes. And they can have their own utopias. They can also have music, and poetry, and the arts, and wine, and pot, and everyday can be a celebration of living.
We've got to get ourselves back to the garden. needs to be a celebration. people of Puerto Rico need to celebrate life, and they need to enjoy working in the fields together, and they need to have a wonderful community of neighbors who all work together, and who all benefit from the fruits of their labor.
And all of the Puerto Ricans can work together, the ones who work in agriculture, and the ones who work in tourism, etc, they can all work together, and the restaurants can serve fresh food from the farms, etc.
And they can make their own wine, and they can make their own cheese, and they can have chickens for eggs, etc, etc, etc.
The Puerto Ricans can have fun together, while they make money, and live good lives.
(On the issue of the environment, the Puerto Ricans can have solar and wind power, and the communities can own the power companies and they can sell electricity to the hotels, etc, the same way that the people of the city of Anaheim own the power company and we sell electricity to Disneyland, etc, and some of the money from the power company goes to community projects such as parks for the children, and towards helping the homeless, etc, etc, etc. The Puerto Ricans might also be able to do geo-thermal power.)
Tony V.