Trump lied to all Americans about the nature of covid-19, including Cuomo early on, when honesty and facts about the disease could have save thousands of lives.
Cuomo made mistakes as NYC was this country's Ground Zero and the diseese spread quickly in the most densely populated city in the US.
But Cuomo learned and led and was a voice of truth and reason and sanity and those of us in the metro NYC area watching in our homes and who feared for our and our families health.
Cuomo did his job.
His noon fire-side" folksy chats were helpful and saved lives in a community of 20 million.
and most of America should have learned from his leadership and the sacrifice of people who lived in the quarantine in those early days.
unfortunately the ignorance and narrow self-interests of that fucking pig Trump only undermined US public health.
That fucking pig murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans.
But Red mocks the principled leadership of Cuomo.
Red's a selfish unprincipaled fool and fascist troll