The truly lamentable loss from the BBB package as it gets whittled down is abandoning the first plan of rolling back the 2017 tax cuts. Which would move income and corporate tax rates back to more reasonable levels and toughen inheritance taxes so that wealthy heirs can no longer get away with paying little or nothing. While I could understand principled disagreement over how the revenue is allocated, where it would do most good, it seems like a corrupt tack to just reject any nudge toward progressive taxation when the majority so favor it. The presently morphing BBB plan threatens to leave us as the nation with most regressive taxation.
I adhere to a strict regimen of not reading concert stampede stories. Sometimes sanity requires restricting the information feed.
The measures in the bill such as setting minimum rates regardless of deductions to large corporations and top individual earners along with funding and encouraging IRS enforcement of existing tax law is a much bigger deal. The top line marginal rate numbers become important if the money is actually going to be collected.
As it stands in its current state of negotiations, the BBB delivers vital programs and shrinks the deficit without raising any marginal tax rate top or bottom. This makes it very good to run on in the burbs especially if SALT is restored which will result in a wide based tax cut voters feel.
Why do moderates think elections are won by not giving the people what they voted for.
The voters voted for Biden, the anti-Trump, who could govern from the middle, with broad appeal.
Why do progs who make up about 20-25% about 15% of Dems think they are in a majority position?
I just double checked, according to Pew Research "very liberal" Dems, account for about 15% of those registered as Dems.
You're ignoring the poll about what people said they want for policies.
Not liberal or progressive or what, but specific items.
They want more in WV than Manchin is giving.
Not because he is a moderate, but because he is a devotee of ALEC.
No people want all sort of stuff.
Until they have to pay for it.
Case in point, people are freaking out and Biden's approval ratings declined because of a tick-up in inflation and gas proces cost another $0.20 a gallon.
Now i don't think rising inflation and supply chain issues are really Biden's fault, but he's catching hell for it, and its going to be a problem until it isn't.
in any case,
So old fuckers want expanded medicare, and single moms want child care and high schools kids want free college and the lowest paid workers want increased minimum wage, and everyone wants better access to healthcare, and better roads, and internet and and and and
all until they're told, and they will be told, that the bill is due and who's going to pay it for the next 40 years.
And someone will tell them what and when the bill is due.
And it will be a 45=55 year old white guy
Probably Ted Cruz or De Santis, or someone as scummy
And they will scare the fuck out enough voters with horror stories of tax and spend liberals who are going to steal their children's future.
Its Repub 102
And Dems sort of understand the playbook as its been used time and time again.
So they should be aware of it now.
Josh you are the one ignoring reality.
For at least the 2nd time today.
But the point remains progressives account for about 15% of the Dem voters and their broad agenda is not as accepted in the other segments of Dem, Indie and Repub voters.
You know the other 85%+ that may impact elections.