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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 13, 2020, 09:39:26 PM »
Elitist Andrew Yang , former corporate lawyer and democrat presidential candidate ( he won all of 22 delegates), and Ivy League educated egghead, is moving his family to Georgia and hoping he can vote in the Senate run-off elections.

Moreover he is suggesting other democrats do the same.
He was joined in that advice by fellow leftist Thomas Friedman a columnist of the New York Times.

Both Yang and Friedman are encouraging FRAUD!

It is illegal — a felony, in fact — to move to Georgia solely with the intention of voting, and not to establish a permanent residence.

It is also illegal to vote in a Georgia runoff if you have already voted in a Senate race in the general election in another state.

If Yang and his family move to Georgia for the sole purpose of voting in the runoff elections and have  cast votes in previous Senate race then they are pretty stupid.

But then, Yang is a partisan politician.

I guess Friedman removed all doubt as to what he is.

I’m sure they’ll have no trouble getting the appropriate yet unnecessary PHOTO ID.
For what?  Buying beer at the Piggly Wiggly?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 13, 2020, 08:58:11 PM »
"It is a blessing that we have so many vaccine candidates - on the threshold - and that credit has to be given to this administration and this NATION.  Without this nation, these vaccines would not have been possible"


BioNTech is a German company,  and its vaccine breakthrough was done by children of Turkish immigrants.    As was pointed out before.   See if you can stop banging your patriot gong for a few seconds and learn how modern medicine is an international cooperative effort.
Even more reason to celebrate Our Nation.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 13, 2020, 08:56:25 PM »
Elitist Andrew Yang , former corporate lawyer and democrat presidential candidate ( he won all of 22 delegates), and Ivy League educated egghead, is moving his family to Georgia and hoping he can vote in the Senate run-off elections.

Moreover he is suggesting other democrats do the same.
He was joined in that advice by fellow leftist Thomas Friedman a columnist of the New York Times.

Both Yang and Friedman are encouraging FRAUD!

It is illegal — a felony, in fact — to move to Georgia solely with the intention of voting, and not to establish a permanent residence.

It is also illegal to vote in a Georgia runoff if you have already voted in a Senate race in the general election in another state.

If Yang and his family move to Georgia for the sole purpose of voting in the runoff elections and have  cast votes in previous Senate race then they are pretty stupid.

But then, Yang is a partisan politician.

I guess Friedman removed all doubt as to what he is.

Why do hate America?

No links,  no evidence,  no reason to think this account is true and accurate.   We can dismiss it,  on that basis.
Go ahead
Prove me wrong.
I dare you.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:57:08 PM »
Elitist Andrew Yang , former corporate lawyer and democrat presidential candidate ( he won all of 22 delegates), and Ivy League educated egghead, is moving his family to Georgia and hoping he can vote in the Senate run-off elections.

Moreover he is suggesting other democrats do the same.
He was joined in that advice by fellow leftist Thomas Friedman a columnist of the New York Times.

Both Yang and Friedman are encouraging FRAUD!

It is illegal — a felony, in fact — to move to Georgia solely with the intention of voting, and not to establish a permanent residence.

It is also illegal to vote in a Georgia runoff if you have already voted in a Senate race in the general election in another state.

If Yang and his family move to Georgia for the sole purpose of voting in the runoff elections and have  cast votes in previous Senate race then they are pretty stupid.

But then, Yang is a partisan politician.

I guess Friedman removed all doubt as to what he is.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 01:37:35 PM »
Well, you didn't get much right, mostly evaded, and at times veered into incoherence.

Some thoughts:
1. Sweden has done worse than its neighbors.

2. Right answer; incoherent addendum

3. No answer/evasion

4. Transmission is occurring at a significantly higher rate in states without mask mandates, even though those states tend to be less densely populated.

5. Countries are only reporting confirmed cases.  So yes, the numbers are squishy, but they also provide a solid baseline, which can be extrapolated from.  But when you add in likely additional cases, the ratio between the US:China skews even worse, with the US infections perhaps 10x the confirmed number, while China might double it's confirmed count. 
Really Q5 was asking:
5. Why does the US has a much greater infection and death rate than China?

You failed to answer Q6.
To rephrase:
6. Does China have a negligible amount of virus and next to no domestic transmissions or is that false?

You got 1 right and partial credit on the mask question ...
No I got them all right.
Thanks for playing.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 01:33:15 PM »

4) Are masks an effective and useful means of blocking and reducing viral transmission?
At the margins- USA mask wearing now is at its largest level with no discernible positive effect.    FACT CHECK NEEDED

Relevant excerpts

The top sci­en­tific jour­nal Na­ture Med­icine pub­lished a study on Oct. 23 with an as­tound­ing claim: By sim­ply wear­ing masks at higher rates, Amer­i-cans could pre­vent as many as 130,000 Covid-19 fa­tal­i­ties by the end of Feb­ruary 2021. Pro­duced by the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ington’s In­sti­tute for Health Met­rics Eval­u­at ion, or IHME, the study gar­nered immediate acclaim..............

Un­for­tu­nately, the IHME mod­el­ers’ findings con­tained an er­ror that even min­imal scru­tiny should have caught. The projected num­ber of lives saved, and the im­plied case for a mask mandate, are based on a faulty sta­tis­tic. Us­ing a months-old sur­vey, IHME mod­el­ers assumed er­ro­neously that the U.S. mask-adop­tion rate stood at only 49% as of late Sep­tember, and therefore had plenty of room to in­crease to “uni­ver­sal adop­tion,” de­fined as 95%, or to a more plau­si­ble 85%. Ac­cord­ing to more re­cent sur­vey find­ings, how­ever, Amer­i­ca’s mask-adop­tion rate has hov­ered around 80% since the sum­mer.

Which also means the recent spikes came EVEN THOUGH mask wearing has been near its highest practical level since the summer.

He should stick to economics history.

His "science" is broken.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 12:23:26 PM »

4) Are masks an effective and useful means of blocking and reducing viral transmission?
At the margins- USA mask wearing now is at its largest level with no discernible positive effect.    FACT CHECK NEEDED

Relevant excerpts

The top sci­en­tific jour­nal Na­ture Med­icine pub­lished a study on Oct. 23 with an as­tound­ing claim: By sim­ply wear­ing masks at higher rates, Amer­i-cans could pre­vent as many as 130,000 Covid-19 fa­tal­i­ties by the end of Feb­ruary 2021. Pro­duced by the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ington’s In­sti­tute for Health Met­rics Eval­u­at ion, or IHME, the study gar­nered immediate acclaim..............

Un­for­tu­nately, the IHME mod­el­ers’ findings con­tained an er­ror that even min­imal scru­tiny should have caught. The projected num­ber of lives saved, and the im­plied case for a mask mandate, are based on a faulty sta­tis­tic. Us­ing a months-old sur­vey, IHME mod­el­ers assumed er­ro­neously that the U.S. mask-adop­tion rate stood at only 49% as of late Sep­tember, and therefore had plenty of room to in­crease to “uni­ver­sal adop­tion,” de­fined as 95%, or to a more plau­si­ble 85%. Ac­cord­ing to more re­cent sur­vey find­ings, how­ever, Amer­i­ca’s mask-adop­tion rate has hov­ered around 80% since the sum­mer.

Which also means the recent spikes came EVEN THOUGH mask wearing has been near its highest practical level since the summer.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 11:33:37 AM »
It's hard to parse an argument out of Red's non-sequiturs.

So here's a simple quiz:

1) Which country had a better overall response to the Coronavirus, the USA or the PRC?

2) Which economy will grow more this year, China or the US?
China, its lockdown was used to bury the humans

3) Was the lockdown in China effective?
No one will ever know-the Central Peoples Government only lies to everyone

4) Are masks an effective and useful means of blocking and reducing viral transmission?
At the margins- USA mask wearing now is at its largest level with no discernible positive effect

5) Why did the US have 250K confirmed CV-19 deaths and over 10M infection cases compared with China's roughly 5,000 CV deaths and under 100K infections?
LOL   Because both counties are lying.  The US cases have to be at least 90 million.

6) Have CV-19 infections been reduced to a negligible amount in China -- one or two dozen new imported cases per day now as China reports  -- or is there some sort of large outbreak possibly on a European or American scale that China is hiding?
China hides everything

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 02:13:51 AM »
Yep, Reform the Police.
But Defund the Police was a bold eye-catching controversial message that caught people's attention to the issue/problem.

During the 2020 election, a bunch of cities passed police reform measures ranging from civilian review boards to funding for mental health initiatives.  And people became more aware of alternatives to sending police to deal with homeless and other matters where social workers and mental health pros can do better.

Some local pols needed to do a better job of explaining their position and providing nuance and details to counter the GOP broadbrush/smear.   The Dems should have looked at it as an opportunity to discuss what wasn't working and how to have better policing and better outcomes.  Contrast with the GOP-supported practice of militarizing the police which isn't popular.  Do the hard work of explaining.
Overall big net minus for democrats.


Democrats control the House the presidency and have a good shot at a tie in the Senate.
yeah, that Blue Wave was something.  Like maybe a puddle in the Rio Grande.

Is that why your party is indulging the man baby in the White House while he throws a tantrum?

No matter how you slice it, Trump is done.
I dont dispute Biden won.
I point out the democrats lost the war.
Instead of double digit gains in the House Pelosi lost a minimum of 12 seats and is begging to keep her Speaker’s job as a lame duck.  The Senate has 50 republicans and two more to come.  State governments are in control of republicans 2-1, the same ratio holds for the GOP in states that draw district lines for Congress and local elections. Tell Joe he has two years to make his mark before he loses the House and gets buried in the Senate.

Gonna run the 2009 playbook again, huh
The dems can’t help themselves. A party without a soul or a purpose 
As long as it wants to make Trump the Magnificent  Obsession.

Okay, so you got nothing and know nothing about China.

The Chinese lockdown was a tremendous success which saved lives and the Chinese economy.  Full stop.  Really inarguable.
LOL   Anybody “ arguing” otherwise in China is never going argue anything anymore.

In Shanghai, you go about your life without worry and don't need to take any safety measures.  You would completely forget about the virus, except for the maybe 10% of the people still wearing masks regularly.

I'm safe (along with 1.4B Chinese), you and Americans are not.
Might want to consider why.
We all know why.  You kneel and obey.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 12, 2020, 12:48:24 AM »
Yep, Reform the Police.
But Defund the Police was a bold eye-catching controversial message that caught people's attention to the issue/problem.

During the 2020 election, a bunch of cities passed police reform measures ranging from civilian review boards to funding for mental health initiatives.  And people became more aware of alternatives to sending police to deal with homeless and other matters where social workers and mental health pros can do better.

Some local pols needed to do a better job of explaining their position and providing nuance and details to counter the GOP broadbrush/smear.   The Dems should have looked at it as an opportunity to discuss what wasn't working and how to have better policing and better outcomes.  Contrast with the GOP-supported practice of militarizing the police which isn't popular.  Do the hard work of explaining.
Overall big net minus for democrats.


Democrats control the House the presidency and have a good shot at a tie in the Senate.
yeah, that Blue Wave was something.  Like maybe a puddle in the Rio Grande.

Is that why your party is indulging the man baby in the White House while he throws a tantrum?

No matter how you slice it, Trump is done.
I dont dispute Biden won.
I point out the democrats lost the war.
Instead of double digit gains in the House Pelosi lost a minimum of 12 seats and is begging to keep her Speaker’s job as a lame duck.  The Senate has 50 republicans and two more to come.  State governments are in control of republicans 2-1, the same ratio holds for the GOP in states that draw district lines for Congress and local elections. Tell Joe he has two years to make his mark before he loses the House and gets buried in the Senate.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 11, 2020, 11:13:09 PM »
Yep, Reform the Police.
But Defund the Police was a bold eye-catching controversial message that caught people's attention to the issue/problem.

During the 2020 election, a bunch of cities passed police reform measures ranging from civilian review boards to funding for mental health initiatives.  And people became more aware of alternatives to sending police to deal with homeless and other matters where social workers and mental health pros can do better.

Some local pols needed to do a better job of explaining their position and providing nuance and details to counter the GOP broadbrush/smear.   The Dems should have looked at it as an opportunity to discuss what wasn't working and how to have better policing and better outcomes.  Contrast with the GOP-supported practice of militarizing the police which isn't popular.  Do the hard work of explaining.
Overall big net minus for democrats.


Democrats control the House the presidency and have a good shot at a tie in the Senate.
yeah, that Blue Wave was something.  Like maybe a puddle in the Rio Grande.

Well, Joe Biden’s Covid advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm called for a  4-6 week nationwide lockdown “like they did in New Zealand and Australia.”
Osterholm said a 6 week nationwide lockdown would get Covid under control and revive the economy.

You might remember it was Osterholm who wrote a New York Times op-ed over the summer praising Chinese Communist style authoritarian lockdowns: To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.

So remember this  Scientist cites successes in Australia and New Zealand( surrounded by ocean water) and China (who willfully kill tens of thousands of its citizens, if not millions) in fighting the spread of the disease.

You mean the highly effective 2 month Chinese lockdown, which allowed the Chinese economy to bounce back and grow this year in contrast to all of Europe and the US.  And there's no virus in China so its citizens are totally safe from the disease.  That lockdown? 
Chinese  euthanasia to ease the pain and suffering of the communists being denied the spoils of dictatorship.
The US is having more cases per day now than China had in total this year.  China is down to 60th most cases globally, fewer than small countries such as Bulgaria and Lebanon.  The Chinese lockdown was a tremendous success.  I think it would be hard to find one Chinese person who felt the lockdown was inappropriate or not worth it.
LOL.  Of course not. Chinese people, for the most part, keep their mouths shut to live.

You can idiotically try to distract by talking vaguely about Chinese killing people.
But if China had the same awful policies and death rate as the US, 1.1M Chinese would have died from the virus, which would still be raging and extending.  And the economy would be battered.

Too bad Trump didn't implement such a lockdown back in March /April.
It would have been a different world and even election then, with a gradual reopening in May/June and, if implemented properly, no more virus and things back close to normal starting in July.
Trump couldn’t . The USA is bound by the rule of law and a Constitution.
China’s ruling class cares only about itself. Dissenters are imprisoned or executed.

Now that is a lockdown

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 11, 2020, 09:03:13 PM »
Joe Biden the Presidential candidate promised  to fight COVID-19 and lockdown the country if “ scientists” advise it.

Well, Joe Biden’s Covid advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm called for a  4-6 week nationwide lockdown “like they did in New Zealand and Australia.”
Osterholm said a 6 week nationwide lockdown would get Covid under control and revive the economy.
“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers for losses to small companies to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” Osterholm said. “If we did that, then we could lockdown for four-to-six weeks.”

Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Osterholm who serves as director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota,(by definition a “ SCIENTIST)  Earlier  this week he predicted that the country is headed toward “Covid hell.” Cases are rising as more people grow tired of wearing masks and social distancing, suffering from so-called “pandemic fatigue,” Colder weather is also driving people indoors where the virus can spread more easily.
A nationwide lockdown would drive the number of new cases and hospitalizations down to manageable levels while the world awaits a vaccine, he told Yahoo Finance TODAY.

You might remember it was Osterholm who wrote a New York Times op-ed over the summer praising Chinese Communist style authoritarian lockdowns: To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that,” he said Wednesday.

So remember this  Scientist cites successes in Australia and New Zealand( surrounded by ocean water) and China ( who willfully kill tens of thousands of its citizens, if not millions) in fighting the spread of the disease.

It might be useful to remember that Joe Biden previously got called out by a the remaining few news reporters not on the DNC payroll over his vow to lock down the US and conceded that a US President does not have the Constitutional authority to do so.

Oh those scientists?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 11, 2020, 07:41:29 PM »
Yep, Reform the Police.
But Defund the Police was a bold eye-catching controversial message that caught people's attention to the issue/problem.

During the 2020 election, a bunch of cities passed police reform measures ranging from civilian review boards to funding for mental health initiatives.  And people became more aware of alternatives to sending police to deal with homeless and other matters where social workers and mental health pros can do better.

Some local pols needed to do a better job of explaining their position and providing nuance and details to counter the GOP broadbrush/smear.   The Dems should have looked at it as an opportunity to discuss what wasn't working and how to have better policing and better outcomes.  Contrast with the GOP-supported practice of militarizing the police which isn't popular.  Do the hard work of explaining.
Overall big net minus for democrats.

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