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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 487 488 [489] 490 491 ... 496
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 29, 2019, 11:17:30 PM »
Baltimore, that city that Trump promised to help, before he got elected, is going to be the host city for the GOP annual retreat.
Well, if they didn't have a problem with rat and rodent infestation before....

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 29, 2019, 03:09:08 PM »
   I am Anti-Sharia Law not Anti-Islam ......
The sole reason to make that comment about Omar is that she is a Muslim, and therefore supports "Sharia Law", whatever he thinks that is. That is a bigoted assumption and anti-Islam, no matter the deluded self denial.

Congresswoman Omar has said terrible things about our nation while refusing to condemn Radical Islam ......
Except, of course, she has denounced radical Islam. Her point has been, it is racist to demand constant denunciations from Muslims, and not others.
Her District is the #1 Terror Recruitment Spot in the entire Nation!”
And if true, would still be so had Phyllis Kahn been re-elected. But because Omar is a Muslim, you and your NJ Idol think that is relevant for her. Judging one by the beliefs of others is the soul of racism.


Not racist

Not misrepresenting

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 29, 2019, 12:16:40 PM »
When different races are involved in a discussion, it is race-related - not necessarily "racist" onsomeone's part

Know the difference.  Mr Leonard is a Trump Administration-supporting US war veteran.  And is showing his nationalism in advancing the President's message.
Advancing a racist message is racist.
Whether you are on his side of things or not, racism is not involved here when he makes statements against thepositions of Ms Tlaib and Ms Omar.
There is really nothing from your side you will not excuse, is there?

"How about eternal peace? There's a thought.."

- Eleanor of Aquitaine

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 29, 2019, 10:37:06 AM »
LOL Unless you ignore the wage increases which have largely benefitted the lower job holders.  The latest GDP number beat the forecasts due to increased consumer spending to the point of reaching its highest level of confidence since the Clinton years.

LOL at yourself, REDSTATEWARD.  More 3+ quarters of GDP growth and higher job growth under Obama but you think your contention that the economy only "took off" after Trump is supported by modest wage increases?  LOL again.

And look at what we have given for it.  Blowing up the deficit with tax cuts that amounted to giveaways to the wealthy, raping the environment while doing nothing about global warming (not even car makers want to follow Trump down that hole) allowing banks to run roughshod over consumers again, and trade wars that are doing permanent damage as China finds other sources for their goods, all so that we can have modest wage growth that is still below target and less than what would be expected in an economy that has been at or near full employment since before Obama left office.

Not to mention the argument that modest wage growth also justifies support for a racist dangerously unqualified "president" who is dividing the country while actively undermining democracy not just at home but abroad. 

Keep waiving that foam finger REDSTATEWARD! 

Actually, the latest numbers were lower than expected  because there was an economic contraction, which was overcome only by consumers rush buying before more tariffs kicked in.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 29, 2019, 02:19:12 AM »
And I prefer her letter to this crap. Don't you?

N.J. School Board Member: ‘My Life Would Be Complete’ If Rep. Rashida Tlaib Died

Vile deplorable racist some would say. Just a combat veteran trained to protect the country from its enemies others would exclaim.
Half would be right. Not your half.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 28, 2019, 11:27:13 AM »
You, and the democrats, are left seemingly longing for a recession as the Russian hoax continues to be an albatross around your necks.

Have to appreciate the skill of this troll; so much here the exact opposite of the truth, and in only one sentence!

When Obama was President and trying to pull the country out of recession Republicans constrained government spending, argued against lowering interest rates, and railed against QE. promised.)

The voters gave the government to the democrats in 2008 who promptly designed a bailout package beholding to their donors and forced us into ObamaCare. The voters rebelled in 2010.
It wasn’t until 2017 when republicans cut taxes and Trump slashed anti-business regulations that our economy began to take off again
Which explains the results of the 2018 election, when the voters rebelled again. Or the 2012 election. But then, you are fairly consistent in arguing that only the elections your side wins count.

And.of.course your main point is based on two huge lies. There has been no discernible positive impact from the tax cut. And the growth of the economy is almost precisely what it was during Obama's second term. Slightly worse on job growth. Arguing that Trump is responsible for our current economy is like arguing the workers who paint the car are responsible for the car.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 27, 2019, 10:36:43 AM »
I stand corected.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:29:24 AM »
Well, here we are...

2020 is the only way to remove Trump from office [/i]
Adam Schiff- erstwhile impeachment guru of the democrat party following the Mueller debacle before  Congress hearings.

Did you happen to notice the date of publication?
Yes.  Glad you asked. Maybe you are finally paying attention.

What does that even mean?
That Red posted an outdated article without realizing it and is trying to cover up with an obtuse comment. In the immortal words of David Byrne, same as it ever was.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 27, 2019, 01:33:04 AM »

The “ notorious RBG “ speaks;

Court packing through an act of Congress would be constitutional, as the Constitution does not mandate a specific number of Supreme Court justices. However, it would still undermine the stability of our republic while making the Supreme Court as partisan as could be, and it has historically been avoided for that reason.
If one party packs the court upon taking power, the opposing party could pack the court even more once it returns to power.
Democrats who support the practice are foolishly thinking about their short-term policy interests alone and suffering from tunnel vision.

Ginsburg further upset leftist radicals this week when she praised Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh as "decent and smart." Earlier in the month, she applauded Kavanaugh specifically because his staff is entirely female, and the Supreme Court now has more female law clerks than male law clerks for the first time in history.
There is a very important first on the Supreme Court this term, and it's thanks to our new justice, Justice Kavanaugh,"

Ginsburg's comments serve as a stark contrast to the absurd character assassination Kavanaugh faced from leftists last year.

Long may she live!

Trump said he found Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's testimony 'compelling' and called her 'a very credible witness'
LOL! The only thing she remembered, when asked, was she only had one beer!
Like many victims of.sexual assault, a lot of details faded over the years. But one detail she never forgot: the face of the man who tried to rape.her. i suspect the reason this surprises you is purely political.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:42:40 PM »

The “ notorious RBG “ speaks;

Court packing through an act of Congress would be constitutional, as the Constitution does not mandate a specific number of Supreme Court justices. However, it would still undermine the stability of our republic while making the Supreme Court as partisan as could be, and it has historically been avoided for that reason.
If one party packs the court upon taking power, the opposing party could pack the court even more once it returns to power.
Democrats who support the practice are foolishly thinking about their short-term policy interests alone and suffering from tunnel vision.

Ginsburg further upset leftist radicals this week when she praised Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh as "decent and smart." Earlier in the month, she applauded Kavanaugh specifically because his staff is entirely female, and the Supreme Court now has more female law clerks than male law clerks for the first time in history.
There is a very important first on the Supreme Court this term, and it's thanks to our new justice, Justice Kavanaugh,"

Ginsburg's comments serve as a stark contrast to the absurd character assassination Kavanaugh faced from leftists last year.

Long may she live!
In case there were any here who doubted Red's stunning lack of intellectual honesty,.the italicized quote after the RBG speaks is not a quote from her even though it is deliberately designed to appear that way. It is a quote from an editorial in the right wing Washington Examiner.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 26, 2019, 02:57:15 PM »
Schism? What schism?
I am reminded of Jeeves's aunt Annie. In Right Ho, Jeeves, Jeeves tells Bertie that whenever family disputes became unsolvable or reached a crisis point, they would invite their aunt Annie to visit. In the mutual antagonism spurred by her presence, all bad feelings in the family would be resolved.

Donald Trump is aunt Annie.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 25, 2019, 04:00:00 PM »
I am living proof that one can be born a Somali, raised as an anti-Semite, indoctrinated as an anti-Zionist—and still overcome all this to appreciate the unique culture of Judaism and the extraordinary achievement of the state of Israel. If I can make that leap, so perhaps can Ms. Omar.

Just more slander.  The assumption is that the fact that she is of Somali descent (her family moved from there when she was four) she has some built-in existing prejudice against jewish people that she has yet to overcome.

I believe she does
A statement that does not pass Hitchen's Razor.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:43:16 AM »
"I never had sex with that woman". He did but still was not impeached.
Yes he was you floundering oaf. Of course, that.was back when Republicans thought obstructing justice.was.a bad thing.
This is more about the starving and abused Latino children and their greedy relatives that the Donald is protecting us from? The presidential office needs some discretionary leeway.  He talked to Putin, isn't looking for peaceful solutions good? The precedence has been set, lose an election and throw an impeachment hissy fit.
It is worth noting several Republicans indicated in October of 2018 that they would support the impeac9of President Hilary Clinton.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:39:33 AM » his colonoscopy.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: July 23, 2019, 11:49:56 AM »
Congratulations to the new Prime Minister of United Kingston.

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