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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:25:39 PM »
...But if REDSTATEWARD's argument is that the paltry turnout in DC proves that the prominence of the alt-Right in conservative politics is a liberal straw man, he needs to take a closer look at his party's slate of 2018 candidates.
You planning on riding a non-existent wave of ersatz racism and impeachment talk to a takeover of the House?
How soon you forget the disaster of the “deplorables”strategy. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 14, 2018, 02:48:31 PM »

Perhaps in your neverending search for extremism you could pass along any relevant leads to the Alt-Right.  It couldn’t fill a 30 passenger bus in D.C. last weekend.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 13, 2018, 09:03:54 PM »
Kavanaugh’s Baseball shenanigans matter as much as dotard’s porn sex payoffs. They are beside the point and trivial compared to these creepy goons’ primary transgressions.

For the dotard and his party and the political right wing, the heart of the matter is here,

Imagine a SCOTUS Justice who is literally OWNED by some entity? This guy has proven to be malleable...
How so?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 13, 2018, 06:15:13 PM »
I see the Liberal Facists at Pro Publica are soliciting ( via Twitter) photos or pictures of Brett Kavanaugh and any seatmates at any 2017 Washington Nationals game.
Their stated reasoning:

Figuring out who Kavanaugh brought to games could be relevant to his confirmation. It would help:

Understand more about his relationships and any potential questions they might raise for the Supreme Court justice.
Get a better sense of what went into this unusual amount of debt for a judge in his position.
Or maybe just affirm that the guy really does love baseball for the judicial inspiration.

Damn, dude. You act as if this is news?

Figuring out how he supposedly spent enough money on ballgames to go $200K into debt and then managed to pay it back in about a year should raise a few flags if the GOP gave a shit about governing instead of ruling.
Check your facts much?

Information on Kavanaugh’s “debt” came from the White House.  By IRS reporting standards the credit card debt fell between $ 60k and $200k.
He bought season tickets for Himself and friends and was reimbursed by those friends in a matter of months.
The top season ticket for a Nationals’ game was $6K for the 2017 season according to the Washington Post.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:09:52 PM »
Jonah Goldberg!!!!!!
Goldberg had an opinion on Pro Publica’s tweets? 
Got a link?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 13, 2018, 04:49:26 PM »
I see the Liberal Facists at Pro Publica are soliciting ( via Twitter) photos or pictures of Brett Kavanaugh and any seatmates at any 2017 Washington Nationals game.
Their stated reasoning:

Figuring out who Kavanaugh brought to games could be relevant to his confirmation. It would help:

Understand more about his relationships and any potential questions they might raise for the Supreme Court justice.
Get a better sense of what went into this unusual amount of debt for a judge in his position.
Or maybe just affirm that the guy really does love baseball for the judicial inspiration.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 10:16:14 PM »
Hey Red? You are a liar. Scoreboard! The Republicans' concern with fiscal responsibility is no longer operative because they are WINNING ELECTIONS. "Facts". This is why I laugh at you.
Gee. the GOP has won control of the legislative process in all federal offices and a majority of the statesand you yell SCOREBOARD?

The GOP has lied about what policies they would enact and what the expected effect of those policies would be in every election since Ike. Republicans winning elections is disease currently being cured, an ailment that has led to every dark and shameful chapter in our last century of history.

I sense you and YankGuy are bonding. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 09:41:29 PM »
Hey Red? You are a liar. Scoreboard! The Republicans' concern with fiscal responsibility is no longer operative because they are WINNING ELECTIONS. "Facts". This is why I laugh at you.
Gee. the GOP has won control of the legislative process in all federal offices and a majority of the statesand you yell SCOREBOARD?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 09:21:37 PM »
When the Democrats were spending like drunken sailors they were "socialist cocksuckers" according to our sage "teacher." Now when the Republicans are doing it, it's with the "consent of the governed." Scoreboard! Don't ever change, Red, you amoral stud. Your political hackery is first-rate.
Nice distortion of facts. Especially your use of words never uttered by me
Also a nice avoidance of election results.
Behave as usual. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 08:42:57 PM »
Take a sip of covfefe and chuckle as you recall that GOP is the self-anointed party of fiscal conservativism and deficit reduction.   Nothing from Redward on what happened to that pillar.
Self Annointed?
Since 2010 the GOP has gained about 1000 legislative seats across the country by winning  ELECTIONS !
In other words by winning the consent of the governed.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 02:05:33 PM »
All these years that Red has  here "teaching" has clearly prevented him from taking 30 seconds to learn simple formatting.
Without my formatting errors we would never hear from you.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 11:30:33 AM »
The deficit grew by $116 Billion, Spending by $143 Billion, (thank you Medicare and Social Security.)
Tax Revenues, in the wake of tax Cuts! Grew 8 per cent to the HIGHEST level EVER
How do explain CUTTING taxes and Increasing revenues to the Federal Government. ?

Can you imagine where we would be without the 8 year wasteland of Obama and his anti-growth nonsense (see Larry Summers  and any article written by Paul Krugman).

How do you explain GDP growth Obama never achieved, record low unemployment, and increased tax collection# after we CUT taxes.

For all your protestations and insults you can’t.

A few facts here:  of course tax revenues went up. They always do in a growing economy
Glory be!

It was pointed out to you weeks ago that revenues from corporate taxes were down. To that your response was, essentially, “no duh .”  But now you change your argument because you think it trolls the libs, or you read a factoid in the can’t argue with any consistency because you simply don’t have any idea what you are talking about.
I never mentioned Corporate Tax Rates. I only mentioned that tax revenues, in toto, are up over last year before the cuts. But thank you for brining it up and underscoring the obvious.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 02:57:07 AM »
The deficit went up because of increases in entitlement spending.

Repeating the Republican Party line doesn't make it any more true when you say it than when McConnell or Ryan says it.
The CBO said it.

No, Red, that's not what they said.

Why the fuck do you insist on lying about crap like this, Red, when it is so easy to see what they really said?! And your follow-up responses, rather than just admitting I am right, gloss over it.



Outlays in the first 10 months of fiscal year 2018 were $3,448 billion—up by $143 billion (or 4 percent) from the same period last year, CBO estimates.
In total, spending for the three largest mandatory programs increased by 4 percent ($59 billion)
     Outlays for Social Security benefits rose by $34 billion (or 4 percent)
     Medicare spending increased by $15 billion (or 3 percent) b
     Medicaid outlays rose by $10 billion
Outlays for net interest on the public debt increased by $48 billion (or 19 percent), partly because of a higher rate of inflation.
Spending for military programs of the Department of Defense rose by $28 billion (or 6 percent)

I said the "entitlements" were ~half of the increase. They were actually 44%. Oh, the horror. I described the public debt interest as about a third. 35.8% was the actual figure. I can live with that. I suggested that the military increase was another 1/6th. At only 5.9%, they were way less than my estimate.

The deficit grew by $116 Billion, Spending by $143 Billion, (thank you Medicare and Social Security.)
Tax Revenues, in the wake of tax Cuts! Grew 8 per cent to the HIGHEST level EVER
How do explain CUTTING taxes and Increasing revenues to the Federal Government. ?

Can you imagine where we would be without the 8 year wasteland of Obama and his anti-growth nonsense (see Larry Summers  and any article written by Paul Krugman).

How do you explain GDP growth Obama never achieved, record low unemployment, and increased tax collection# after we CUT taxes.

For all your protestations and insults you can’t.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 12, 2018, 01:46:00 AM »
The deficit went up because of increases in entitlement spending.

Repeating the Republican Party line doesn't make it any more true when you say it than when McConnell or Ryan says it.
The CBO said it.


Maybe half comes from that.
Maybe?  Is that accounting by you?
A third comes from payment on the national debt.

Did you send a  thank you note to Obama’s for raising the National Debt.?
Or were you asleep during his two terms?
  Most of the rest of that is from the military - which means, in truth, that closer to 40% comes from the military, at least, because of how much of the national debt comes from the fraudulent war on Iraq and its lingering effects.
Another thank you note is due Obama then for gutting our military. I guess you were also sleeping when Congress, on a bi-partisan vote, increased military spending.

And the tax bill is also a factor, if a less visible one. Corporate tax revenue is down ~25%.
Even more amazing that tax revenues( per the CBO) are up 8 per cent. Thanks for underscoring that fact.

And while you are boasting about the increase in tax revenues, it's maybe ~1.3%. The deficit is up more than 3%.
No, tax revenue is up 8 per cent.

Close examination of the budget suggests the tax cuts slowed the revenue increase, not strengthened it or caused it. Got to remember, growth in the economy was predicted well before the 2016 election!
Uh, try to get a grip. The democrats kept predicting growth in the economy since at least 2010.
And they steadily lost power in Congress AND in the States. With the GOP effort to cut taxes and rollback Obama’s anti-growth policies we now have a forecast of 3 per cent growth AND increased government revenue.

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