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Should the US be concerned about an invasion of Ukraine by Russia?

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Author Topic: Biden Administration  (Read 751628 times)

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14565 on: August 21, 2021, 05:31:40 PM »

Boy,  if we have to spend a trillion dollars per unfriendly Islamic country to protect our skyscrapers,  that's going to get expensive! 

Seems like buying every Fundy Islamist a new IPhone would be cheaper.   Honey,  not vinegar,  know what I mean,  bro?

"Protecting skyscrapers"?

Fuck you, ass-wipe. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YIU ON 9/11? There were thousands of people who never made it home from those skyscrapers, you sanctimonious, inbred twit!

Were you out banging some sheep in Idaho?

'Protecting skyscrapers".

Go fuck yourself.

Way to completely misunderstand point.   Of course we should protect skyscrapers full of innocent people.   Good Lord,  that's the whole point:  tossing a trillion into a corrupt place full of warring factions is a terrible way to protect those lives, and often just drives the recruiting efforts of religious extremists. 

You seem to be a person who always seeks to dig up a fight,  to find the worst way to process anything anyone says.   Must be stressful.

Uh, no, fuckhead. You completely dismissed the victims of 9/11 with that cheap reference.

Now, you're trying to rewrite the original opinion.

Nope.   I spoke of skyscrapers in the meaning of building full of people.   Indeed,  the implication was that their being a place where people are is their value.  The people who worked there had value incalculably far beyond real estate value.  And these endless interventions in faraway lands is a terrible way to protect people.   And no,  that's no "rewrite. "  I've made a good faith attempt to clarify my point, one I've made before here.  If you don't trust in my basic humanity, and loathing of foreign policies that kill innocents,  then please stop posting at me.

I guess you can't admit what you wrote implied something completely different than what you think you had.

It would be more in line with "basic humanity" to accept responsibility for your words, rather than condemn the readers.

I loathe liars, a group you have now joined.

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14566 on: August 21, 2021, 05:41:53 PM »

Yesterday...I received into my inbox an email for every post I made.
Very unusual.
The bad people lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce...the moment you get security careless.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14567 on: August 21, 2021, 05:46:25 PM »

"In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached"

Pretty damned funny coming from her.

And even funnier coming from you.

You hated and ignored all the polls and comments about Trump's so-called leadership in the eyes of the rest of the world. More is still thought of Joe Biden on his worst day in most of the world than was thought of Trump on his best, except for 2 or maybe 3 countries.

Rest assured, Kid, our opinion of you is right there with that of Trump.
Trump and Biden thought alike on Afghanistan.Both wanted to pull out.
GOP leaders told Trump if he did it would be a disaster.  He listened.
Which explains why he signed the agreement with the Taliban and steadily withdrew troops to meet the May withdraw date of the treaty to the point where there were only 2500 advisors left by the time he left office. Do the right wing web sites you slavishly regurgitate ever think about telling the truth, or do they just assume you are too gullible to fact check?
YOU should do research, not change the subject.
LOL. You cannot even grasp the gist of your own arguments.  Probably because they are not your own.
You dance and evade.
Biden couldn’t wait until, as President, he reversed Trump and rejoined the Paris Accords and the WHO,etc.
Yet he followed through on Trump’s desire to leave Afghanistan even though Trump stopped short when GOPers warned him of a disaster.
Did Biden “ go it alone” or are the democrats united in foreign policy ignorance?
Trump never "stopped short". He continued the withdrawal of troops, through the end of his presidency, with an eye to meeting the May 2021 goal of withdrawal.  There were only 2500 advisors left by January 15. Biden continued a policy set in motion and pursued unceasingly.  And it was the right policy when Trump pursued it, and it is the right policy now.
The right or wrong of the policy is immaterial and irrelevant. 4 in five Americans polled in 2020 thought we should get out.
Trump thought it was a winning re-election stance and still didn’t abandon it when he lost the election.
What he didn’t get was his own Administration was against it, as well as the GOP leadership.
Politically, GOP heavy hitters like McConnell saw a huge scandal brewing that would hand the new Biden Admnistration a big boost out of its starting gate.

So the question you refuse to address remains.
Why did Biden move against the better judgement of the same officials who were against the Trump schedule?
And where were the senior leaders in the democrat party who had to know better.
At a time when the dems balance of power is so fragile why gamble on a roll of the dice which could derail everything?



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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14568 on: August 21, 2021, 05:58:32 PM »

Bart you seemed to minimize the 9/11 attacks and the US emotion driven blood lust response to an act of war on our country in our country, that in hours cost 3,000 innocent victims, some of whom I knew well, as just an act of vandalism.

See my two replies to Hamster.   Hope that resolves this.   

Nor did I suggest appeasement.  Just have a low regard for Forever Wars that do not really address the roots of terrorism.   No offense to you, or your concerns that I somehow transformed overnight into a sociopath, but I think I've made my clarifications in good faith and am now done.


You certainly suggested it. That you don't recognize the meanings of your own words, is another matter.

And that you deleted your words of appeasement from the above quote is also telling.

And I made no suggestion you were a sociopath, you may be, but I've no clear indication of that. I just noted you seemed to think offering honey to terrorists who killed 3,000 US citizens would have been an adequate solution.

I'm not sure that would have sufficed.

For them or us.

Btw, type of honey do you favor Bart?

It’s better not to conflate al Qaeda and Afghanistan or al Qaeda and the Taliban. Beating the shit out of al Qaeda was by all means called for. Pairing that action with partnered investment and diplomacy was a better option than occupation through a bogus puppet government.

Instead of pursuing neocon neocolonialism, we could have gone after al Qaeda’s strong holds within the Saudi financial networks. Bindar Bush prevented that from happening, so we left the funds in place to help things like ISIS metastasize.

I didn't conflate anything, nor reccomend or damn any policies, but just asked a question of Bart about his post that I found questionable and offensive.

I take 9/11 seriously and personally, I lost friends, I breathed the smoke of the WTC, and I thought there was a cavalier attitude regarding the death of 3,000 Americans that day.

I also thank Biden for taking the politically impossible step of being the guy to turn off the lights there.

Enough was enough.

and 20 years was way too long.

We should have learned from our mistakes in Viet Nam that nation building is not a quick or easy or clean job.

Imperialism is not for democracies.

But I also damn the guy for doing it in what appears to be a hasty and ill-designed manner.

There had to be a better, more organized procedure for getting our allies and personnel out of that 7th century hell-hole, even if it took another 6+ months.

But that is way beyond my pay grade.

But its what Joe gets paid for and he fucked up.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 06:00:36 PM by bankshot1 »


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14569 on: August 21, 2021, 06:19:37 PM »

facilitatorn, we must support Gavin Newsom, and then in the next election we can bring in some women to run, such as Sabrina Cervantes of Corona, California.

Sabrina would make a great governor, maybe, she is doing a great job for Corona.


Tony V.

I got my ballot.

Me too

Five of them.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14570 on: August 21, 2021, 06:23:35 PM »

I didn't conflate anything, nor reccomend or damn any policies, but just asked a question of Bart about his post that I found questionable and offensive.

I take 9/11 seriously and personally, I lost friends, I breathed the smoke of the WTC, and I thought there was a cavalier attitude regarding the death of 3,000 Americans that day.

I also thank Biden for taking the politically impossible step of being the guy to turn off the lights there.

Enough was enough.

and 20 years was way too long.

We should have learned from our mistakes in Viet Nam that nation building is not a quick or easy or clean job.

Imperialism is not for democracies.

But I also damn the guy for doing it in what appears to be a hasty and ill-designed manner.

There had to be a better, more organized procedure for getting our allies and personnel out of that 7th century hell-hole, even if it took another 6+ months.

But that is way beyond my pay grade.

But its what Joe gets paid for and he fucked up.

Compared to what historical model did Joe fuck up?

If Joe starts pulling nonessential personnel and allies in March, is there still a pretense of an Afghan government through July? How much prep does it take to house 30-50,00k refugees? When we’re Biden’s people who actually do that work officially appointed?

The walk out doesn’t look good right now and it will go through fits and starts that make it seem worse than it does right now along the way.

That this is messy and going to get messier doesn’t make it any less the right thing to do, just as sending morgue trucks to Texas is an inevitable part of dealing with Covid. Backward primitive corrupt governments inflict chaos and misery on areas that they control. Chaos and misery are therefore guaranteed to be a component of any dealings you have in a region so governed. We’re seeing it even more so in Florida. We shouldn’t be surprised to see it playing out in Afghanistan.

I was on the Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge from about 10 am on with students handing out water bottles and wipes and pointing folks to triage or transport, depending. Needless to say classes had already been canceled.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14571 on: August 21, 2021, 06:32:54 PM »

facilitatorn, we must support Gavin Newsom, and then in the next election we can bring in some women to run, such as Sabrina Cervantes of Corona, California.

Sabrina would make a great governor, maybe, she is doing a great job for Corona.


Tony V.

I got my ballot.

Me too

Five of them.

I suggest you only return one of them.

No on question one, obviously.

The list of eligible write in candidates gets closed on August 31 and published September 3. I recommend waiting to answer question two and returning you ballot till a few days after that.

The best way to get it in is to walk it to your local election office.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14572 on: August 21, 2021, 06:39:28 PM »

Compared to what historical model did Joe fuck up?

Surrender and retreat is hard to posture as victory, but to leave allies and friends in the lurch and in harm's way is a fuck-up.


There had to be a better more organized way to retreat, get our people, our allies, planes, arms etc out of country.

I'm not saying I've the info or data to do the logistics of a retreat half-way around the world. Rather there had to be a better way with better intelligence and better planning.

But yes it had to be done. but it should have been done better.

Fac that you appear incapable of recognizing Biden's fuck-up, presumably because Joe has D pinned to his chest and not an R, and insist on playing partisan politics is indicative and reflective of the sad state of affairs this country has devolved to.

If we can't own our mistakes, its fucking hard to fix them.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14573 on: August 21, 2021, 07:11:12 PM »


A Hurricane may hit New York.

DeBlasio, Cuomo, and Biden celebrate a change of the subject!


Hairy Lime

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14574 on: August 21, 2021, 07:12:17 PM »

"In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached"

Pretty damned funny coming from her.

And even funnier coming from you.

You hated and ignored all the polls and comments about Trump's so-called leadership in the eyes of the rest of the world. More is still thought of Joe Biden on his worst day in most of the world than was thought of Trump on his best, except for 2 or maybe 3 countries.

Rest assured, Kid, our opinion of you is right there with that of Trump.
Trump and Biden thought alike on Afghanistan.Both wanted to pull out.
GOP leaders told Trump if he did it would be a disaster.  He listened.
Which explains why he signed the agreement with the Taliban and steadily withdrew troops to meet the May withdraw date of the treaty to the point where there were only 2500 advisors left by the time he left office. Do the right wing web sites you slavishly regurgitate ever think about telling the truth, or do they just assume you are too gullible to fact check?
YOU should do research, not change the subject.
LOL. You cannot even grasp the gist of your own arguments.  Probably because they are not your own.
You dance and evade.
Biden couldn’t wait until, as President, he reversed Trump and rejoined the Paris Accords and the WHO,etc.
Yet he followed through on Trump’s desire to leave Afghanistan even though Trump stopped short when GOPers warned him of a disaster.
Did Biden “ go it alone” or are the democrats united in foreign policy ignorance?
Trump never "stopped short". He continued the withdrawal of troops, through the end of his presidency, with an eye to meeting the May 2021 goal of withdrawal.  There were only 2500 advisors left by January 15. Biden continued a policy set in motion and pursued unceasingly.  And it was the right policy when Trump pursued it, and it is the right policy now.
The right or wrong of the policy is immaterial and irrelevant. 4 in five Americans polled in 2020 thought we should get out.
Trump thought it was a winning re-election stance and still didn’t abandon it when he lost the election.
What he didn’t get was his own Administration was against it, as well as the GOP leadership.
Politically, GOP heavy hitters like McConnell saw a huge scandal brewing that would hand the new Biden Admnistration a big boost out of its starting gate.

So the question you refuse to address remains.
Why did Biden move against the better judgement of the same officials who were against the Trump schedule?
And where were the senior leaders in the democrat party who had to know better.
At a time when the dems balance of power is so fragile why gamble on a roll of the dice which could derail everything?
Your switch from "he listened" to the voices in his party to Trump continuing with the policy despite those voices is noted.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14575 on: August 21, 2021, 07:18:53 PM »

"In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached"

Pretty damned funny coming from her.

And even funnier coming from you.

You hated and ignored all the polls and comments about Trump's so-called leadership in the eyes of the rest of the world. More is still thought of Joe Biden on his worst day in most of the world than was thought of Trump on his best, except for 2 or maybe 3 countries.

Rest assured, Kid, our opinion of you is right there with that of Trump.
Trump and Biden thought alike on Afghanistan.Both wanted to pull out.
GOP leaders told Trump if he did it would be a disaster.  He listened.
Which explains why he signed the agreement with the Taliban and steadily withdrew troops to meet the May withdraw date of the treaty to the point where there were only 2500 advisors left by the time he left office. Do the right wing web sites you slavishly regurgitate ever think about telling the truth, or do they just assume you are too gullible to fact check?
YOU should do research, not change the subject.
LOL. You cannot even grasp the gist of your own arguments.  Probably because they are not your own.
You dance and evade.
Biden couldn’t wait until, as President, he reversed Trump and rejoined the Paris Accords and the WHO,etc.
Yet he followed through on Trump’s desire to leave Afghanistan even though Trump stopped short when GOPers warned him of a disaster.
Did Biden “ go it alone” or are the democrats united in foreign policy ignorance?
Trump never "stopped short". He continued the withdrawal of troops, through the end of his presidency, with an eye to meeting the May 2021 goal of withdrawal.  There were only 2500 advisors left by January 15. Biden continued a policy set in motion and pursued unceasingly.  And it was the right policy when Trump pursued it, and it is the right policy now.
The right or wrong of the policy is immaterial and irrelevant. 4 in five Americans polled in 2020 thought we should get out.
Trump thought it was a winning re-election stance and still didn’t abandon it when he lost the election.
What he didn’t get was his own Administration was against it, as well as the GOP leadership.
Politically, GOP heavy hitters like McConnell saw a huge scandal brewing that would hand the new Biden Admnistration a big boost out of its starting gate.

So the question you refuse to address remains.
Why did Biden move against the better judgement of the same officials who were against the Trump schedule?
And where were the senior leaders in the democrat party who had to know better.
At a time when the dems balance of power is so fragile why gamble on a roll of the dice which could derail everything?
Your switch from "he listened" to the voices in his party to Trump continuing with the policy despite those voices is noted.
When did Trump pull the plug on Afghanistan?


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14576 on: August 21, 2021, 07:24:42 PM »

"In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached"

Pretty damned funny coming from her.

And even funnier coming from you.

You hated and ignored all the polls and comments about Trump's so-called leadership in the eyes of the rest of the world. More is still thought of Joe Biden on his worst day in most of the world than was thought of Trump on his best, except for 2 or maybe 3 countries.

Rest assured, Kid, our opinion of you is right there with that of Trump.
Trump and Biden thought alike on Afghanistan.Both wanted to pull out.
GOP leaders told Trump if he did it would be a disaster.  He listened.
Which explains why he signed the agreement with the Taliban and steadily withdrew troops to meet the May withdraw date of the treaty to the point where there were only 2500 advisors left by the time he left office. Do the right wing web sites you slavishly regurgitate ever think about telling the truth, or do they just assume you are too gullible to fact check?
YOU should do research, not change the subject.
LOL. You cannot even grasp the gist of your own arguments.  Probably because they are not your own.
You dance and evade.
Biden couldn’t wait until, as President, he reversed Trump and rejoined the Paris Accords and the WHO,etc.
Yet he followed through on Trump’s desire to leave Afghanistan even though Trump stopped short when GOPers warned him of a disaster.
Did Biden “ go it alone” or are the democrats united in foreign policy ignorance?
Trump never "stopped short". He continued the withdrawal of troops, through the end of his presidency, with an eye to meeting the May 2021 goal of withdrawal.  There were only 2500 advisors left by January 15. Biden continued a policy set in motion and pursued unceasingly.  And it was the right policy when Trump pursued it, and it is the right policy now.
The right or wrong of the policy is immaterial and irrelevant. 4 in five Americans polled in 2020 thought we should get out.
Trump thought it was a winning re-election stance and still didn’t abandon it when he lost the election.
What he didn’t get was his own Administration was against it, as well as the GOP leadership.
Politically, GOP heavy hitters like McConnell saw a huge scandal brewing that would hand the new Biden Admnistration a big boost out of its starting gate.

So the question you refuse to address remains.
Why did Biden move against the better judgement of the same officials who were against the Trump schedule?
And where were the senior leaders in the democrat party who had to know better.
At a time when the dems balance of power is so fragile why gamble on a roll of the dice which could derail everything?
Your switch from "he listened" to the voices in his party to Trump continuing with the policy despite those voices is noted.
When did Trump pull the plug on Afghanistan?

When he was grudgingly convinced to delay his invite to the Taliban from the planned Camp David meet and greet cocktail party


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14577 on: August 21, 2021, 07:42:58 PM »

You mean when trump was trying to suck some Taliban dick after he got dumped by Vlad and Lil Rocket Man.
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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14578 on: August 21, 2021, 07:55:19 PM »

—Monty Hall Lifetime Achievement Award

I would  have been King!
But I’ll settle for door number 1

Andrew Cuomo’s retirement benefits will become active on Sept. 1, a spokesperson for the New York comptroller’s office said on Wednesday, Rochester First reported.

The office said a person must file for the benefits between 15 days before leaving office and 90 days after leaving office.

Cuomo resigned from office after the New York attorney general’s office released a report alleging the governor sexually harassed multiple women and threatened to retaliate against one who was going to speak up about it.

Cuomo maintains his innocence and says he would have beat the impeachment trial the state legislature was planning for the governor.

"I’m not gonna drag the state through the mud, through a three-month, four-month impeachment and then win and have made the state legislature and the state government look like a ship of fools when everything I’ve done all my life was for the exact opposite," Cuomo said. "I’m not doing that. I feel good. I’m not a martyr. It’s just, I saw the options: option A, option B."

The annual pension for the governor is estimated to be $50,000, according to the local outlet, unless he gets convicted of a felony.



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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #14579 on: August 21, 2021, 08:05:49 PM »

"In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached"

Pretty damned funny coming from her.

And even funnier coming from you.

You hated and ignored all the polls and comments about Trump's so-called leadership in the eyes of the rest of the world. More is still thought of Joe Biden on his worst day in most of the world than was thought of Trump on his best, except for 2 or maybe 3 countries.

Rest assured, Kid, our opinion of you is right there with that of Trump.
Trump and Biden thought alike on Afghanistan.Both wanted to pull out.
GOP leaders told Trump if he did it would be a disaster.  He listened.
Which explains why he signed the agreement with the Taliban and steadily withdrew troops to meet the May withdraw date of the treaty to the point where there were only 2500 advisors left by the time he left office. Do the right wing web sites you slavishly regurgitate ever think about telling the truth, or do they just assume you are too gullible to fact check?
YOU should do research, not change the subject.
LOL. You cannot even grasp the gist of your own arguments.  Probably because they are not your own.
You dance and evade.
Biden couldn’t wait until, as President, he reversed Trump and rejoined the Paris Accords and the WHO,etc.
Yet he followed through on Trump’s desire to leave Afghanistan even though Trump stopped short when GOPers warned him of a disaster.
Did Biden “ go it alone” or are the democrats united in foreign policy ignorance?
Trump never "stopped short". He continued the withdrawal of troops, through the end of his presidency, with an eye to meeting the May 2021 goal of withdrawal.  There were only 2500 advisors left by January 15. Biden continued a policy set in motion and pursued unceasingly.  And it was the right policy when Trump pursued it, and it is the right policy now.
The right or wrong of the policy is immaterial and irrelevant. 4 in five Americans polled in 2020 thought we should get out.
Trump thought it was a winning re-election stance and still didn’t abandon it when he lost the election.
What he didn’t get was his own Administration was against it, as well as the GOP leadership.
Politically, GOP heavy hitters like McConnell saw a huge scandal brewing that would hand the new Biden Admnistration a big boost out of its starting gate.

So the question you refuse to address remains.
Why did Biden move against the better judgement of the same officials who were against the Trump schedule?
And where were the senior leaders in the democrat party who had to know better.
At a time when the dems balance of power is so fragile why gamble on a roll of the dice which could derail everything?
Your switch from "he listened" to the voices in his party to Trump continuing with the policy despite those voices is noted.
When did Trump pull the plug on Afghanistan?
February 2020.
A parrot bit me.
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