This is gonna piss off a lot of progressives. How you gonna call Biden a ‘neo-liberal’ as an epithet?
“Once you accept that what is good for overall global growth or even for the stock market is not necessarily good for the American worker, it becomes possible to envision a form of economic nationalism that guides U.S. behavior both at home and abroad. This seems to be what Biden has in mind with his plan for a “Made in All of America” agenda. The big investments he plans in infrastructure, education, health care, and research and development would be directed to U.S. firms to create jobs at home. A “pro-American worker tax and trade strategy” would “take aggressive trade enforcement actions against China” but also eliminate tax incentives for U.S. firms to move operations overseas.”
Only if they are more open to learning than their counterparts on the right.
But as I listen to
some of them go through their "all the same" bullshit for the umpteenth time, I find myself reminding myself of cognitive bias and that very few people are convinced by facts.
That includes progressives and smart people.
It's really infuriating.
I was, I confess, gratified last night - a long time liberal friend had reposted the meme about Nikki Haley having changed her names (first and last) to hide her ethnicity to make it easier to get elected as a Republican.
I explained that she's had the nickname (as it were) Nikki her entire life and that she took her husband's last name, just like my wife did, just like my friend posting the meme had, and just like Hillary Clinton had.
And finally, after I pointed out that making up a story to besmirch the character of an opponent really feels like a GOP kind of thing to do, she apologized, said she didn't mean to have done that, and removed the post.
But jeeeeeeeeeeez!
I want people to look things up before posting.
I want them to at least check after the first challenge.
And I want them to retract (as I did a few hours ago on the 17 year old's supposed rap sheet) upon looking at information that demonstrates that they are wrong.
And apparently this is way too much to expect of the vast majority of humans!