One good thing too about having faith in God, and believing that God is with you through the dark times, is that Christians do not commit suicide, Christians keep believing that things will get better and they keep believing that God is there with them.
When you are working on a suicide hot-line that is one of the questions that you ask the person, you see if they are a Christian, and the danger of suicide lessens if they are a Christian.
Also, Christians always believe that God is watching over them, so even when no else can see then God can still see, and God is the ultimate judge, God gets to judge how you spend eternity. God sees everything, and God knows everything, and God will judge everyone. I think that is what the eye is all about on the back of a one dollar bill.
And God tells us that by doing good deeds we store up our treasure in Heaven, we will be rewarded in Heaven for good deeds that we do to help other people. If we help other people then we get rewarded in Heaven, and if we are bad to other people then we go to Hell.
And God is all about love, and we are to love our neighbors.
God is awesome, and Christians make great neighbors.
Tony V.