No 1 radio host writes today:
What sensible politician would write a national economic suicide note over carbon dioxide when it is 0.04 per cent of the atmosphere.
But of that 0.04 per cent, 90 per cent comes from natural sources.
The human content in the air is only 0.0016 per cent.
What the hell are we trying to achieve?
Joel Fitzgibbon, who exhibits some common sense on all of this, makes the very sensible point that China’s coal-fired generation grew by 38 gigawatts last year, equivalent to 19 Liddell Power Stations.
hina has 127 new coal-fired power plants in the pipeline; Indonesia, 52; India, 27; Japan, 22; and Vietnam, 17; and we are happy to export $70 billion of our coal so that they can have cheap electricity but deny that to Australians.
Can someone tell me how that makes sense?
And deny coal-fired power to Americans.