Trump spent the whole day reminding America that, in addition to being a fuckoff who gets nothing right, he’s the nation’s whiniest little bitch.
It’s no wonder so many Americans are busting out of the gimp suits they were conned into by trump and the GOP and are voting to remove and punish those bastards.
Some folks still like their gimp suits. They enjoy living in an atmosphere of dissipation and abuse. They still support the leech in a fat suit, Donald trump. Some of these are very crazy bastards and are quite dangerous.
We need to unlock the pandemic plan, identify, immobilize, isolate, and contact trace these crackers so their stupid endless jihad goes the way of small pox and the Dodo and trump’s Neanderthal antecedents.
A potter’s field for trump and a commemorative urinal that leaks on a pedestal carved to represent the idiots who voted for him.