I have always known my strength as a citizen, and when I had uncles in prison, if I did not like the way that the prison was being ran, then I would write a letter to the warden telling the warden my thoughts on whatever the issue was.
One issue, was I did not like how the prisons were locking people down based on race, and they were dividing people up by race, and the prisons were perpetuating racism, all of the prisoners were turned into racists.
Some things that they do to control people in prison makes it really hard on the prisoners when they are released, and the things that they do to control them does not make them into nice people when they get out. Hardened criminals do not come out of prison healthy, unless they read the right stuff, and have friends who teach them the right stuff, and family who teaches them the right stuff, and therapists who teach them the right stuff, and teachers, and priests, and whomever can have a positive influence on the prisoners. And the prisons can be ran better, to reform the prisoners, so that they actually come out as better people and have better lives.
So, I wrote to the wardens and stuff, and I told them my thoughts. I actually felt like it made a difference, and you never know. At least I cared enough to write and give them my thoughts on the issues.
We all matter, and as citizens we all need to speak up on the issues.
Tony V.