Bambu darling, it’s happening for reasons you’ve already tried to excuse away or outright refuse to believe.
It’s ok gadger. We don’t need your help fixing this and there’s not much you can do to get in the way.
Wouldn't take me long to fix Seattle though.
YouTube 'Seattle is Dying'.
There's a Governor of Washington who's supposed to be in charge of everything that happens in his state?
How come he's allowing what Seattle is today?
The city is basically a garbage dump.
A man has a facebook page:
"Seatte looks like sh.."
According to police officers quoted in the video...
Felonies have been decriminalised, and people can basically do as they please.
Toss garbage anywhere...and there's plenty of it.
Not if bambu were in charge.
There'd be law and order.
There'd be rural retreats for those lying around the streets.
The city would not resemble 'sh.."