Raquel Castaneda-Lopez, City Councilwoman of Detroit District 6 was live.
2 hrs ·
Overview of the Real Time Crime Ctr contracts before Council & the facial recognition software technology in use since 2017.
Raquel is against spending the money on the cameras with facial recognition, and she wants to put the money towards teaching arts to the children, etc.
Detroit used to have a great music industry, with Mo Town, and it is important to have music in the schools for the children.
The Arts contribute more than $760 Billion to the U.S. Economy right now.
In leadership training they taught me to put my resources towards my strengths, instead of putting my resources to the negative aspects. You gotta build your strengths, and in Detroit then music was once a huge strength, and music can still happen in Detroit.
I agree with Raquel, the money can be better spent on teaching arts to the children, and on other good positive things.
And the cameras with facial recognition might be unconstitutional. Anaheim voted not to have cameras at the street lights.
Tony V.