On the issue of Iran...
We need to bring Iran closer to us, not push them away, and we should all strive to be more civilized, and I believe that we are supposed to all love each other, and we are supposed to feed the hungry, and we are supposed to give shelter to the homeless, etc. We need to guide Iran towards having better human rights. And I would like to see the sanctions lifted from Iran, and I would like for them to be able to do world trade with everyone else. Iran needs to have better human rights, and Iran needs to be closer with us, and we need to open up trade for them.
We need to look for good people in Iran who we can support.
And there is the Pahlavi family, some of whom live in New York City, they are friends with President Trump.
We also have many Persians in California, including in Beverly Hills, who can help us to improve relations with Iran, and can help as we work to remove the sanctions on Iran, etc.
Tony V.