I see you are doing exactly what I said you do: posting stupid deflecting comments instead of making and defending your points because you lack the ability to do more than incompetently recap an argument you did not understand from a right wing website you can barely read.
My comments were thus:
So Elizabeth Warren has come up with a DNA analysis that puts her claimed Native American ancestry somewhere between 1/64th and 1/1024th.
Well no wonder she signed her 1984 book “ Pow Wow Chow” as Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee!
Maybe she did us all a favor by putting a dagger through the heart of identity politics.
And a quote from a native American taking her to task for using the DNA test
Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong,” said Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. “It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven.”
Hoskin accused Warren of “undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”
Perhaps your argument is with Mr. Hoskin, Jr.
It certainly is not with me.
My observation that if Senator Warren used a obscure connection in her heritage to claim minority status for a tenured teaching position at Harvard ( confirmed by Harvard)identity politics may have run its course which has been noted by many members of the democrat party.
C’mon, son.
Take that Tucker Carlson bullshit out of here.
She never claimed tribe membership she did what millions of us do, claim indigenous heritage.
All my life my mom’s side of the family talked about their Cherokee bloodline, part of the family lore which includes the “Scotchman.”
Trump pulled that Pocahontas crap at a ceremony honoring Navajo Code talkers... How many of those patriotic mahfuckers at FOX took him to task for that? Crickets.
Once again Trump says some shit about someone over and over again but the target can never return fire. Then the stupid ass left falls into the trap and parrot the right wing concern trolling.
Fuck that.
Obama didn’t dignify the Birther shit until he could no longer ignore the bullshit and regardless what anyone says Trump rode that racist bullshit right into the White House.
The only way to beat Trump is to remove the appearance of invincibility. Someone needs to figuratively punch that motherfucker in his face and why shouldn’t it be Warren?
Hell, since no one else seems up the task, Warren might as well slap the taste out of his mouth with this shot. She ain’t gonna be president anyway, why not make Trump catch some hands?
You can’t make Trump look any more stupid than he already does, you have to make him feel stupid.
Cherokee Nation? Pop some corn, invite the Nations who beat Trump at the casino game to come over and watch.