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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 22, 2020, 12:26:57 PM »
Drip, drip, drip.
The Big Guy now confirmed as Joe Biden and also the recipient of $10 million in a deal with a Chinese Company,

This is from a damaged laptop that happened to end up in Rudy's friend's basement?   Seriously.

BTW,  basic courtesy -- post your news source so that we can assess its reliability and accuracy?
Guess you don’t stay up to date  with the latest news 
Broaden your horizons from Bezo’s in-house rag if you want to know what’s going on

How is a tabloid scandal rag owned by Murdochs going to broaden anyone's horizon?

Again,  laptop found in a basement of Rudy's friend?   How is that credible?   Surely,  the absurdity is why non tabloids aren't touching this nonstory.
Suit yourself.
But nothing about the reporting by the Post has been found to be wrong.  Biden refuses to talk.  And now a member of the Biden team has confirmed details.
That’s how journalism works, advancing the story and investigating.
Once the Washington Post did that.
Ever hear of Woodward and Bernstein?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 22, 2020, 11:38:56 AM »
Drip, drip, drip.
The Big Guy now confirmed as Joe Biden and also the recipient of $10 million in a deal with a Chinese Company,

This is from a damaged laptop that happened to end up in Rudy's friend's basement?   Seriously.

BTW,  basic courtesy -- post your news source so that we can assess its reliability and accuracy?
Guess you don’t stay up to date  with the latest news 
Broaden your horizons from Bezo’s in-house rag if you want to know what’s going on

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 22, 2020, 11:27:28 AM »
Drip, drip, drip.
The Big Guy now confirmed as Joe Biden and also the recipient of $10 million in a deal with a Chinese Company,

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 22, 2020, 01:45:22 AM »
Watching Ward pretend to understand numbers is pretty funny.

Listening to him lie about me would be funny if it weren't so old.

And having him try to pretend that the rate of deaths per day is not increasing would be criminal, if he had any responsibility for others' lives, but I doubt he does.

While he also ignores how many people who don't die continue to suffer, he works to keep his eyes shut to the racism, sexism, and classism of his party and its leaders that has led to so many unnecessary deaths and so much suffering.

What will he have to say? "LOL."
Josh must not know how to ignore.
Another example of his ignorance.
And he is “ our Moderator”

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 11:39:34 PM »
The Facts Josh does not want to share.  According to NPR:

Death rates among hospitalized COVID-19 patients have declined sharply since the height of the pandemic, according to two peer-reviewed studies cited in a new report.

The decline in deaths were recorded across age groups and among those with pre-existing health conditions, NPR reported. The data indicate doctors may have improved their ability to treat the coronavirus.

One of the studies, which was conducted between March and August, found the death rate among thousands of hospitalized coronavirus patients plummeted by 18 percent, according to the report.

At the start of the pandemic, hospitalized patients had a 25.6 percent chance of dying, compared to the 7.6 percent chance they now face, according to the report.

“We find that the death rate has gone down substantially,” Leora Horwitz, an author of one of the studies, told the news outlet.

In June the Scientists at the CDC observed that reported cases of COVID in the USA  ( about 2 million) were likely 10 times higher.
Extrapolating that into October we find that the “ confirmed cases reported to the media” of 8.3 million should be closer to 83 million  INFECTIONS. ( how could it be less?- the swine flu infected 60 million, and the Flu  affects 40 million each year WITH a vaccine)
In reality then the COVID death rate  moves from 2.6% to .026%

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:29:14 PM »
Hard to believe,  I know,  but i actually came here to have a real discussion of why the USPS woukd be reducing mail security right now,  at the historical moment it is most needed.

Yes, that is hard to believe.

It's to discredit the election.

Any other ideas?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:27:20 PM »

The republicans were the bad guys all along.

Speaking of Barzini, Schumer and Senate Democrats going to the mattresses against McConnell, Graham and ACB.

Gonna boycott the markup and deny a quorum.
Epic Fail
Schumer is only trying to bolster his party cred.  Feinstein already cut him a new asshole.
And public opinion favors Barrett and opposes SCOTUS packing.

AOC is already on record saying in any other country “ I would not be in the same party as Biden.”
Schumer may want to remember that.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 06:35:08 PM »
Speaking of polls

The Thursday Debate will feature a segment on climate change even though recent polls show voters don’t think it deserves to be.

According to an August 6 Gallup Poll, only 1 percent of those surveyed identified climate change as the most important issue for this election.

A September 16 University of Southern California Poll showed only 4 percent of voters said climate change was the key issue that would guide their vote.

In an October Gallup Poll, climate change ranked 11th out of 16 key issues for voters.

The most recent poll on willingness-to-pay for climate programs reports most voters aren’t willing to pay more than $2 a month more for electricity.

Even polling done by activist groups shows that almost twice as many voters rank climate as their least important issue (35 percent) versus their most important (19 percent)

The other topics for the debate are
“Fighting COVID-19 [the Chinese coronavirus]
American Families
Race in America
National Security

Why waste time on Climate Change?
Maybe to give the TV audience a potty break?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 06:23:56 PM »
Not a good week for hypocritical moralistic Catholics...
Apropos moralistic Catholics, Pope Francis today sided with the idea of civil unions. Which destroys any Catholic moral argument against state sanctioned gay marriage. Not that homophobic folk like Judge Barrett will get on board. All of my fellow Catholics who liked to cite Benedict's homophobic pronouncements as controlling will now rediscover the nuances of infallibility.
Barrett is homophobic?
According to you?
Walks like a homopbobe, talks like a homophobe, belongs to homophobic organizations.
None apply

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 05:23:00 PM »
Not a good week for hypocritical moralistic Catholics...
Apropos moralistic Catholics, Pope Francis today sided with the idea of civil unions. Which destroys any Catholic moral argument against state sanctioned gay marriage. Not that homophobic folk like Judge Barrett will get on board. All of my fellow Catholics who liked to cite Benedict's homophobic pronouncements as controlling will now rediscover the nuances of infallibility.
Barrett is homophobic?
According to you?
Walks like a homopbobe, talks like a homophobe, belongs to homophobic organizations.
None apply

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 05:09:14 PM »
Not a good week for hypocritical moralistic Catholics...
Apropos moralistic Catholics, Pope Francis today sided with the idea of civil unions. Which destroys any Catholic moral argument against state sanctioned gay marriage. Not that homophobic folk like Judge Barrett will get on board. All of my fellow Catholics who liked to cite Benedict's homophobic pronouncements as controlling will now rediscover the nuances of infallibility.
Barrett is homophobic?
According to you?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 04:52:06 PM »

Toobin Giuliani is a sad man who has been covered for by his leftist media right-wing friends for decades.
If CNN the Trump administration brings him back then the network the administration will forfeit any tiny shred of credibility remaining over abuse and harassment of women.


That your Josh imitation of maturity?

Again, what importance does Toobin represent?
None, now.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 04:50:54 PM »
By the way Red, since you've had so much fun with Toobin I cannot wait to see what you do with Giuliani touching his genitals on film while talking to a young.actress.
Toobin is a sad man who has been covered for by his leftist media friends for decades.
If CNN brings him back then the network will forfeit any credibility over abuse and harassment of women.

But Trump still working with a man who is about to appear in a major movie fondling himself in front of an actress purporting to be 15? No Problem! Using him as a source for dubiously sourced info? Bring it on!
Your biggest problem is that the “ info” is not dubious nor has it been challenged by the Bidens.
At least you properly placed the word info in quotes, which is easily the most accurate thing you have posted today.
The quotes were used to highlight your misuse of the term.
The info has been verified.
No it hasn't.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 04:36:09 PM »
By the way Red, since you've had so much fun with Toobin I cannot wait to see what you do with Giuliani touching his genitals on film while talking to a young.actress.
Toobin is a sad man who has been covered for by his leftist media friends for decades.
If CNN brings him back then the network will forfeit any credibility over abuse and harassment of women.

But Trump still working with a man who is about to appear in a major movie fondling himself in front of an actress purporting to be 15? No Problem! Using him as a source for dubiously sourced info? Bring it on!
Your biggest problem is that the “ info” is not dubious nor has it been challenged by the Bidens.
At least you properly placed the word info in quotes, which is easily the most accurate thing you have posted today.
The quotes were used to highlight your misuse of the term.
The info has been verified.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 21, 2020, 04:28:20 PM »
By the way Red, since you've had so much fun with Toobin I cannot wait to see what you do with Giuliani touching his genitals on film while talking to a young.actress.
Toobin is a sad man who has been covered for by his leftist media friends for decades.
If CNN brings him back then the network will forfeit any credibility over abuse and harassment of women.

But Trump still working with a man who is about to appear in a major movie fondling himself in front of an actress purporting to be 15? No Problem! Using him as a source for dubiously sourced info? Bring it on!
Your biggest problem is that the “ info” is not dubious nor has it been challenged by the Bidens.

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