Now, if all those nice rich people will just donate to all the other colleges that are in need of such a program, then all kinds of problems will be solved without the need of that silly federal government. Of course, if you happen to be born in the millennium in which that glorious Noblesse Oblige hasn't happened, be sure you pick a womb in New York.
Oil: Over a period of years, I have pointed out to Kid8 the problems at Rasmussen - leading questions, automated polling over landlines only, lack of transparency on polling criteria, Scott Rasmussen's close ties to GOP campaigns, concealing their "likely voter" filter, etc. Because he is intellectually dishonest, and has zero respect for the value of real discussion of issues, he has never responded to any of these points, and I doubt he ever will. The mortar that holds the cement blocks of Trump's base together is ignorance and unwillingness to join in real debate based on facts. The natural posture of their minds is: entrenchment.