Back when George W. Bush first got elected as President, he wanted to bring us together in the Western Hemisphere, from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Chile, and W's first trip as President was to visit President Fox of Mexico. W was also the first President to visit Peru, and he visited Colombia a few times, and other nations here in the Western Hemisphere. Bush spoke about how we had some of the poorest people in the world right here in our own backyard, and he wanted to improve relations and trade here in the Western Hemisphere to help to pull people out of poverty, and Bush spoke about how we could all rise together, as we help our neighbors we too rise as we have better trade partners, and better allies. (You can never go wrong by strengthening your allies.)
Then 9/11 happened, and everything changed, and the focus and the money all went to the Middle East. George W. Bush went from focusing on the Western Hemisphere, to focusing on the Middle East, and terrorism, etc.
The focus never really went back to the Western Hemisphere. And now we have a President who hates the Mexicans, he does not have anything good to say about Mexico, and he does not seem to be interested in improving relations here in the Western Hemisphere, he is making relations worse not better.
(Here is a link about when Mexicans came to help the people of the USA after Hurricane Katrina hit... )
We need to make relations better here in the Western Hemisphere, and we need to improve trade, and we need to lift Latin America out of poverty, while the people of the USA rise right along with them, etc.
Tony V.