When there are homeless people all over, and when things are bad, instead of committing suicide, and instead of feeling helpless, we need to take ownership and fix things. The USA belongs to us. And not only can we fix things, but it is our duty as Americans to fix things.
There was a lady who my buddy Tom used to do charity work with, Darlene, and she saw the homeless people all over Orange County, and so she went to Washington DC and she got funding to help the mentally ill homeless people in Orange County, and she opened the Mental Health Association in Santa Ana. She also opened houses for the homeless people to live in. She took ownership and she took responsibility, and she helped the homeless, and she is still helping the homeless people right now.
And my buddy Tom, with my Uncle Dennis, and their crew, they raised over one million dollars to feed the hungry people, they raised money for a group named "Canning Hunger."
Instead of being helpless, we need to take ownership and we can help other people.
This is our country, and this is our planet, we need to take ownership and we need to take responsibility.
Tony V.