Spike has to harass Trae to give the Garden a '90s good old days vibe
Trae "Reggied" the Knicks last night
Surely did. And we had it coming.
The vibe was electrifying, but any real competitor is going to double down on that abusive element, which is really BUSH, and I don't mean George. I know this is heretical to say, but I always respected the shit out of Reggie getting in Spike's face, and miming the choke sign, just like I respect Trae for shushing the Garden faithful. Saying fuck you to a competitor like Trae Bien, on his first trip to the playoffs, in a gonzo Garden? Like, DUH. Know what Lou Williams told him on that penultimate possession? "Don't pass the ball." BINGO.
PS: Worth noting, as apoplectic as some Knicks fans and media types are getting, we lost by ONE FUCKING BASKET. Lost by one basket to the Suns, too, right, and they handled the Lakers pretty nicely yesterday. Obviously, AD and LeB are hurting, but hey, IT BE'S THAT WAY.
Predators & Prey. Hell, we handled Memphis and Memphis took it to the Jazz no less, though without Donavan Mitchell.