I think that we should have Medi-care for everyone, everyone should be covered with healthcare. To deny people the ability to see a doctor or to get needed medications based on a person's wealth is shameful.
In Orange County we have healthcare for everyone, with programs like Cal Optima.
https://caloptima.org/To deny poor people the ability to see a doctor is wrong, and in Orange County everyone can see a doctor.
The rest of the USA simply needs to copy what Orange County is doing already.
And a new Wellness Center is about ready to open in Orange, a homeless mentally ill Veteran will be able to just walk in and get help with everything they need all in one spot. Housing, healthcare, counseling, medication, etc, everything they need will be available all in one spot.
https://bewelloc.org/And at the same time, we need to have a good economy and jobs for people, so I support new fair trade deals and business loans for our people and redevelopment money for poor neighborhoods, etc. I support us being wealthy, and Orange County is very wealthy. We also need high speed trains for our tourists, including a high speed train between Las Vegas and Anaheim.
Orange County is great, and the rest of the world can learn a lot from Orange County.
Tony V.