Here's the main takeaways from talking with Shanghai surgeons:
- China did have face mask shortages in the beginning, but being the first country afflicted, they sourced production from all over the world, ramped up domestic production, and went one step beyond by actually buying up some companies and factories abroad that manufactured masks. That's the Chinese way! All good foresight, because if Chinese workers got sick and couldn't work at the mask factories, they ensured a supply form overseas. And ensured a supply even if an overseas sourced country got hit badly with the virus -- and would likely stop exporting masks. Interesting.
- Standard policy in China is to test anyone who:
1) came into contact with a person who tests positive, going back to 14 days. Basically what I said the US should do.
2) otherwise I believe just one symptom -- fever, cough, other flu-like symptoms -- are enough to be eligible for testing. Though I'd have to get more details about maybe how high the fever needs to be, etc.
3) has had contact with anyone who has been in Wuhan or Hubei within 14 days prior to any such contact. That city and province is supposed to be in full mandatory lockdown.
- tests results are generally available within 4 or 5 hours. Though some cities in China give next day test results. So quickly it's known if someone should be isolated. Plus less anxiety awaiting test results.