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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 11:02:12 AM »
Agree that Dems need to up their game on digital platforms.   The far right is way ahead of them (and mastered the art of getting toxic lies to circulate widely before being flagged or deleted).   The Right generally had an advantage on memetic proliferation, with its large cadre of retirees who had the time to repost stuff.   And attack memes are inherently more eye-catching than innovative ideas that require deeper mental engagement.   So,  Dems,  the party with more actual ideas, also have to compensate for that disadvantage at tossing out cyber chum.
Yeah. Those “ fabulous “dem ideas even the dems  admitted were toxic.
If Pelosi wants to make her swan song as Speaker meaningful she is going to have to work with the GOP or else everything will die in the Senate. Dealing with the “ squad” would be a suicide pact.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 01:04:10 AM »
Not empty handed if it makes the R's play some defense.

That was what the Bloomberg camp says about FLA.
That they forced the Trumpeters to burn cash in FLA, bleeding them from being able to compete financially in the Midwest (for example the GOP abandoned MICH for months and only made a late play, and the results there weren't close)
Well except Florida got permanently red and Hispanics led the way.
TX is a long term play.
It used to be hardcore Red, and now is more pink.
No, it is bright red from top to the bottom of the ballot.

It's nearly in play.  Never going to be an easy state for the Dems.
But slowly coming around.
And if national Repubs have to spend time and money ensuring it stays Red, that's less $$ and campaigning for elsewhere. 
Well GOP strategy raised Texas money that was spent in Texas and ran the table.
You might want to pay attention.

But Kam's right, Dems just need to solidify the Southeast coast, with SC as the IND-style holdout in the region.
Dems win the MidWest and SouthEast and the GOP has no chance.

VA went from a battleground state to solidly Blue.
NC has become a battleground state and is trending Blue, with its growing suburbs, increasingly hi-tech and educated workforce, more Asians and Blacks.
And of course any election where the Dems win FLA is near-death for the GOP.

AZ, GA and NC are big news for the Dems.
Still need/want to hold on to PA and WI.
But I think the Red wave in WI is cresting.
PA has a lot of interesting local issues -- fracking and an aging population among them.
Well except for the numbers . North Carolina went for Trump and Tillis.
Georgia will elect 2 GOP Senators and Biden needed a recount, Arizona and Pennsylvania were very close.
The country went for divided government and decidedly said no to the democrat leftists .
I’ve never seen a presidential election where the winner at the top wound up with no coattails like this one.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:38:49 AM »
The rulings against campaign limits for individuals and corporations continues to be the single most effective means to get billionaires to spend their money.
Lol. The democrats benefited as much as anyone. Guess money can’t cover up  bad policies.

Way to miss the point, as ever.

Don't ever change.
Why would I?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:36:58 AM »
The rulings against campaign limits for individuals and corporations continues to be the single most effective means to get billionaires to spend their money.

Yes, interesting.
It's too bad they spend it on consultants and strategists and media production and ad buys, more than grassroots/community organizations.  So big corporations and educated elites pocket the money instead of people in their neighborhoods.  But maybe the balance can/would/will shift at some point.

Bloomberg in particular got little return for his mega millions.
He would have been better off starting a Coronavirus Unemployment Fund in Florida for $100M and giving money to people in need.  Get good publicity, money flowing into communities, helping people.  Hell, pay people who are unregistered $10 for registering.  That should be legal I think ... (?)
In Texas the GOP undertook two big voter-registration drives. One, combined, big data, technology, and volunteers from the Texas Federation of Republican Women, College Republicans and county GOP organizations. It add 200,000 new Republicans to the voter rolls—at a cost of $7.90 each. The other, super PAC Engage Texas, used traditional methods, hiring nearly 200 workers to stand outside Department of Motor Vehicles offices and knock on doors. Before it was shut down by Covid-19, it registered over 100,000  republicans at a cost of $70.10 per.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:25:14 AM »
The rulings against campaign limits for individuals and corporations continues to be the single most effective means to get billionaires to spend their money.
Lol. The democrats benefited as much as anyone. Guess money can’t cover up  bad policies.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:10:23 AM »
Who even needs Texas.   Just keep working on that big beautiful blue wall and the eastern seaborde.  Texas is just if we want some gravy.
You should have told Obama and the poor democrat slobs that a long time ago to save them all the time and wasted $ millions to come up empty handed. Well the Texas economy thanks you, at least.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 11:22:50 PM »
"Redder than ever"

Romney won by 1.26 million.
Trump won by 807 thousand.
Trump beat Biden by 637 thousand.

It was no shock that Cornyn won. It will be a surprise if Cruz can win his next round.
Redder than ever.
There is more to the color than just the presidential vote.
November was an epic failure by the dems in Texas, and elsewhere.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 10:21:05 PM »
About that “ Blue Wave” in Texas.
Didn’t happen.
Wasn’t even a ripple.
Karl Rove has the details.

Democrats seemed to do everything right to turn Texas blue this year. Joe Biden won 5,211,406 votes, 1.3 million more than Hillary Clinton in 2016 and 1.9 million more than President Obama in 2012. The Democrats’ Senate candidate this year, M.J. Hegar, received the second-highest vote total ever for a Democrat in Texas: 4,844,433.

Democrats also mounted well-funded campaigns to flip six Texas congressional seats, outraising Republicans $28 million to $17 million. Anticipating a 2022 gubernatorial bid, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke ran the Democrats’ registration and turnout efforts.

Even more astonishing, Mr. Obama and his former attorney general, Eric Holder, led an effort to mobilize a galaxy of outside groups against a dozen Republican state representatives, aiming to take control of the Texas House by defeating at least nine. These groups spent $61 million.

It all came to nothing. President Trump received 5,860,096 votes, 1.2 million more than four years ago, and beat Mr. Biden by 648,690. Though Sen. John Cornyn was outspent late in the race, he defeated Ms. Hegar by more than one million votes. Republicans kept those six congressional seats, most by big margins, and Messrs. Obama and Holder didn’t win the Democrats any new state House seats, leaving the GOP majority intact for next year’s redistricting.

Not to mention a sizable Hispanic plurality for the GOP which, when when added to the massive GOP voter registration and get out the vote campaigns, looks to make Texas Redder than ever for a long time.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 07:17:59 PM »
News Item our intrepid Shanghai corespondent DiddleBones neglects to share.

Chinese authorities indicted a Shanghai-based citizen journalist for allegedly sending “false information” after she reported on the coronavirus outbreak in the city of Wuhan, China, early this year, a prosecution document released on Monday and seen by the Guardian revealed.

According to the indictment sheet, Zhang Zhan, 37, is accused of sending “false information through text, video and other media through the Internet media such as WeChat [Chinese messaging and social media app], Twitter and YouTube.”

The government isolates individuals from the outside world in the name of treatment. In the name of maintaining stability, the number of infections and deaths is covered up. The media is kept under control in the name of ‘positive energy.’ [The authorities] are coercively and violently ordering and depriving people of their basic human and property rights.

News of Zhang’s formal indictment comes four days after Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on an alleged “information blackout” on Zhang’s case on November 13. The reports included claims that Zhang’s mother “was yet to see any details of the indictment” and that one of Zhang’s defense lawyers had been removed from the case.

Source, The Guardian.

I wonder how many tens of thousands of Chinese virus victims were burned or buried wearing masks 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 06:39:00 PM »
Why the radical left is losing the future.

“Defund police, open borders, socialism — it’s killing us,” Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, told the New York Times. Gonzalez narrowly won reelection in Texas’s 15th District with 50.5% of the votes, compared to his more comfortable 59.7% in 2018 and 57.3% in 2016.

Gonzalez noted that the “average white person” may think of Scandinavia when they hear the word socialism, but Asian and Hispanic immigrants are more likely to recall tyrannical governments from which they or their families escaped.

Gonzalez’s district is along the Texas southern border as a lot of other counties in the state. Hillary Clinton won 65% of the votes there in 2016(but still lost the state), Joe Biden won just 47% in 2020.

Texas is red and will be for a long time.

Zapata County’s Rep. Henry Cuellar, does not believe this is a sign that Democrats are gradually losing control as they still won their races, but he does believe that President Trump and his campaign demonstrated a greater understanding of the people whose votes they were courting.

“The Trump campaign got this better and understand the Hispanic vote is not monolithic? 

His explanation?
  In border counties, he said, many live in rural areas where people are “socially conservative, very patriotic,” and were also concerned about what a Democratic administration would mean for the economy and law enforcement.

He warned that his fellow Democrats “can’t just think in terms of ethnic identities,” because the cultures, values, and priorities are not the same across the entire Hispanic population. In his district people are hurting economically, he said, so they were concerned about another shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 05:35:41 PM »
I will mildly diverge from Oil and Bo to suggest that "disgraceful" is what give Trump's base a hard-on, and gets them to march to the polls in percentages only a demagogic populist can achieve.  Fighting lost causes like some demented Fight Robot, be it the restoration of coal energy or the cancelling of a lawful election, is one of the core personality traits that keep Trumpistas so loyal.  The most naive populist voter doesn't think "he's fighting because of his own bloated ego."  He thinks rather "He's fighting for ME!" 

I do think there's hope, if the GOTV folk can really leverage the fate of the 2021 Senate and the possibility of a unified Biden government in their pitch to Dems and Independents to go back to the polling stations (or mailboxes, or dropboxes).  And yes, some voters are repelled not only by the Sore Loser stuff, but by the attempt to undermine their vote for Biden. 

Out of state cash is a factor, but as the general election demonstrated, not as much as it used to be.
Hmmm.Sore losers?

The CNN exit polls shed favorable lights on the GOP, not the dems. And they underscore that moderates swung the election to Biden. The GOP will have at least 50 members of the Senate for the fourth consecutive election and it severely cut the dem margin in the House, much to the concern of moderate dem members who are fed up with being labeled as socialists, defunders of police, or purveyors of identity politics.
Demographically the share of the white vote declined to 67% from 71%, Latinos increased from 11-13 and were especially of help to republicans in Texas and Florida. Over 20 per cent of the voters were older than 65 while the per cent of young adults declined. 
CNN exit polls also showed self-identified liberals decreased 2 points to 24% while conservatives increased 3 points to 38 % while another 38% claimed to bemoderates.
If Biden has any mandate it would be to not rock the boat by falling  for such radical ideas as packing SCOTUS, adding states to the union, ending fracking, reestablishing affirmative action or raising taxes indiscriminately.

You might want to pay attention to what the voters actually said.

You mean the majority of the popular vote again?
For 7 of the last 8 elections.
I think you are a little confused. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 02:07:56 PM »
Red remains convinced that his guy won.
You are going to miss Trump.
What else would you have to talk about?

All of the crap McConnell does.

All of the crap Biden does and doesn't do.

And we won't be missing Trump for at least a couple years, during his court cases, sentencing, and innumerable appeals.
Enjoy yourself.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 01:25:28 PM »
Red remains convinced that his guy won.
You are going to miss Trump.
What else would you have to talk about?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 18, 2020, 01:00:04 PM »
I will mildly diverge from Oil and Bo to suggest that "disgraceful" is what give Trump's base a hard-on, and gets them to march to the polls in percentages only a demagogic populist can achieve.  Fighting lost causes like some demented Fight Robot, be it the restoration of coal energy or the cancelling of a lawful election, is one of the core personality traits that keep Trumpistas so loyal.  The most naive populist voter doesn't think "he's fighting because of his own bloated ego."  He thinks rather "He's fighting for ME!" 

I do think there's hope, if the GOTV folk can really leverage the fate of the 2021 Senate and the possibility of a unified Biden government in their pitch to Dems and Independents to go back to the polling stations (or mailboxes, or dropboxes).  And yes, some voters are repelled not only by the Sore Loser stuff, but by the attempt to undermine their vote for Biden. 

Out of state cash is a factor, but as the general election demonstrated, not as much as it used to be.
Hmmm.Sore losers?

The CNN exit polls shed favorable lights on the GOP, not the dems. And they underscore that moderates swung the election to Biden. The GOP will have at least 50 members of the Senate for the fourth consecutive election and it severely cut the dem margin in the House, much to the concern of moderate dem members who are fed up with being labeled as socialists, defunders of police, or purveyors of identity politics.
Demographically the share of the white vote declined to 67% from 71%, Latinos increased from 11-13 and were especially of help to republicans in Texas and Florida. Over 20 per cent of the voters were older than 65 while the per cent of young adults declined. 
CNN exit polls also showed self-identified liberals decreased 2 points to 24% while conservatives increased 3 points to 38 % while another 38% claimed to bemoderates.
If Biden has any mandate it would be to not rock the boat by falling  for such radical ideas as packing SCOTUS, adding states to the union, ending fracking, reestablishing affirmative action or raising taxes indiscriminately.

You might want to pay attention to what the voters actually said.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 17, 2020, 06:56:41 PM »
I can only give you facts.
I can’t make you think.

If only Ward would give us facts.
try to
Pay attention to a conversation you butted in on.

It is soooo not about a single conversation, but a way of life with you.
Okay. You are clueless.

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