she was truly the definition of the lesser of two evils .
Really? Why?
She is a moderate, ok. And you could say that her response to the Lewinsky affair was contemptible. It was.
But evil? What reason is there to think that she would not have continued the professional, competent and compassionate leadership we took for granted under Obama?
I used and modified a well-known cliche about our choices in '16 to rebut a false narrative advanced by kid.
perhaps you were not aware of the cliched phrase.
But in any case, you've edited it and tokk it out of context for which it was intended-to rebut kid's statement.
And then posed a strawman argument atop of that.
I thought her a poor candidate, but very qualified for the job, and was voting for her despite my perceptions of her.
And as noted in the original post, the truly evil choice was elected.