Americans do not need free handouts, but rather Americans just need a fair chance. If you are honest and if you work hard then you need to be able to have a good life in America.
And when Americans need help, then we need to help them. We need to help the homeless people. And as we open the new chapter and start building high speed trains and more subways in the USA, etc, and as jobs are created, then we need to make sure that the homeless people have a shot at a new job and a new life. Get them into shelter, and get them psychiatric help, etc, and when the people are healthy then get them to work on the new jobs in America. That is all people want is a good job and a fair chance. When people are out there homeless, then they do not have a chance at anything, it is a living hell to be out there homeless. We need to help our people, and then we need to help them to get the good jobs that Biden is creating.
We need to help people, and we need to have a good sense of community.
People should not feel like they are being forced to break the law, people need to be allowed to be honest in America, and the honest people in America need to have a fair shot.
And we can invest in Mexican ports, etc, and we can expand trade with Latin America, etc. And we can use tariffs on imports to build new colleges, etc, and to train our work force.
Right now many stores have empty shelves, we need to get those shelves full of products. One thing that I have always loved about California is the stores, we have great stores here with the best of everything.
For me, I never wanted anything for free, I have always been willing to work hard, like other Americans, I just wanted an even break and a fair shot.
Here is my student film from USC film school, I could have been a contender... people thought that I was going to be great like Brando. And I was handsome like James Garner. People in acting school used to tease me and say that I looked like a Ken doll. But Ken had Barbie, so Ken was cool in my mind.
Anyhow, Americans are willing to work. We do not need handouts. And America deserves high speed trains, and good things. As we build our high speed trains we need to create jobs for people who are homeless right now. We need to help people go from being homeless to helping to build a high speed train, etc.
Tony V.