I am a peacemaker, and I worked on programs for missile defense, and I worked on stuff to shoot down nuclear missiles.
I support taking out a few bad apples and making the world safe for everyone else. I support peace and prosperity.
And we need for the old wise men to control the armies, not young fools.
We also have a problem with ignorant young reporters on the news who just want ratings and who do not give a shit about world peace.
Here is some Shakespeare that explains the ignorant people who just follow in return for their own wealth and well being... It is from "King Lear" .... Such smiling rogues as these, like rats oft bite holy chords atwain which are too intrinsic to unloose, smooth every passion. That in the natures of their lords rebel. Bring oil to fire, snow to their colder moods; renege, affirm, and turn their halcyon beaks with every gail and vary of their masters knowing not like dogs but following, a plague upon your epileptic visage. Goose if I had ye upon Sarum Plain I'd drive ye cacking home to Camelot. ...
I hate it when people just care about themselves instead of about the state of our world, and a reporter who is just out for ratings and who throws gasoline on the fire to create war for ratings. The same reporters could use their power for peace and to make the world a better place.
People need to demand peace, and the people who benefit from war and from the misery of others deserve no good wishes from me.
Tony V.