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What do you expect on Wednesday?

Reports of protests are overblown. A few incidents around the country, but nothing major.
- 5 (45.5%)
A few major incidents in capitals, but nothing much in DC.
- 5 (45.5%)
A major incident in DC, but nothing much around the country.
- 0 (0%)
More than 10 capitals have major upheavals, but nothing much in DC.
- 0 (0%)
A major incident in DC plus more than 10 capitals with significant upheavals.
- 1 (9.1%)
More than half the capitals around the country have problems with protesters, but DC is quiet.
- 0 (0%)
DC has major problems, while more than half the capitals around the country also have considerable trouble with protesters.
- 0 (0%)
Huge disruption to the day.
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: January 19, 2021, 10:49:21 PM

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Author Topic: Trump Administration  (Read 1999006 times)


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36570 on: June 04, 2020, 03:22:54 PM »

Sharpton bringing the thunder...
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Police are Always Armed & Dangerous
« Reply #36571 on: June 04, 2020, 03:23:23 PM »

What do you do when the police start committing senseless violence, start rioting and endanger you and others?

I guess you try to record it, get to safety if possible and hope to survive the assault.

How about stay the fuck home?
- Prayers for Paul Pelosi -


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36572 on: June 04, 2020, 03:23:41 PM »

Yes bears shit in the woods, but only Republican bears wipe their ass with the 1st amendment



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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36573 on: June 04, 2020, 03:27:47 PM »

CNN continues to state tear gas was used to clear path to St John's Church
Kid continues to believe the lies of Reich wing media and the Trump administration.

Do not believe your burinng eyes or gasps for breath

ReichNews: Fueher und tilted way way to the Reich


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36574 on: June 04, 2020, 03:29:57 PM »

Sen Murkowski (R-Alasska) endorses Mattis's comments.

From the NYT

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, said she endorsed scathing criticism of President Trump’s leadership by James Mattis, the former secretary of defense. “I thought General Mattis’s words were true and honest and necessary and overdue,” she said.

Susan Collins (R-Me) is wringing her hands in concern.
Collins has written a carefully worded letter protesting Trump's actions, which, on further review, she opted not to send.

Mitch wouldn't give her a stamp.

He doesn't trust the Post Office.


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Re: Police are Always Armed & Dangerous
« Reply #36575 on: June 04, 2020, 03:32:13 PM »

What do you do when the police start committing senseless violence, start rioting and endanger you and others?

I guess you try to record it, get to safety if possible and hope to survive the assault.

How about stay the fuck home?

Assholes like you were just complaining about having to stay home (to protect public health.

But now it's fine to be confined to home because the police are marauding.
You Trump supporters are awful humans.

Freedom of Assembly.
Freedom of Press.
Both under attack these days.

With the threat of militarizing the streets.

42.1% chance Trump will be too reviled to actually run as the GOP candidate.
He's become a huge liability and GOP senators and military generals are starting to turn against him.  Trump has failed and should step aside.  4 years of harm has been more than enough.
Good Gov't Saves Lives
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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36576 on: June 04, 2020, 03:32:47 PM »

CNN continues to state tear gas was used to clear path to St John's Church

And your point is?


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Re: Police are Always Armed & Dangerous
« Reply #36577 on: June 04, 2020, 03:33:02 PM »

What do you do when the police start committing senseless violence, start rioting and endanger you and others?

I guess you try to record it, get to safety if possible and hope to survive the assault.

How about stay the fuck home?

and this folks is an example of how the Germans alllowed  a 3rd rate painter and anti-Semite take over their country and throw the world into war. 

you protest and fight evil you dumb fuck.



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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36578 on: June 04, 2020, 03:35:12 PM »

CNN continues to state tear gas was used to clear path to St John's Church

More to the point:

U.S. Park Police said they didn't fire tear gas Monday, but tear gas cannisters were found at the scene
WUSA9's Nathan Baca experienced first hand what was used when U.S. Park Police cleared Lafayette Square amid protests over George Floyd's death.

This suggests that tear gas was used.


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Re: Police are Always Armed & Dangerous
« Reply #36579 on: June 04, 2020, 03:36:48 PM »

What do you do when the police start committing senseless violence, start rioting and endanger you and others?

I guess you try to record it, get to safety if possible and hope to survive the assault.

How about stay the fuck home?

"Freedom of assembly is only for folks who get agree with the president's policies, fools!"


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36580 on: June 04, 2020, 03:37:07 PM »

“In 2012, we began to assert that Black Lives Matter, and America replied: “No they don’t! All Lives Matter! Now shut the hell up.”

By 2016, some cultural icons of the black community — professional athletes — took a stand by kneeling in silent protest to bring attention to the systemic racism of policing and enforcement of societal “restraint” through violence. But the nation, White America, decided that peacefully protesting police brutality during the National Anthem was an offense akin to treason, and the de facto leader of the protest, Colin Kaepernick, was excommunicated from the United Church of the NFL.

The president of the United States of America demanded that the nation, “Get that sonuvabitch off the field! He’s fired!” And he was.

The president told law enforcement personnel across the nation to “not be so nice” while arresting suspects, to feel free to rough them up. The last 30 days have been an illustration of how the violent policing of black bodies has become de rigueur.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36581 on: June 04, 2020, 03:41:32 PM »

Why in the world should we rescue the GOP?

No, my goal is to cause dissension in their ranks.
Get them to bail on Trump, but it'll be too late and he'll lose in a landslide if even half the GOP party has turned on him.

Biden should reach out and ask Romney if he wants to join the Democratic party.
Stir shit up.  Force the GOP into turmoil. 
Go for a landslide where it's Biden, a Dem Senate and a Dem House.
And then get those fuckers in line and enact genuine progressive legislation.
A wealth tax, minimum corp tax of 15%, Medicare for All, boost solar and wind over fossil fuel, $15 minimum wage, police reforms, prison reforms, repeal drug prohibition, climate change, reclaim US leadership in the world, etc.

Of course Biden doesn't support half that shit, so we'll see.
But run the trifecta and be freakin' bold.
Push the pendulum Leftwards.
Good Gov't Saves Lives
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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36582 on: June 04, 2020, 04:00:12 PM »

“I am deeply saddened, truly pained and plain angry,” Jordan said. “I see and feel everyone’s pain, outrage and frustration. I stand with those who are calling out the ingrained racism and violence toward people of color in our country. We have had enough.”

“My heart goes out to George Floyd, his loved ones and all of us who are hurting right now,” Woods added. “I have always had the utmost respect for our law enforcement. They train so diligently to understand how, when and where to use force. This shocking tragedy clearly crossed that line.”

It should have happened sooner, but the graphic video of Floyd’s murder and the impassioned response it drew was enough to get two of America’s most famously apolitical athletes to break their respective silences.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #36583 on: June 04, 2020, 04:14:10 PM »

Asked her thoughts Thursday about former Defense Secretary James Mattis' excoriation of President Donald Trump's behavior in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd, the Alaska Republican said this:

"When I saw General Mattis' comments yesterday I felt like perhaps we are getting to a point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up."

Evidently not so much on the "we" part.

"It's Gen. Mattis' opinion, he's free to express it," Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told CNN. Asked again if he agreed with any of the criticism, Johnson said: "All I'm going to say about Gen. Mattis is I do respect him. He's a great American. It's his opinion to express it."

Johnson also would not weigh in on how the Monday event took place, contending "I still haven't seen any footage of how the crowd was cleared out."

Asked about the direct repudiation of Trump's leadership leveled by Mattis, Sen. Thom Tillis said: "They've got a little bit of a history on disagreements. So I'm not going to get between a squabble between a former secretary I have tremendous respect for and a president. That's something for them to settle."

Tillis, a North Carolina Republican who is up for re-election, also wouldn't say whether he has any concerns with the way the Monday photo-op was handled, something that Mattis cited in his criticism.

"I'm not going to comment on that," Tillis said, citing reports of protesters throwing frozen water bottles, though most of the protesters were acting peacefully and were met with force by the police, according to multiple reports. "This is another example where this is a cauldron and we gotta figure out a way to lower the temperature."

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, who also faces voters in the fall, said that while Mattis is "an American hero" and has "every right to criticize President Trump," he added: "I think he's missing a lot here."

"It's just politically fashionable to blame Trump for everything -- and I'm not buying it," Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told CNN about Mattis' criticism. "And he jumped into politics -- Gen. Mattis did. And I think he's missing a lot about what's going on in America politically."

Graham, though, still questioned the need for Trump to hold the Monday photo-op in front of the church while holding up the Bible. The White House argued Trump was showing strength after a fire was set on the property the night before.

"I never understood," Graham said about the Monday event. "Going over to visit church is fine. But waving the Bible -- I don't know what that was all about."

Which was further than many were willing to go:
Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican up for reelection, said of Mattis: "By just blaming the President, he's only looking at half the equation."

Sen. Todd Young of Indiana, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the criticism was "between the United States and his former secretary of defense."

"I'm focused on real threats to freedom," Young said, adding of Mattis: "If anyone can understand that, a fellow Marine can." He didn't respond to a question about Mattis citing Trump as a threat to freedom.


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Re: Police are Always Armed & Dangerous
« Reply #36584 on: June 04, 2020, 04:20:43 PM »

What do you do when the police start committing senseless violence, start rioting and endanger you and others?

I guess you try to record it, get to safety if possible and hope to survive the assault.

How about stay the fuck home?

"Freedom of assembly is only for folks who get agree with the president's policies, fools!"

Kiid just wants things to go back to normal so he can get back to leering at little girls in the park.

It’s understandable that when one has the kind of problems Kiid exposes about himself here all the time, the problems of the nation don’t seem very big in comparison.
Republicans will deliver only poverty and world war
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