I unfortunately believe we won’t get a truly progressive president, House, or Senate until white voters stop balking at sharing with non-white people.
Say what? The essence of Capitalism is sharing. And it has nothing to do with the color of anyone’s skin.
The essence of capitalism is concentration of wealth, maximizing profit, not sharing it fairly.
That is a definition of Socialism or any of its permeations. Wealth concentrated in a central government, monarchy, etc to be shared only with its chosen people.
Henry Ford made black model T’s ; he got rich and ordinary people got a car they could afford.
Sam Walton made shopping affordable to rural folk and then to all of us.
Ray Kroc gave us cheap hamburgers and revolutionized the restaurant business.
Google founders opened the internet to the world. Steve Jobs gave us unprecedented computing power we could carry in our pockets. (And take beautiful pictures)
The money the rich invest or save is available to all of us to build a home or start a business, or chase a dream.
That is sharing in a way you obviously don’t understand.
And probably never will.